I loved this …its like stuart stevens said the GQP is at war with the modern world

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Ok, I’m challenged. Grammatically for one. But I try

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A great distraction from the gravity of here and now. As long as Ron DeSatanass and the Entire despicable load are determined to tank us.

Superintendent Ron will promote his best practices. Who needs education?

Growing up my parents always voted for school bonds and levies because education for ALL mattered. Times have changed. We now battle those exercising the right to be remain stupid. And by gosh if Superintendent DeSatansass advocates for 2 day school week, better yet!

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Thanks to both of you for a thoughtful, intelligent discussion.

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I've turned off autodownload to avoid the ads for other podcasts. No other podcast I subscribe to sends me regular ads and it's sleazy and annoying

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