I think she's just rehearsing for 2028, frankly, and getting a useful practice run. I do find your insight that she's propped up by credulous buffoons amusing. Donors Are Dumb is my new mantra.

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She is too much of a blatant opportunist for me.

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As Paul Krugman maintains, I don't believe Nikki is very moderate in any sense of the word: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/27/opinion/nikki-haley-social-security.html

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Don't you think Nikki is running a "hope Trump dies, goes to jail, or whatever" campaign? It does nothing unless one of those things happen and she can't admit it, of course. Still, if he lives long enough to release the load on her, she will have a hard time coming back in politics in this lifetime.

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Everything depends on Trump appearing to be a force. Trump is all about and only about appearances.

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“...and they’ve realized that Trump gains strength in the GOP primary the more Republican voters know about his endless criminality. “

Who is the they who has realized this?

My mind refuses to believe this statement. Mainly because it’s the strongest statement the fascists can make to suck a vote out of the undecideds.

I think people are actually and continually parachuting in droves out of his burning plane.

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That is some impressive writing, Rick Wilson.

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Tracy Flick meets Eve Harrington does stand out as quick on the draw, but the party that has embraced sex offender and sexist extraordinaire is not likely to vote for a woman however polished she might be. Nor will trump choose her as VP, since deep down he knows she’s smarter than he is, not a high bar, but one that limits the field.

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Hmm? the Nikki Bubble? It should be interesting to see what happens. She had one shining moment as our UN Ambassador when she pushed back on White House critics who said she "must have been confused" concerning new Russian sanctions. She came back with, "All due respect, I don't get confused." Well, not so bad. But after that nothing shining happened again. The knee bending and groveling began. Perhaps if she remembers how give assertive clapback it could be fun to watch her deal with Trump. However, whatever happens, Nikki is on the wrong side of history for me right along with the entire GOP. Thanks, Rick, for the very interesting run down on all of this.

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Nov 28, 2023Liked by Rick Wilson

Interesting thought experiment. The MAGA crowd won’t buy her and cannot see the Rs or Independents moving over. So her constituents are limited. Her skill set is non existent. So her only purpose is a straw for DJT. And the latest pundit heartthrob

I do wish the media would pay attention to the authoritarian move. They’re failing us there.

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So it's Nikki if Trump goes to jail or found guilty?

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It will be fun to watch trump lose his mind over......Wait, trump has a mind?

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lol...- -ish.

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Many thanks......I needed those replies! I am so into politics that I cannot see clearly at times - I read so much and it can get so discouraging 😩

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correction: I am sure that Steve Schmidts jumping ship from Biden to the MInnesota guy (can't remember his name at the moment) IS making you think that you can do the same thing......

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Again, Trump gives the spotlight to no one else. He doesn’t have the political smarts to see how a Haley VP pick would benefit him. His connection to the political realm is at its most reptilian level, not due to political sophistication. He has none. As for Steve Schmidt, that’s the first I have heard he is backing Phillips. Then again, I have not put as much stock in him as compared to other former GOP politically-adjacent people because he nearly gave us Sarah Palin as VP. Was appalled after watching, then reading, “Game Change.” The only credit I can give on that score is that Palin was so new to the political scene, it may have been hard to vet her even if they had tried to do a full job of it. Instead it was stunt casting. Just not understanding how someone who should know so much better would seek to split the Dem vote and give Trump a win. Yeah. Well. Still planning to vote Biden...don’t care if he were 101 instead of 81. Did you see what the Netherlands just did? The Netherlands! So overrun by the Nazis in the 40s just elected a plurality candidate with Trumpist qualities! It scares me Trump himself could genuinely be re-elected. We will no longer be a Republic with democratic ideals. We will be a land of 50 fiefdoms loyal to an overlord named Trump!

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I so hope not. And his name is Dean Phillips. He is another rich white guy with 2 terms in the US House and little to show for it. But hey, he is going to run for President and cast slings and arrows against the extremely competent and experienced incumbent because.....why? Word on the street is that his funding comes from the dark side. The current ads in NH and D.C. are nauseating. Steve Schmidt has Phillips channeling JFK. To quote Lloyd Benson, “You’re no Jack Kennedy”. In the fight of our lives to hold on to our democracy, Schmidt decides to help Phillips follow in the steps of challengers to the incumbents in 1968 and 1980. And now did that work out? We got Nixon and Reagan. If trump wins, there will be a special place in the hell realm for Dean and Steve.

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Oh I hope not.

I don’t like Nikki one bit. So disingenuous about abortion. “Oh we don’t have the votes to ban abortion (yet) so let’s stop talking about it (until we do have the votes to ban it forever)”. In the parentheses are the quiet parts that she doesn’t say out loud.

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Niki Haley dumped his administration and her UN post in 2018, ostensibly for family time, but really to prepare for this moment. Trump wants meekness and servitude from those surrounding him. When polls show that Haley is a better candidate against Biden, I don’t believe he would make her VP. Besides, I don’t see her as being as submissive as Pence was. She would want a serious portfolio of her own and his guarantee she would be his successor. Except he plans on being dictator for life and from the great beyond if at all possible. At minimum to keep the Presidency as a small family business he can once again corrupt for his family’s benefit. Biden is the only option. Just hope the smaller cadre of voters that are currently enamored with RFK Jr or might become enamored if there is a Manchin-??? ticket later wake up to the reality that a split Blue vote is a win for Trump. Afraid we are at another moment of existential crises in our politics: a psychotic, vengeful madman in Trump, or the competency and common-sense of an 81-year-old Biden. I will vote for the latter, thanks much.

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Got a bad feeling here Rick - as another former republican who has not committed to the dem party yet.....but I am SO close; if anything I will forever be an independent. However, in my state to be an election judge, one has to register as R or D, so in 2022 I registered as D.

The main reason I am responding is that I was introduced to you through LP, and I am feeling like you may jump ship if darling Nikki achieves her goal - wins the first few primaries over Trump. I am sure that Steve Schidt's jumping ship from Biden isn't making you think that you can do the same thing, because it all seems so self serving and untruthful; I really hope I am wrong, but the vibe was so strong that I have to put you on the hotplate..........

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Nope. All in for Biden. Ride or die.

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This is going to be quite a ride.

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