Always spot on ! thank you

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I cannot believe people don't get this. No panic here. Already voted. Thanks for all you do.

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MAGA is trying to get Democrats to drink antifreeze by selling it as Gatorade. Don't believe the polls and quit panicking!

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Every vote will count, and sadly, Republican dirty works are already at play; here's a list of links to help you register, confirm your registration, check and double check state-by-state special rules and deadlines, etc.


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This !! let's go!!!! Don't fear dump. If anyone saw last night, he is on fumes. I already voted let's finish him

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Tell you what!

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Good message, now how are you going to reach more people?

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Election workers are already being threatened here in Texas as are voters who don't look white and conservative. They want people to be afraid so they won't vote. This is un-American. Trump demeans America daily.

I decline the cup of poison offered to me daily. Thanks for this great advice, Rick. I will be at my polling place on October 21st to vote for Harris-Walz, Allred and every Democrat on my ballot. I will continue to guard my school district against the book-banning crazies and will vote to unseat the first 3 of our TX SCOTUS anti-women justices off the bench. Ain't no one stopping me!

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Ricky Ricky Ricky you are such a fool...

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As a self-proclaimed "destroyer of global death cults," you are such a conspirazoid ;)

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The crazier they are; the more desperate they are.

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Good and necessary calming conclusion. Thank you.

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Nate Silver when still at 538 included junk polls. Now working with/for Elon Musk, I’ve absolutely no faith in Nate’s polls.

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Peter Theil, he works for the other immigrant asshole.

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Alan Lichtman, who correctly predicted 9 out of the last 10 elections, doesn't include polls in his 13 keys to the White House - he uses socio-economic data: what is the REAL state of the economy, not what politicians and their surrogates say.

I'll trust Lichtman any day over pollsters.

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I never did

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Thank you for saying this. I know I have been told over and over, by you and other, smart and savvy people, that this was going to happen as we get closer to election day, but even though I know it is going to happen, as it is happening, I start to doubt my own thinking! It is awful. And even though I kept saying to myself that Trump is less appealing than he was in 2020 and he lost then, the stories I see in all the press frame this as if suddenly Harris is tanking. So, thank you. Even well informed people, like myself, can fall prey to the disinformation. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

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I'm 100% with you on this. I considered myself highly intelligent but I'm getting caught in the media with their crap and these fake polls although professionals political people are telling me the opposite of what's going on in my mind

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Quint - Donvict has successfully numbed the major press as well as the rest of the MSM with a yet bigger firehose of falsehoods/disinformation and astounding lies with support from Shady Vance and other spineless repubs. The latest...my p.o.s Gov. Youngkin who slips & falls off the TCF 'tightrope' he's been walking for 4 years.  Youngkin finds himself actually defending Donvict's declared use of the military against the dems and Adam Schiff, when interviewed on CNN yesterday by a chagrined Jake Tapper...If you haven't seen it...check out Youngkin, as he tries to defend TCF's use of the military against dems/Adam Schiff


Like Rick says, Don't Drink the Poison...We can and will win this thang!

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There are very few political people I trust, but I trust you, so I am hoping you can shed some light on something that I am very concerned about.

It seems like more and more young people are saying they’re voting third party because of Gaza. Do these kids not understand that Trump doesn’t give a shit about it, Harris is walking a tightrope and a third party vote puts Trump back into the WH. Don’t they understand that their air will be polluted like it was back in the 70’s, there won’t be clean water because of the P25 rollbacks or total elimination of the EPA. Don’t these young women get that there will be a national abortion ban, birth control will disappear and reproductive technology will be strictly regulated or go away entirely. Do these young women want to be reduced to a womb on feet? Howmdo you make them understand that this cannot be a one issue election. These kids will need generations to fix the problems a Trump/vance administration will create.


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A couple points. Gaza single issueism is vastly a phenomenon on elite college campuses, so these are the children of Kamala's strongest demo -- well-educated, well-off suburbanites. Concern about it is thus likely overrepresented on comment boards like this.

Secondly, it's another indictment of social media, which takes one of the strongest influences on youth, peer pressure, and reifies it. In my view, it's another reason to ban TikTok.

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Linda, you can't...they haven't been taught history /civics and are caufgt in their circle of friends who influence them. They can't seem to grasp, like others, that this is all about one thing - democracry!...nothing else. They won't have a chance to fix it in TFG's autocratic regime. If we have no democracy everything else they care about, along with the Constitution, rule of law and our way of life all crumble like sand castles on a hot beach ...alas, they just don't understand that we can't take a chance with 'our experiment' and we will all lose because of their failing.

A simple concept. really....

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i think it's normal for young generations to be idealistic and latch onto causes: in this case the suffering in Gaza has become their "cause" - and because Biden/Harris are the current gov't, they blame them.

But at least Biden/Harris are openly talking about (and trying behind the scenes) to negotiate a ceasefire, while Trump is all-in with Netanyahu on continuing the war - because it helps them both politically.

It's good that young people can be mobilized to a cause, but sad that they can't see a better chance for peace in Middle East with Harris than with Trump.

In their anger and outrage, they might help elect someone (Trump) who will only make their cause worse.

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I agree it's normal...I can remember low those many years ago, when I was idealistic, too. What's that saying, 'Youth is wasted on the young.'

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Thank you, Rick. I so want this stress to be over! It's so unacceptable the dangers that 45 and the MAGA pose to all Americans and especially those in need! Their lies about the hurricane relief efforts is so reprehensible - it hearts my heart and spirit.

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Thank you Rick! Many, many thanks; too many to count, for what you do!! Sending peace, love and power to you. ✌️ 💙 ✊🏻

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