Diaper Don is gonna have a shit fit 🤣🤣🤣

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Bwahahaha LMFAO!! 😆I shared, too!!! Thanks. Love it!!

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Trump is mentally unfit as his maturity was stymied by arrested development due instant gratification to whatever he wanted by throwing his dad’s money at it but it ran out & he doesn’t see his failures & destruction in his wake, looking for his next camera moment.

Biden has tried to serve with many faltering moments but has obviously learned from his mistakes in life, still is sound of mind (especially compered to the opposition) and is an invaluable resource to the US & us all. When you’re on that end of the age spectrum you wanna make sure you have good karma going out the door.

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Punch in his solar plexus! Has his niece seen this?

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Holy shit, that’s epic mind fuckery right there! I am in awe. (And they were worried about a Taylor Swift psyop, ha!) That’s enough to make someone come undone.

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Not a fan of AI or Fred Trump but hand them both over to The Lincoln Project and watch the magic happen. Donald is going to blow a gasket and I’m here for it.

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The Damage Report is one of the few progressive left shows I watch on YouTube (I consider MSNBC mainstream left) and goodness did they ever butcher this ad. I generally like John Iadarola, think he's sharp and sensible, but he slapped on a "deepfake" chyron and wrung his hands for ten minutes about the morality of AI in advertisements. He needs to spend a night in Egregious Clickbait Jail.

About half of the comment section loved the ad, but the other half were all these liberals going Full George McGovern. LP opened Pandora's Box! LP are Republicans and it's right-on-right violence! Now Trump's gonna cut an ad with Beau Biden in it! I fought them off for a couple hours and attempted to defend your honor, Rick. But it really shows what happens when you toss a loaded word into the discourse and people just run with it. This ad used AI but it's hardly a deep fake.

Deep fakes don't run AI disclaimers, for crying in the bucket.

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lol. Best summation ever, for crying in the bucket.

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That's my late South Philly-raised dad's expression ;)

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RICK, thank you!

THIS is at least ONE WAY I can see a good use of AI … the IRONY of the ‘HEAD CROOK’ bemoaning his son’s FAILURE to prosper as illegally and successfully as his father is PRICELESS!

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Pretty much this. Uncanny but boy if it didn't make me laugh.

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The Rick Wilson always said No Labels' mission was to help said former president get elected. The stage appears to be setting up for a Nikki Haley victory in the GOP primary, and an exit by the current leading candidate to that new party thingy that doesn't have a candidate.

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Respectfully, Leslee, Trump's gonna get the nod even if he's wearing an ankle monitor at the convention. There's an enormous chunk of the party who are stoned on the Kool Aid and who _despise_ Nikki Haley for being a "globalist." All those theoretical polls showing Nikki trouncing Biden don't take into account how many Trumpers, many of whom aren't regular Republicans, will simply stay home. Nikki's also not trusted by many in the center because she's such a finger-in-the-wind politician. And mark my words, she's gonna endorse Trump.

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Stupid Hitler is cruising for bankruptcy. Without a corrupt casino commision to take his side and with a court-appointed financial monitor, this will be a Chapter 7 personal bankruptcy (like Rudy) and not a Chapter 11 corporate bankruptcy. I'm waiting on tenterhooks to see if he can bond out the $83M EJ Carroll judgment to pony up for the appeal. He paid $5M cash to the court for the first appeal and Barbara Jones found that he inappropriately moved money around to do that. He took out a loan from Ladder Capital to pay the $25M Trump University settlement and he can't do that anymore.

Now he's going to have to fork out $100M cash (20%) for the civil fraud appeal bond, he can't use any NY banks for the rest and no bail bondsman is gonna wanna touch that with a ten-foot pole. His Russian friends have all had their assets frozen. He doubtless still has other potential sources, a US billionaire who wants more tax cuts, MBS, begging Jared (ROTFL), assorted East European oligarchs. Whoever it would be, the interest will be eye-watering. And no longer can Trump say "elect me, I'm filthy rich and can't be bought" because he'll be _somebody's_ wholly owned subsidiary ;)

Fred died in 1999 when his erstwhile favorite son was on the proverbial balls of his ass, before Mark Burnett resurrected him in The Apprentice and he morphed into a branding grifter. Their relationship soured through the decade; when Trump flew with Ivana to Czechoslovakia for her father's funeral, Fred said "I hope that plane crashes. Then all my problems will be over." So this ad is a real sting. It brings back the Failed Casinos Trump, the Failed Marriages Trump, the Multiple Bankruptcies Trump, the Living on a Court-Ordered Allowance Trump, the Manipulated Dementia Patient's Will Trump.

How the wheel turns. Now he's back to doing what he did right after his father's death, this time with $400 abysmally ugly gold-colored sneakers, hawking them at a mostly black Philadelphia sneaker convention where he was roundly booed. It didn't work with NFTs. Gangsta sneakers? Heh.

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Now that is a brilliant use of AI. You *know* this one's gonna hurt.

Payback for desecrating America, Donald!

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The ad ought to run in this country 24/7. Little Donny Johnny should hear it in his sleep, given he gets any after he sees it. Great job!

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LOL! Wonderful suggestion!

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And this is why I donate to you

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*chef’s kiss* BRAVO 👏🏻✨🎉

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AI is evil. Don't use it. Stephen Hawking said it would end mankind but how fast it would surpass human intelligence.

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The internal combustion engine is more evil. Thanks to it and its derivatives, we're near past the tipping point of anthropogenic global warming. Once they gain sentience, the Cylons / Skynet won't have to exterminate us, seeing as how we're exterminating ourselves.

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