I’ll tell you right off: I nearly lost it a couple times in this wrenching and painful interview.
You may have heard Ryan Hamilton’s story and what happened to his wife after a terrible tragedy with their second child due to Texas abortion laws, but I hope you’ll take a listen.
As a man, a husband, and a father Ryan did everything he could to save his wife’s life when doctors and hospitals, fearful of crossing Texas’s draconian abortion laws, demanded she reach the edge of death before they’d treat her.
The trolling, abuse, threats, and cruelty in the aftermath launched from the MAGA mob are almost as horrendous as the experience itself
I hope you’ll listen to the fear and pain. I was deeply moved.
What Texas is done isn’t pro-life in the slightest.
One major reason we left Texas is I’ve a slight risk of ectopic pregnancy and I didn’t want to die due to this ignorance and a lack of care there. When I shared - as a pro life person at the time - my experience with miscarriage and subsequent concerns about draconian laws that will harm abuse victims as well as heap trauma onto bereavement, I was called a baby killer by ProLife Christian men online. The pro life movement in Texas is gaslighting vileness. Men like these should never be making decisions for anyone - they are nothing but brutes.
This is why, for millennials like me, the word Republican long ago became a synonym for the word heartless in any thesaurus.