
WOW! I'm late to reading this, but I'm so glad you wrote it. Quite the modest proposal...I kept waiting for him to say that he would need to stay president until everything was "fixed" which may be more than 4 years...

I hope people see and hear this frightening call.

xoxo Rick

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This seems to have way too many terrifying plausible lines for my taste, some exaggeration of course but honestly I can honestly see over 70% of that either being said or if not said, being done

Along with NATO I can also see ANZUS and AUKUS being dumped and I’m not seeing anyone in Australia mentally prepared for that possibility, especially in our national security community that sees the US Alliance as a sacred text and are mentally incapable of preparing for a world where we are no longer protected by the US nuclear umbrella

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This view from Scotland.

To err is human. In 2016 the American people inexplicably voted for a monster.

Four years later 74 million souls did the awful deed again - more votes than any other President in history. Except Biden.

Now, in 2024, it is the last chance saloon for this very sorry world.

The unthinkable is becoming ever more likely & the time for decisive & dramatic action is now.

Biden should step down on health grounds - no shame in that (it's what most of us have to look forward to). KH isn't fit for purpose so find two women of the highest calibre & mount the campaign to end them all then fight like its DDay. No woman should ever vote for a rapist. No man should ever vote for a man who refers to a war veteran as a loser

I'd say good luck but you must not leave it to that.

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As dark as that was,it sounded optimistic for Trump. God, people need to wake up.

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FWIW: Another look into a Trump future: "Staring into the nightmare: What would life be like under a Trump dictatorship?"


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I think one thing would be different: As Trump is accusing Biden of theft, US soldiers in uniform appear, and take the Bidens, Hillary if she's there, and Merrick Garland into custody as Saddam Hussein did to his opponents when he took over Iraq. The dark vision you laid out is all so terrifyingly possible.

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Anyone voting for trump because gas prices were higher or because they believe that he is a successful businessman or because they believe aborting a fertilized egg or deformed fetus is murder or because they believe he was sent by God or they believe rich people should pay less tax than the rest of us or they believe that he is a patriot or they believe that he can force himself on women against their will or they believe that there are Democrats in the basement of a pizza parlor promoting sex with children or that they can threaten others with assault and battery or that our love interest is wrong or that autocracy should replace democracy are an abomination (Leviticus 1776:2024).

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This speech is everything that Trump is. Remember that one of the most powerful tools to defeat Trump is right wing demoralization. It works. At your local level, humiliate Trump at every turn. Laugh about his shallow intellect. Tell your fiends, colleagues, co-workers that he’s a Nazi clown and that you’re supporting Joe Biden. The reaction is always the same, silence. It lets MAGA know they are not popular. Demoralization at the local level, spreads nationally.

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This is how Biden should start the SOTU tonite. He takes the podium and when the clapping stops the lights dim, and a screen drops down, the words SOTU Jan 6th 2021 appear and then he plays 3-5 minutes of the carnage that day. Lights go back on and he starts "We sit here tonite where both parties present were in harms way that day running for their lives as the mob stormed this building and this chamber, and yet one party here tonite has chosen to support the one man responsible for the events that day. That day was their SOTU tonite is ours."

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You need to start writing novels…this seems so realistic and believable that it terrifies me.

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Have you seen “Talk Show the Game Show?” (TV Series) Get the gang back together and make new episodes with politics! Karen Kilgariff is the BEST KAREN OF ALL TIME 🎭🙏💫 (I’ve adopted her, she doesn’t know it, but she did call ME Joyce on MY Favorite Murder episode 196, The Baddest of Them All.)

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Thanks Rick but the actual address would likely be much worse. The gloves come off and the full force of the Executive Branch will be unleashed.

Donald Trump, 45th President of the United States:

"You can grab 'em by the pussy."

2016: "The election will be rigged."

2020: "The election will be rigged."

2024: "The election will be rigged."

"Crooked Joe Biden is destroying our nation."

“The greatest threat is not from the outside of our country – I really believe it is from within.”

“We pledge to you that we will root out the communists, Marxists, fascists and the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country."

Compare with Abraham Lincoln, 16th President of the United States.

From his First Inaugural Address:

"We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory, stretching from every battlefield and patriot grave to every living heart and hearthstone all over this broad land, will yet swell the chorus of the Union, when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature."

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Seems like a valid forecast if Trump gets elected. Trump has amplified the idea that GOP isn’t responsible for anything; and they blame anyone but themselves for everything. Dark days ahead.

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That was great! However, it didn’t really sound like tRump because he can’t put that many complete sentences together. 🤪

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Tess McGill called 📞

I follow the other Mr. Wilson (Rainn) on Instagram. There’s a nexus between Soul Boom and your writing, however far apart it seems. Check out “Rainn Wilson and the Geography of Bliss”, episode 1. History, sagas, anti-fragile resilience 🙏✨💫

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