Damn, I wish any of this is what had happened at the debate. The person who can beat Trump is the one that follows Rick's advice in this post.

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Thanks rick . Why don't you attend a rally with joe to show your support. He needs all he can get..democracy needs you.

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Can we start over again? 🤦🏻‍♀️

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Please, Please tell me someone on Biden's Team has seen your amazing suggestions and he has been debate prepping them.

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Much simpler way to handle. Biden says he’s mostly not going to talk and will let Trump hang himself. THIS COULD BE A BRILLIANT STRATEGY AND YOU CAN GET IT TO BIDEN!!!!!

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JVL (The Bulwark) made an excellent point about C-suite types like Jamie Dimon, Schwartzman, et al. Their support of Trump is rooted in hedging a number of bets, some strictly financial, but the deepest one is pure fear. They know that if they openly support Biden, and Trump wins, he (Trump) will make their lives hell. If Biden wins, he won't take it personally, or seek retribution.

I pray Biden finds a way to take this key point -- that this raging, decompensating mediocrity could engender fear, in anyone -- and say that part out loud. A la, "You use threats, division-stoking, and chaos to create fear. Only the weakest and neediest of men do that."

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If Jamie Dimon and the others were familiar with 20th-century central and Eastern European history, they would know that the biggest danger for successful businesses in a dictatorship/kleptocracy--even for those owners who had always supported the dictator--is the confiscation of profits and often the businesses themselves. But they're probably not. So they're hedging their bets way more than they realize.

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Please find a way to get the president’s people to READ this, you are genius at getting to the point, wish you could be in the room…..

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I hope the President and his debate team are paying attention. These are what I hope to see. Biden needs to speak the sad truth about Trump without any reservations.

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This is SO good. Bravo.

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I hope beyond hope, I might even be given to pray that the debate prep team is using every single point here and any other of TFGs unparalleled, unforgivable sins against this nation. The meltdown from Donald Vonschitzenpants could be epic.

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PLEASE get this to President Biden and his debate team ASAP! And while you're at it, see if they want to buy/use your LP ads! Thanks, Rick.

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“I’m old enough to remember when…”

I always wanted Biden to use that meme.

“…when Republicans stood up to Russian dictators”

“When republicans wanted big government out of their lives.”

“When republicans were the party of fiscal responsibility not multiple bankruptcies.”

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Rick, I hope you sent a draft to the Biden campaign two weeks earlier. If not it's too late in the game. If Trump shows of course.

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Well Rick, There won't be enough time for questions on all these topic nor enough time for Joe to use all the greats lines you provide in this post. I agree Joe needs to hit him hard yet he must also maintain a Presidential air.

So I've pick a few of your 'barbs' that could work for Joe...maybe other commenters have some they'd like to see Joe use. What say you commenters...how about your list!

My choices are:

“Donald, the stress is getting to you. We all see it. Even Fox is cutting off your interviews and speeches because they’re embarrassed by you.”

“This isn’t one of your rallies, Donald. This is just you, me, and the truth…and the truth is on my side.”

“Inflation hit the world hard, but you act like you had nothing to do with it after you blew 8 trillion dollars — a lot of it on a tax cut billionaires didn’t need — so, Donald, the last thing Americans need from you is a lecture on inflation, debt, and deficits.”

“Donald, you’re worried about my health. Come to Delaware, and we’ll go for a ten-mile bike ride.”

"You committed sexual assault, and you’re abusive to women, Donald. It’s not locker room talk; it’s a sickness. You need help.”

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Also re Hunter/parenting: Biden commuted to Delaware most nights to be with his sons after their mother and sister died. Trump attended one kid’s high school graduation (and Melania didn’t look too pleased for him to be there).

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Thank you for the pre-debate sanity booster!

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