I love all these podcasts you are so freaking smart and I can’t learn everything I need to quickly enough but I love how you are beating trumps ass and I am with you on this

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If pain is the only teacher, how do we make Jeff Bezos and corporate media bros hurt?

The other day I saw a bunch of little birds attacking a #BigBird because apparently that big bird did something awful. If only there were an organized way all of us #LittleBirds could swarm #CorporateMedia.

Who keeps the list of #MegaMediaMonsters? And I wouldn’t want to malign birds. These merchants of death are are more like #Pterodactyls 👹 #FlyingReptiles

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Who else thinks Rick looks like Bryan Cranston in that image?

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Thank you Rick!

Your podcasts are invaluable. Your work is important. I wish I could support you monetarily but I’m on a limited income.

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Terrific discussion with Nicholas Kristof. He is right—community bridge programs are not sexy in media coverage. But they are crucial. It seems to me that federal and state governments should award money to people who come up with great ideas so they can move forward. It would be a little like the Moonshot Prize. Not all money can flow from foundations and individuals(.I suspect a small number give over and over again). We could organize something like the Peace Corps or Americorps moving toward community work for a period of more than a year or two. Social media and disinformation politicians have created this fear of organizations and people who are actually not after anything for themselves. Historically there have been issues, but are we completely without trust? We can do this.

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Lauren Kunis is terrific. Such an admirable mission. It made my day that there are people out there doing what needs to be done. Nobody, no matter their political stripe, should be disenfranchised. So few (relatively speaking) of potential voters exercise their fundamental right to choose their government officials. Anything we can do to get everyone out is an outcome devoutly to be wished!

I love the fact that VoteRiders work through community centers, probably inspiring many to participate and then seek any additional help they need.

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So far down two. Andrew McCabe is always on point. Jena Griswold was very interesting. Her work on producing laws in Colorado that will protect against bad acts in elections is beyond admirable. I am so grateful that she is willing to withstand death threats, etc. in order to give us free and fair elections. She is a necessary guardrail, particularly after the Supreme Court immunity ruling. Bully for her. She should be getting a Medal of Freedom. At the very least I could name my new cat after her. Joking aside, I admire her so much.

She is also right about the stinkers, the elected Republicans (Josh chicken run Hawley, Ted Cruz, etc.) who know better, and are still willing to support idiocy and big lies. They are misleading the people. I wish there were a way to punish them for disinformation. It strikes me that it is akin to treason. Perhaps that is hyperbolic, but still it has far-reaching consequences. I understand the bevy of wannabe-beVP’s—that is ego, they are pathetic. I hope they are ready for Trump to turn on them because he will, he always does. But others who don’t really have skin in the immediate game are just plain old malefactors. Their constituents grew up believing that elected officials were, in general, truth tellers. It is hard for a lot of people to fathom the degree to which they are being fed lies.

Rick—your work is always appreciated. Off to listen to two more podcasts. And yes, I “liked” them.

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Rick, it's too bad you've already interviewed Nick Kristof. Otherwise, when talk turned to democracy in America, you could have asked Nick to comment on his fast-and-loose attempt to run for governor of his adopted home state of Oregon:

"Kristof knew he had not lived in Oregon long enough (year) to meet the legal requirement to hold office (three years). He hired lawyers and corralled a stable of allies to argue his case in the media, which was that voters should decide if such rules matter." [1]

Having observed Kristof's campaign closely in 2022 from my adopted home town of Portland, I have no recollection that he ever acknowledged before being disqualified not having lived in Oregon long enough to meet the residency requirements. For that matter, I don't know that Kristof did afterwards.

Then there's this bit of unbecoming churlishness, given that Kristof knew he wasn't eligible to run:

"As the only serious Democratic contender who had not spent years in elected office, Kristof cast himself as an outsider who could get results on the state’s toughest problems after Oregon leaders have struggled to do so . . . "

"Kristof seized on that narrative when Fagan disqualified him from the ballot in January, calling Fagan’s decision 'troubling' and suggesting that politics were involved. 'As you all know, I come from outside the political establishment and I don’t owe insiders anything,' Kristof said. 'They view my campaign as a threat.' " [2]

[1] Nuzzi, Olivia. "Nicholas Kristof’s Botched Rescue Mission: How the lauded Times columnist lost the race for governor of Oregon before it even began." New York Magazine. 12 April 2022. https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/nicholas-kristof-oregon-governor.html

[2] Borrud, Hillary. "Nick Kristof can’t run for Oregon governor, Supreme Court rules." OregonLive/The Oregonian. 17 February 2022. https://www.oregonlive.com/politics/2022/02/nick-kristof-cant-run-for-oregon-governor-supreme-court-rules.html

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I would if I could, but I can't right now. Please understand. I really do enjoy your posts.

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Please forgive me if I already said this…

Great conversation with Nicholas Kristof. Nicholas Kristof wrote an article in 2012 about his college roommate, Scott Androes, who died of prostate cancer. Scott was my high school classmate. We picked strawberries at the same farm in the ‘60’s. He’s buried at Valley View Cemetery, where many of my family members are, including my beloved grandmother, and young cousins, who died in a house fire in 1965. There’s a word for stories that collide — #woo 🙏✨💫

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What a remarkable coincidence, and I am sorry about your loss.

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Or I should say, losses, including that housefire tragedy. 💜🙏

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Rick, thank you many times over for interviewing Jena Griswold. We are so lucky to have her as secretary of state. She truly has done remarkable things to make elections here run smoothly, so much so that even the “normal” conservatives appreciate the ease of voting in Colorado.

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