Put him in double secret probation!

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I'm always fascinated by what passes for logic in Trump's brain. I think in his mind, any accusation/indictment/conviction CAN'T be right, so it has to be a plot, weaponization, etc. He just starts with the axiom that he's innocent and great, and reasons from there.

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Absolutely! It's never gonna get old!!!

I'm sure the worms in his brain are squirming.

I'm sure the depends are getting filled.

I'm sure the family are cowering and hiding to avoid the screaming.

I'm sure the staff are drawing straws for who has to answer his screams for help.

And, I'm sure the voting Americans are watching. Waiting...

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That sentence would look great on billboards. . . .

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Thank you Rick. As always, perfectly put.

Why shouldn’t filthy insurrectionist Trumpler be removed from participation as a presidential candidate on all 50 state ballots? Don’t the same basic requirements apply? Err, ahem, like, perhaps, yes, that no insurrectionist may run for any office, from POTUS to dog catcher. THIS ISN’T HARD.

Abuse of American systems over the decades has created such a GD train wreck. We’ve so much to repair in this democracy with holes large enough to fly a plane through - as evidenced by continuing presence of sociopathic, psychotic, narcissistic, xenophobic, criminal, grifting, lying, gaslighter Trumpler and his spineless suckups and nazi followers. WTF AMERICA.


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What about all the members of congress who openly and covertly supported the insurrection? How do we impeach/remove/prohibit them from running for any public office in the future?

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Investigate, indict, convict. It’s comin’. 😎

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They sure have had 'a say' in who *wins* a presidential (Bush v Gore stop counting the votes) election.

It is absolutely about the 14th relevance to the office of president, you are correct. IMO to rule that the position of president is not an "office" would be crazy, but these are crazy times.

"No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability."

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Of course the president is an officer of government. He’s the CEO. 🤷🏼‍♂️😎

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Call me crazy, but if the SCOTUS chooses to rule on this, I think they will uphold it. If they kick it down to the Appellate Court they will uphold it. Justice Neil Gorsuch wrote an opinion previously in favor of exactly this question. The Colorado Supreme Court quoted Gorsuch in their ruling. 😎

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You made my day, Rick! Please make an LP ad for DJT and his MAGGAts saying "You're losing, they don't want you Donald, It is all over, etc"....and let's see Donnie really LOSE it for all to see. Thank you!

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“I’m sure Clarence Thomas has sent you his Venmo link already.” Brilliant. Unfortunately, probably true, but brilliant nonetheless.

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All 4 of the Republican candidates are screaming foul on SCOTUS saying that the SC does not have say in who runs for president.

My feeling is that they are being asked to rule on the content and context of Section 3 of the 14th Amendment of the Constitution regarding qualifications.

Anyway...what do you all think of their outcries?

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I think their outcries are a joke. If you incited, planned, encouraged, or participated in insurrection against the United States you are banned from ever holding public office. Full stop. They know it, and they know full well that Trump is guilty of it. Their perl clutching is performative bullshit to stay in Trumps good graces. Sickening. 😎

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Wow. Little Donny Johnny is crying in his Diet Coke tonight. Thanks, Rick!

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....and viciously throwing ketchup at the wall...a vision to behold!

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Very amusing Rick. Great job, maybe make this video into a ad that runs at Mara-Lago? He is already angry and his mental state is deteriorating. Why not help that process along? Make him change his depends multiple times over the holiday? Hell, he has ruined the Christmas season for millions for years, why not return the favor?

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I agree with all your points and there is no way the Fascist Court will deny him his his right to run for office. They’ll justify it on the same basis they handed the presidency to Dubya in 2000: The Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment in the U.S. Constitution.

And the old conservative court, even without a 6-3 majority (5-4 in 2000), ruled under Scalia’s twisted logic that, "irreparable harm" could befall Bush, as the recounts would cast "a needless and unjustified cloud" over Bush's legitimacy.”

As though, counting every legitimate vote would actually cast a “cloud” over Bush’s legitimacy? So instead, we just hand the presidency to a person who may or may not be legitimate; as to not hurt Bush’s feelings since he thinks he’s president. Not to mention, the irony in finding a constitutional way, to actually justify an unconstitutional action in the process.

In the end, tens of thousands of legitimate votes were never counted as per the constitution requireds. And to add insult to injury, the per curiam opinion limited its holding to the case of Bush V Gore. Shocker, it’s not even a precedent setting case. Imagine a case that set a new precedent, but in its ruling, the court says it isn’t?

So don’t expect this new and improved SCOTUS to rule any differently. The new fascists are just as bad as the existing one’s, and that court just made it up as they went along. Originalism my ass! The only thing original when it comes to Alito, Thomas and the rest of the judicial clown car is there is t even one original thought in their obtuse minds!

However, what worries me the most is that this case will galvanize his base further; even winning him new supporters and many of those who were sitting on the fence.

Trump will milk every drop of “victimhood” imaginable, and his right-wing media ecosystem and cadre of evil geniuses, morally bankrupt political consultants and demonic politicians, will continue to disseminate falsehoods and lies; spinning Trump’s crimes and turning him into a modern day saint.

And when SCOTUS allows him to run for President, he will claim total exoneration, innocence and vindication; proving he was innocent all along, and it’s the democrats and the deep state that are trying to silence him and stop him from being president because he represents the people; not the global elitists and Jewish cabal that control the media.

Bottom line: this will only help him down the road. This is the prefect definition of a Pyrrhic victory, and it might just propel him into the Whitehouse.

Just some thoughts...:)

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And the preposterous idea that The Governor, Bush HAD legitimacy is another fallacy in the "cloud" "logic".

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Or, DJT could just become more discombobulated and destabilized by this than he already is.

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That could happen, or Trump could behave even more erratically that he starts to turn off some number of his potential primary voters to decide to support a candidate with less drama?

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A girl can dream.

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Believe me, this guy is dreaming in a similar vein. Thinking/hoping that even if SCOTUS overturns this decision, they will rule against Trump in regards to unlimited Presidential immunity from criminal prosecution AND that they overrule Trump's appeal that his impeachment on his insurrection actions, prevent him from being tried in Federal Court for criminal charges for the same events (double jeopardy). But hey it would be great if they let Trump get excluded. Colorado law is Colorado law, and the "Conservatives" on SCOTUS believe in "state's rights", or whatever.

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That line, Rick!!! Just hook it to my veins!!

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This could set a precedent; if other states, particularly Super Tuesday states deny him the Primary, he’ll start an insurrection against the Judiciary and the GOP (“they’re all against poor me”). It’s the snake eating its tail.

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