Thank you for this salute to President Biden. The contrast with the former disastrous administration could not be more intensely glaring, because Biden knows how to surround himself with highly competent professionals. Thanks also for the work that you and your incredible media team do on behalf of saving democracy. I’ve been a lifelong Democrat, but I credit the Lincoln Project with helping to sweep Trump out of office; now, if only we could sweep him entirely off the planet.

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Nobody gets it all right but what a relief to have a highly experienced, reality-based President who reclaimed the title of "Leader of the Free World" in 2021 after narcissist trump joined the Axis of Evil. https://samray.substack.com/p/middle-eastern-quicksand-and-axioms

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I don't know if this is the forum for political strategy, so if someone tells me to stop I will.

I think that Biden's chances of winning the election with Harris are diminished. Trump on the other hand could pick Adolph Hitler (or his great, great grandson) as his running mate, and his chances wouldn't be harmed.

The question then, if not Harris then who. For a while I fantasized about a ticket with Newsome and Cheney. I don't actually think that would work. My top 2 choices now are Cheney and Pritsker. Pritzker has a great agenda and he is filthy fucking rich. He is the wealthiest US politician. For domestic policy he is great. Foreign policy, unknown. He ain't Donald Trump. He pays for his own chartered jets when he travels on state business, and he does not own the companies that own them. He is huge on women's rights as well as all the things that Trump has supported with consistent lip service. If the Democrats could take back the house, I think she would keep the trains running on time. If god forbid, something happens to Uncle Joe, I think she would be the best of all options to handle foreign policy. We might not like it as much, but she would continue to clean up the mess with Hamas and Russia. The dilemma with her is, how many democratic votes be lost because of her performance before the Jan 6th committee. She was very conservative, but obviously nothing like the fucking idiots who think they are god's gift to the Republican party. Biden might pick up some dissatisfied Republicans, but the question is would there be a net gain over the democrats he loses.

Whereas I am in total agreement with Rick's preference for wisdom over youthfulness. I am concerned about Biden's health. I loved watching and listening to him since this thing started in the mid-east. I am beginning to wonder if he has Parkinson's. He looks like, which doesn't mean that he does. Even though I have young (not younger, but young) pt's who tell me I look younger than my age, I frequently look in the mirror and think, there is an old man that has been rode hard and put away wet a time too often. I'm still a recovering adolescent so I think I should look younger. Apparently I had too much fun.

I hope to god I am wrong about Biden. I loved Barack Obama, and still do. I think Biden is more presidential than Obama, and certainly more than everyone since maybe LBJ, maybe Eisenhower, maybe Truman, and maybe even since FDR. Johnson may be disqualified because of Viet Nam. His strength seemed to be with domestic policy. I'm totally undecided about Kennedy. I was in high school when he was murdered. All I can remember was that people really liked him. I can't say much about his domestic or foreign policy. The Bay of Pigs may have hurt a little bit.

I'll share my last fantasy and then I will shut up. I think the Biden campaign should pay Rick Wilson for the rights to use his last 2 or 3 videos. 1-2 million seems very reasonable. I believe Rick is a registered "not a Republican", which doesn't disqualify him for doing a democratic campaign. He is already telling us that Biden is the guy. Who better than Rick to say it to what's left of the republican party?

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I just heard Biden's remarkable oval office address. He may be an old man, but as you said in an address from your porch several days ago, there is a lot to be said for wisdom, and Uncle Joe has it. He said many of the things that every presidential candidate has said, and then some. However, unlike other presidential candidates, he actually means and believes what he says. Most Democrats don't know all that he has accomplished with control only of the Senate. Yes he called Netanyahu president and not prime minister, but at least he knows where Israel, Gaza, and Iran are on the map, and he knew it before a week ago last Saturday. Trump's motto is the same as the same as that of the fake news. If you can't handle reality, make up shit. If only cooler minds could prevail.

