“Au contraire, parking lot lawyer.” I love it!

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Trump is a bully and a coward, and like all bullies and cowards once they are confronted about their awfulness, he is showing how much of a coward he is by reneging on testifying, because he knows he can't bullshit his way through testimony after his own "lawyer" is done questioning him. Once the state attorney begins, he knows he is in for a grilling that his hero/mentor/fellow coward and traitor Roy Cohn used to do, and then his defense is cooked. I so want to see him finally get his comeuppance in the public arena, because then his disciples heads will explode.

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Rick, your article is spot-on. Look at the number of people who have been charmed by Trump in person, then suffered his nasty comments online and in speeches. He is too cowardly to handle face-to-face dissent or confrontation, but trash-talks from his comfort zone. Remember how he attended a world leaders meeting (was it G7 or NATO?), left it early while they were deciding the wording of the joint resolution, then declared from Air Force One, on his way back, that he wouldn't be signing on it. Utter craven cowardice.

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Chicken Al FREDDO.

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What has horrified me all along is not this sad sack joke of a man, but the willingness of the political cowards (national and INTERNATIONAL), con artists, opportunists and real-life Bond villians to go along with his charade-all for power, greed and dominance.

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Frankly, I think Trump being referred to, somewhat graciously, as a "man," is problematic. "Man-child" maybe; although that could be over-shooting, too.

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Trump is a fraud and loser, plus a cancer on our republic and democracy.

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The reason Donald is not a coward is because cowardly behavior is a choice. Donald has no choice in how he behaves. You could even say he’s “possessed” which is an accurate description. All his actions are twofold. To appear to be GREAT and to be THE BEST and to AVOID HUMILIATION and negative scrutiny at all cost.

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The possessing entity is the furious, humiliated child. There’s an enormous amount of power there because his ancient pain was so devastating.

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He is fear-driven. His driving thought is: I can’t let them find out (who I am).

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Being subjected to high Court is his worst nightmare.

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Right on about Humpty Trumpty again! Please write another book. Everyone who has been indicted along side of the great orange rind Trump should be given an ex post facto copy of "Everything Trump Touches Dies".

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Hear, hear!!! 👏👏👏

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Apologize if this comment appears twice, but I loved the comment about attorneys morphing towards Melania, which I also noticed a while ago. But even more, they all look like they stepped out of the Robert Palmer video for "Addicted to Love" https://youtu.be/XcATvu5f9vE?si=in5dFiwEKQGfiJGm

Trust me, you will never look at his attorneys again without this running through your head. And I guarantee you that this is one of Trump's favorites (from 1985, perfect for someone in the throes of arrested developed).

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Dear Lord Santa: All I want for Xmas is for the bad orange monster to be put in a psychiatric facility. Amen 🙏✨⚖️💫🇺🇸

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How could I not love a post that includes the word concatenate?

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Hey Rickster ~ It's always such a pleasure to read you! My favorite line: "The truth of his smallness." Hahahaha! That's the entire article distilled to one sentence, an idée fixe! ~ @BigMikesDavid from Twitter

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Trump must really be shaking in his boots today after learning Jack Smith had made a filing with the court. Smith has Trump’s cell phone from WH days particularly Jan 6 time period. I can’t wait to see what that info reveals. Apparently 3 expert witnesses will testify to his and crowd members movements on that day.

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Brilliantly articulated and so funny, Rick! Thank you!

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