Libertarianism is, I suggest, just a made-up-out-of-whole-cloth synonym designed solely to obfuscate hypocrisy and selfishness.

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" Be a winner, vote for me", said ole yam teats the LOSER ...who twice never won the popular vote and who backed a scad of losing candidates in local, state and federal elections between 2018 - 2022. Remember 'the red wave?' Can't wait to see who he backs in 2024, the ones that will lose along with him. Beware MAGA candidates his endorsement is the kiss of death...jus' sayin'...

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Ohhh— Rick, glad to know you have recovered from your recent illness.

“Atlas Shrugged” is a turgid literary piece of claptrap that seems to be an inspiration to 13 year old children who don’t have a clue what a functioning society is all about. At least the libertarians did the right thing in jeering the Mango Assiolini. Trump’s shambolic fascism needs to tossed onto the ash-bin of history.

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Rick, thanks for the Ron Paul, Ayn Rand, crypto paragraph. Agree 100%.

I have been waiting for Trump to implode for 9 years now. I have lost hope, but we can all pray and dream. I cannot imagine what it will take for him to do that, and for some of his cultists to believe it, and I am not even sure what I mean by implode. This fever dream we have been living has to change somehow. Please please let him go somewhere far far away, whether an Alzheimer’s unit, or Russia or prison or not heaven. We need a certifiable unequivocal absolute mental breakdown, or something. Pray for a miracle in that regard.

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I read about this briefly in the NYTIMES yesterday but I didn’t believe it was that bad for him. Wow it makes me wonder what kind of toll that would take on the man— after all he is human. Being a complete narcissist could make it roll off his back for a little while at least. But I bet by the end there was some sign of shame that might have been just a twinge. Maybe he just yelled a lot apres fiasco and blamed everyone. Maybe he didn’t sleep so well. Truth is even if he had a major heart attack there are a bunch of Trompo wannabes like that hillbilly guy who’d jump in. Our country will never be the same.

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Wait - in his speech Trump says he will get rid of the Department of Education? He'll turn education back to the states?? "Let no child be left behind" has turned into "fuck you kids if you're from, oh I don't know..Arkansas, West Virginia, Louisiania, Mississippi....."

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Trump doesn't care one way or the other. It's those Project 2025 POS. All they have to do is say, "We love you, sir" (with tears in their eyes, mind you), and he'll let them run roughshod over No Child and any federal program that remains after SCOTUS guts Chevron next month.

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Tragically, the number of people who do not think for themselves has grown in leaps and bounds, or so it seems. I couldn’t discern whether audience was cheering or jeering. Gather the silence represented polite disagreement. Makes sense that traditional Libertarians may find home with RFK, JR.

Today, that sounds preferable. The greater number of people who can exit the room, without following victim to Trump’s trance the better. And trance he does so well.

It’s remarkable Biden can do Everything wrong, without fail. That is amazing! Don’t sell short

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Rick, I lean Libertarian, too…up to a point. And that point is best expressed by Will Wilkinson of the Niskanen Center, a DC Libertarian think tank.

Wilkinson makes the best libertarian argument for government that works “for the many, not the few,” in his column in this paper from Dec. 2017:

“Because the poor vastly outnumber the propertied rich — so the argument goes — if allowed to vote, the poor might gang up at the ballot box to wipe out the wealthy. As Daron Acemoglu of M.I.T. and James Robinson of Harvard show in “Why Nations Fail,” ruling elites in pre-democratic states arranged political and economic institutions to extract labor and property from the lower orders. That is to say, the system was set up to make it easy for elites to seize what ought to have been other people’s stuff.

In “Inequality and Democratization,” the political scientists Ben W. Ansell and David J. Samuels show that this demand for political inclusion generally isn’t driven by a desire to use the existing institutions to plunder the elites. It’s driven by a desire to keep the elites from continuing to plunder *them.*”

Nice to see that the Libertarian Party sees Former Guy for what he is: a plunderer of anyone outside of the billionaire club.

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He even plunders the billionaires, given the opportunity. Everybody.

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I think that it was more to insure that they DON'T vote for Biden than that they would vote for him.

If you look at it from Dumpty's upside down way of thinking, it would be spot on.

You get them to hate him more, they double down on voting for their own candidate in the General Election, instead of using their minds and voting against Trump by voting for Biden. All total, a win-win for him, even if he had to take some boos to get that to happen.

And him supporting that scum, Ross is also spot on for him...

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Libertarianism is what you get for the life that has everything. An intellectual gadget for first world dilettantes. Attractive to the politically and historically obtuse, pleased with a fantasy foundation for living in their secure, warmed and watered homes; demanding their share of society off the top and at cut rate. The idea that a modern nation, or any nation, could function on libertarian principles is ludicrous.

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Libertarian: a system of social organization that is perfect for 100 highly knowledgeable and committed individuals.

Until the first one of them figures out how easy it is to "get over" on the other 99.

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"Libertarianism is what you get for the life that has everything."

That's really good! I'm going to use it at the first opportunity, and I already have at least one target in mind.

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My high school had political conventions that were filled with funny hats and rubber chickens. They were too silly for too serious me back then. Silly girl. Tricks are for politics. And Roger Stone. I’m reposting this with a picture of our 1977 convention; please supply your own Star Wars cantina music.

I heard the Secret Service confiscated rubber chickens at the convention last night. We’re in the political Uncanny Valley where the very silly is real. I got no moral for this story, except that we’re inside a giant Monty Python skit, inside a Truman Show-esque reality tv game show and I’m deliriously singing 🎶I’ve been through the desert on a horse with no name🎶

I blame the Kardashians.

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Both groups are chocked full of antisocial personalities, including, in cells, narcissists, sociopaths and sadists.

Donald and his handlers, thought he could fit right in. But there are two kinds of people in the world, and they are givers and takers. The givers do not like takers. The takers do like givers. " Takers do not like each other"! Ding ding ding ding. Only two givers can make love, happiness joy and peace happen.

The takers are good at destroying and complaining. United they stand and divided they fall. The truth is a good wrecking Ball to be used on liars! Reaching the cockroaches is the problem. Low cost television ads on antenna television. Western movie channels, 1960s sitcoms, sporting events, religious programming... Will be a way to pinpoint some truth bombs on them! Thank God for the Lincoln project! We cannot rely on the mainstream media, they seem to want a dictatorship.

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“Don’t allow the worst president in history to come back and do the final destruction of our country.”

I think we can all agree with that anyway. I look forward to Trump addressing the Green Party. I think he can absolutely pick up some votes there.

Maybe constantly troll them about only getting 3% and losing elections, too. I think he should’ve used the word libertarian a little more, tho. And do that Jerry Lewis thing he did on ‘nomination.’

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Great start to my day, thanks Rick

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Christmas in May. Thanks, Donny.

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I was waiting for you take on Bob Kennedy’s chickens and the near fisticuffs with the MAGA horde that tried to take over the convention seating. And were thrown out by the actual Libertarian convention delegates. What a circus. I’m just wondering how much additional damage this might have done to Trump’s narcissistic ego. Yes campaign heads will roll and that’s good. I’m actually surprised by those MAGA world types claiming this was a rousing success (Mike Lee?).

Looking forward to events this week both NYC and what may happen in Florida

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I heard there were more MAGA delegates than the crowd at Obama's inauguration!

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