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I sent this link to a skeptical friend who is hard of hearing, and decided to type up a (draft) transcript. Here you go:

"Hey everybody, wanted to take a couple minutes to talk about Pres Biden’s trip to Israel, and why I think it is symbolic and exemplary in so many ways about what a genuine American leader can be. Look, there have been great American foreign policy leaders on both sides of the political divide. But the contrast to Donald Trump who spent his time either sucking up to foreign dictators and authoritarians, or behaving as if NATO was a protection racket, or generally embarrassing the country in front of the world… It is such a contrast when you see Joe Biden stand in a room with Israeli paramedics and the family members of some of the victims of the Hamas attack - and show compassion and sympathy and engagement with them.

You expect that from Joe Biden, he’s a guy with a heart, he’s a guy with a BIG heart. And you know, a former Republican senator once told me, “You know Joe Biden and I disagree on every single issue, but I want that man at every single wedding, funeral, and retirement party in the world, because he loves people, and people love him back.” And so he had this connection today - what you saw this morning in some of the video stream coming out of Israel, that I thought was enormously important.

But this is also a president who has gone over there as the Commander-in-Chief. He’s also gone over there because Americans are being held hostage, and Americans have been killed in the region. And he’s standing by our ally, Israel, in this thing. He has capably represented the country, and not gone over as a clown, or an embarrassment, or a fool - which frankly Trump was all those things rolled into one. It varied from day to day, which one he would display the most.

You’ve also seen Biden very capably sit down with Netanyahu and his war cabinet to lay out what America’s values and goals here are. You've also seen him now come out and put the lie to the Hamas story that Israel bombed a hospital.

Folks, if nothing illustrated it more, yesterday - there’s a horseshoe on the far extreme left and the far extreme right that comes together whenever they get a chance to hate Jws, and to hate Israel. It was certainly remarkable - the idea that Israelis would deliberately bomb a hospital. It was a glove-fit for a propaganda model that terrorist groups around the world would use for a long time. It didn't have the ring of truth yesterday. I didn’t comment on it because there weren’t a lot of facts - but there was a lot of noise. But it was interesting to see how quickly MAGA extremists who supposedly love Israel were repeating Hamas talking points and Hamas propaganda.

But to get back on what the president has accomplished on this trip so far:

It’s also the second time that Joe Biden - the “feeble old man Joe Biden” that they ridicule on the far right - has gone into a war zone; has gone into a place where there are rockets falling; where there are attacks continuing right this minute.

None of this is the sort of thing Donald Trump would do.

Let’s not forget, Donald Trump refused to go to the American military cemetery in France because it was raining, and they were “suckers and losers,” and he didn't want to get his hair wet, he didn't want his wig to sag.

But Joe Biden’s willing to go out there and show the moral and physical courage to be a great American leader. He is really setting a different standard. This is something that Democrats have lost races on for a long time - “they’re the party of weakness and capitulation”.

No! Actually, he’s [Biden] displaying that right now, he is in the great Democratic tradition, of strong Democratic foreign policy presidents. This is an amazing moment. You should really keep watching this trip because I think it is really important. And I frankly think Joe Biden has made America proud.

Thanks, talk soon."

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Have to say it’s weird reading and watching from the point of view of a Democrat. I love Joe for all the reasons you talk about. Seems sad to be nearly apologetic in your talking about him, asking others to see what is so obvious to so many. In todays world, I salute your crossing the line. I’m here to meet you. 👯‍♀️❤️💙

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But Rick, Biden is old! He's drooling and senile!

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I'm so impressed with Biden. And proud.

People of Ukraine and people of Israel will remember for decades that the American President came, at risk to his own life, and stood with them while they were under attack.

The haters are going through some things, but most of all, the aware ones regret that they chose the wrong side.

The former President made the world question the value of an American alliance. And it's a fair point - America has proven they can elect a person who has no since of commitment or honoring promises if he didn't make them himself - and less if it was made by his partisan opposite. So that is a concern moving forward. Especially when the MAGA element of politics also does not value the word of America on the world stage. They don't even value their own word, as shown by the recent House debaucles - even causing the US credit rating to slip due to uncertainty that they will honorably fulfil their commitments.

