Can we trust weather maps that don't have black magic markers on them? Asking for a friend. 🙂

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And still no one will interview my husband on how bad FEMA has been devestated to help….

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That storm was a beast. So much damage to Florida in more ways than we can ever count. We came through relatively unscathed in Manatee County but it was hell for so many. Glad you are safe. We need your voice over these next several weeks.

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Stay Safe Rick. We love you

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Storm surge a problem for your location?

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Sounds like your wife is a very smart lady. God Bless You and Your Family, Mr. Wilson. My God protect you from all harm and allow you to continue to advocate for democracy and freedom. Your videos and substack are beacons of hope in these troubled times. Democrat and huge fan from Hayden, Alabama.

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Please drop links to local agencies that need direct donations. I'm sure many of us are willing to contribute to help folks get back on their feet.

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So relieved that you are all safe!

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I'm glad to hear you and your loved ones are o.k.

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The pictures from above this Cat4 are particularly fearsome. Prayers from California for your safety & sanity as you ride this out. We need you!

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Sep 27·edited Sep 27

>>We have a generator and are well supplied with “food, fuel, and firearms” as they say.<<

Well, you might not be 100% prepared for Hurricane Helene, but you're sounds like you're totally covered for the imminent zombie apocalypse.

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How's it looking this morning? Fingers crossed

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Glad you are safe! Thanks for keeping us updated and thanks for doing what you do to keep us informed of the shenanigans in politics.

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Hoping you and your family are all well and safe. Take care Rick. We're all here for you 🙏💕

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Stay safe 🙏 and hugs to you and your family. I hope everyone takes cover if needed.

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