Rick, What are your preferred pronouns?

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Try & get a Kennedy family member to do an ad for the Lincoln Project. Jack Kennedy Schlossberg might be willing to do it. He’d be great. JFK’s grandson.

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I have some reservation. Guy is poster child of victimhood. Instead of exposing him as the nut disavowed by a respectable family, he may be seen as a long suffering, undeserved outcast of the Establishment. It’s all crazy. And a Huge distraction at best. Ughhhhhh

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Will not disagree with your mother. Careless in my comments. I couldn’t agree with you more!

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Great commentary. Revenge is a dish that should be thrown against a wall and broken when it comes to motivations. While it exists in human nature, it's too ugly to win huzzahs being in almost all cases, excessive (see Israel) and thus counter productive.

I'm convinced that RFK Jr is on the same warpath. Not recognized for his "genius" by the powers that be on his anti-vaxx jabbarwocky, he managed to rake in a lot of cash and cheers from a highly disreputable cast of characters to the extent that today I heard him express some doubt about 1/6 mumbling about hearing some things, a la trump's "many people". Hey, if you respect my conspiracy theories, I'll entertain yours. Thanks for the outbreaks of measles, cases of leprosy and can polio be far behind? I still have no idea why he's running except to be heard; hence his rage at the mainstream party members who won't endorse his ballot efforts for the very obvious reason that he can't win, is inexperienced and unqualified and is thus a spoiler. And, no he isn't a whistle blower; he doesn't have a whistle.

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While no one can ever accuse you of being Mr. Sunshine, Rick, both your post and video on the demise of No Labels found me feeling hopeful about just how effective the pro-democracy movement can be in fending off threats to a Biden win. Next stop: RFK Jr. The masses need to realize he's anything BUT an "Independent". Let's go!

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Enjoyed reading both the Friday brief and this one today. In between (R-Douchelandia) and the Umber Mound, you gave me two laugh out louds that I sorely needed! Will catch up on the Breakdown over pizza at dinner. Thank you for all that you all do at LPC!!

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R.I.P. Rest in Pestilence

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Again to remind people, Ross Perot received just under 20 million votes in 1992, that's right almost 20 million. He received zero electoral college votes. Zero, which using advanced mathematical calculations means he was short 270 electoral college votes.

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I want your ballcap Rick!

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Thank God for you and the Lincoln Project.

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One important question. Where does one procure an ETTD hat? 😄

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Yes I want the ballcap!!

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ETTD hat. +1!

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"Well, in truth, it was a lie, stacked on a mountain of deceptions, coated with a thick layer of hot garbage, and filled with a creamy nougat." I have to admit I love that you have such a way with words.

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Somehow I got on their mailing list, and I responded to every missive with a request for a simple Venn diagram, detailing their fundraising overlap with Trump and Biden contributors. No response, and after a few messages I somehow dropped off the mailing list.

And fortunately Holy Joe passed on before he could do any more damage to democracy. That had to hurt NL morale.

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Jill Stein is running for president AGAIN in '24 with the Green Party and in her words, it's "to offer a choice for the people outside the failed two-party system. We'll put a pro-worker, anti-war, climate action agenda front and center in this election and on the ballot in November." She is the real threat to Biden. She threw the 16 election to Trump. Remember her dinner in Moscow, seated with Putin and Flynn? She is dangerous.

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What purpose is there for her? Biden & Bernie have the platform to cover her ?Green Party. I don't trust her with Putin.

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where's that picture? I'd like to use it on my own anti-Trump site. Thanks

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A couple of important distinctions give me a bit of hope this time around we didn't have in '16:

1.) People KNOW Drumph now, indictments and riots included.

2.) Drumph's Scrotus killed Roe. Women are not happy. = Look the f out.

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When the Democrats have the power to pass the legislation, they should finally DESTROY the spoiler effect and permanently abolish this poison in our political system! How do they do that? Use their authority under the Constitution (Article I, Section 4, Clause 1: "The Times, Places, and Manner of holding elections...the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations"--key word "Manner") to mandate that all future federal elections will be held using Ranked Choice Voting (RCV). This would give voter's a solution to the "voter's dilemma". (Do I vote for my real first choice, even though he (or she) cannot win, or do I vote for someone who can win so my vote is not wasted?) With RCV the voter can rank his actual favorite first and his choice among the viable candidates second. In the instant runoff his non-viable first choice will be eliminated and his second choice will be counted. Solving the voter's dilemma destroys the spoiler effect. The spoiler effect, a consequence of our defective plurality voting system, has plagued this country throughout its history. Enough is enough!

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Also need to reform the EC. It's totally broken in this day and age.

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Bob, Are you aware of the American Popular Vote Interstate Compact (APVIC)? It is an agreement among the participating states that when their collective votes in the Electoral College amount to, or exceed, a winning 270 electoral votes, they will all activate a pledge that their electoral votes will be assigned to the winner of the national popular vote. Maine just completed the joining process, bringing their number up 4 more votes to a 209-vote current total. The Supreme Court Dobbs decision may bring about a blue wave this November. Flipping some state governments from red to blue may be what it takes to get the APVIC electoral total over the 270-vote activation number. This would render the Electoral College moot.

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I imagine all Republicans are afraid of Ranked Choice Voting.

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