So, it is with great pride in America and the President that I view his actions. Biden has shown that America can be as strong and committed an ally if the right leadership, the real American leadership, is chosen to run our Democracy. This is not a partisan issue. It may seem like it, but until recently, it was unthinkable that a Republican President would have taken the course that Donald Trump did and led most of the party along.

Thankfully, for America, and for the world, and even for Republicans - Joe BIden chose to come out of Retirement and apply his vast experience, wisdom, kindness, and empathy to setting a shining example of both what American leadership can be, and what an American President should be.

And to counter some of the hateful things I've heard all day long, I'd like to share 3 quotes, from Biden himself - from today:

1) I have come to Israel with a simple message: You are not alone. As long as the United States stands – and we will stand forever – you will not be alone.

(Wow, can you imagine the last one saying or even thinking anything like that? of course not)

2) Let me make myself clear: The vast majority of Palestinians are not Hamas. And Hamas does not represent the Palestinian people.

3) I just announced $100 million for humanitarian assistance in Gaza and the West Bank. This money will support over 1 million displaced and conflict-affected Palestinians. And we will have mechanisms in place so this aid reaches those in need – not Hamas or terrorist groups.

Compassion, commitment, empathy, resource, humility, and humanity.

Yes, I am so impressed. And proud.

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Biden is a Neocon Zionist war monger. He lies even more than Neocon George Bush. Plus unlike Bush he's not hiding the Zionist agenda.

Free Palestine.

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I think this every day watching President Biden who knows what needs to be said and needs to happen. I know next to nothing about this new book called, “The Last Politician”, But i keep thinking, I hope not.

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Yes, he’s made America proud

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Yeah, he’s 80. So what? He’s healthier than a lot of guys a generation younger and has more experience in government than any other POTUS in history. In situations like this, it shows. I have my policy differences with him, but I also recognize he’s the best man for the job at hand. And he’s still goofy Uncle Joe - his fake exprsession of empathy for Jordan on AF1 earlier (there was stunned silence) was a brilliant Sike! on the press.

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Oct 18, 2023Liked by Rick Wilson

Thank you, Rick, for standing up for President Biden. His actions demonstrate the benefits of his age are his wisdom, his depth and breadth of experience and knowledge.

I'm so angry at the MSM for not speaking about everything President Biden has accomplished, and only about his age, and wearing tennis shoes! I wish you, and the other LP folks, could get on the ABC, CBS or NBC nightly news shows and talk to people who might be watching the only news they hear for the day.

Not everyone is news junkies like us.

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Thanks for this, Rick. I agree that Biden's trip to Israel is in the same company as other American Presidents like FDR, Eisenhower, and Reagan's speech at the Berlin wall. Donald Trump would never go into an active war zone, since he has been avoiding war zones since the 1960's.

I hope that Biden is re-elected, we cannot tolerate another term of Trump's preening, pretending and fouling our national reputation at home or on the world stage. I am glad that Biden is returning the U.S.A. to a place of standing for and standing with other democracies in their time of peril.

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Absolutely right.

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Oct 18, 2023Liked by Rick Wilson

Thank you for this, Rick. I finished your excellent podcast episode with Bandy Lee right before I read this Substack post. (For any who haven’t heard it: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/rick-wilsons-the-enemies-list/id1650861232?i=1000631707892 )

The contrast between Biden and the probable Republican nominee couldn’t be made more stark than it is in the juxtaposition of the LP video and your podcast.

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I'm old enough to remember the Presidency of Dwight Eisenhower, who was an outstanding president. I see Biden's Presidency as the best since Eisenhower. His long and varied experience in goverment is key - he knows how to work with others, who may have different political views, to get important things done for the good of the country. I hope he will be re-elected along with a Congress that is able to work with him rather than against him. He may be old, but I am older and realize that with age comes wisdom and patience.

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