You inspire me Rick! - It's kinda ironic that, you, the master troller is a calm voice in the sea of debate trolling media! Thank you... And now let's laugh at the dipshits... all the way to victory!! HOL


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I’ve had it with the dangerous fickleness of the Democrats who are quickly ready to throw President Biden under the bus. Divided we will fall and fail. Guaranteed. Now is the time to back the president more than ever. The Democrats tossed away Sen Al Franken over a joke and are now willing to throw out the man who has broken the records of all who came before him in the past 60 years and delivered us from a deadly pandemic and economic disaster because he lost his train of thought! What is wrong with us? Have we no sense of unity, loyalty or basic understanding? We know the president has surrounded himself with the best in the ‘business’ and they are doing a brilliant job of it. He participated in a debate with a two minute time limit. He had to get all his facts in and manage his stutter and fact check the serial liar who never uttered one sentence of truth. He spoke too fast. He has so much knowledge in his brain and erred in trying to say everything. He wasn’t incoherent. He spoke the truth. Let anyone who has never lost track of what they were saying throw the first stone. Please, Dems, take a page from the Republicans and stand loyal through think and thin, no matter what, instead of practicing the fatal political mistake of being a fair weather Democrat. That is just what the Repubs are counting on. Enough. Smarten up. If not, you will be giving Robert Kennedy enough votes to give Trump the win. Stop listening to the polls. They have been wrong in at least four or five elections since I’ve been voting. Work harder to get the Biden successes out to the voters and get our voters to the polling stations to VOTE. I’m with Joe. I have a hard time believing we have a majority of Americans who want to vote for a lying con and convicted felon who stoled top secret intel and shared it with our enemies. He also let a million of us die. Ya, I’m in my late seventh decade and still run my own business and teach at university level. I have no big cognitive issues, have never been tested, but I sure have lost my train of thought even in my 40’s, and sat around plenty of boardroom tables and experienced those younger than me forget names, forget what they were talking about and jokingly call it a ‘senior’s’ moment or ‘old timers’ syndrome. It’s not either. It’s tension and it is the saboteur of all great performance. On my website I have a quote from Mark Twain: The brain is a wonderful thing, it starts working the minute we’re born and never stops until we get up to speak in public.” It can happen to the best of us. Even a President of the United States. I’m with Joe!

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Thank you Rick, you clearly state the problem and a reasonable approach to combat it. Somehow democrats let that fat guy suggest killing babies after they are born is actually a thing by democrats. His other lies and nothing constructive make it hard for me to see why Biden wasn’t the winner. I kid, but seriously what did the fat guy do that be considered even an admirable appearance. Course the democrats did that democrat thing and started eating their own with a ridiculous response. Why in hell wouldn’t Biden say he was gathering some top Congressional allies together and determine their thoughts on moving forward. Go ahead and give his rousing speech, that by all reports was good and helped blunt some effects of debate. Why in hell wouldn’t the democrats who already believe he must leave get together and discuss the subject, then go and talk with Biden. Except for announcing that Biden was seeking counsel everything else should have been done promptly and in private and at least have a united front. Announcing individually concerns, does nothing but appear disorganized and not too bright IMO.

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bring anyone you can to the polls with you!! And if your friends or neighbors aren't registered help them GET REGISTERED!!✌️💙🤍❤️.

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I’m voting for the Democrats, whoever they are

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Thank you. I’ve written the Biden evokes FDR, taking over when this country was up the creek - and look how far we’ve come. Your video means a lot to those committed to Biden. “Accept no substitutions.”

I follow you on X and am a relative newcomer to Substack. I appreciate all that you and the Lincoln Project do. If I can ever be of service, ask.

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I have seen this on podcast and now here.

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If it had to happen (Joe’s performance) it was not without divine intervention. It turned out to be the most glaring and MAGNIFIED example of TRUMP’s TOXIC, DANGEROUS and EVIL AURA.

Compared to Joe’s record, honesty, morality and love for America 🇺🇸 - you had it handed to you on a silver platter - the best exposure of this to date.

No one should ever walk in to VOTE 💙 and say “I did not know.”

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I agree strongly with this, Gundy. Counter to the current Democratic freakout and keying into something Rick said, once Trump figured out there'd be no fact checking pushback whatsoever, he turned the debate into a MAGA rally. He said some extraordinarily toxic, ugly things impossible for even low-information voters not to know were bald faced lies:

"I did not have sex with a porn star." Conflating climate change with clean air and water and saying he had "the best environmental numbers," whatever that's supposed to mean (and not saying a single word about climate change itself). Blaming immigrants for taking "black jobs," as if there's such a thing as black jobs and as if that characterization wasn't bottomlessly insulting to black people. Bragging about getting Roe repealed and lying about how popular that is. Blaming Biden for Putin invading Ukraine while at the same time being perfectly willing to hand Ukraine over to Putin. Lying about crime rates, blaming all violent crime on undocumented immigrants, blaming Biden for the covid crisis that his own mismanagement allowed to fester. Claiming his response to covid was great, talking about the therapeutics that came online but not mentioning vaccines, blaming the mandates when, as problematic as they were, they saved countless lives. Claiming Biden's gonna raise taxes four times when the tax cuts Biden wants to see expire will hit the upper incomes, denying that a 20% universal tariff amounts to a regressive sales tax on working people.

I could go on and on and on. Biden may have had an awful performance but Trump did himself exactly no favors with the kind of voters he needs. The upshot might be "Biden is old and feeble but Trump is a mean-spirited raving lunatic so I'm voting for Biden."

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Thanks for the reminder of Churchill's 'Finest Hour' speech, Rick. It's appropriate as Trump is, as you say, the spiritual heir to the enemy back then. As Independence Day comes around again, I'm reminded of Thomas Paine's 'American Crisis' in which he said talked about 'how quickly a panic will sometimes run through a county.' He also talked about 'the summer soldier and the sunshine patriot' who shrink from the service of their country when things seem hopeless. Considering he wrote that piece in December of 1776, after one battlefield loss after another, it's good to remember that we aren't the first generation of Americans called on to defend the freedom and values we treasure.

We're still in an existential fight for this country. The debate, for good or ill, didn't change the fundamentals of this race. Thank you and the Lincoln Project for being one of the few voices who've been clear-eyed about the debate without degenerating into the pearl clutching that's going on elsewhere, including among other Never Trump friends. Joe Biden didn't win the 2020 election only because Democrats backed him. He won because a coalition of decent Americans of all political persuasions joined together to remove a dangerous, deranged, and unfit man from office. We need to remember that will take a coalition to prevent that degenerate from ever being able to wield power again.

So, if you vote for Biden because you support someone's who's been a good president or because you're determined to block a convicted felon from becoming president again, we ALL have to vote for Joe Biden to our next president. This is a binary choice: America or Trump.

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What does "I did 20 minutes to camera" mean?

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He taped a 20-minute reaction video (linked in his post) and posted it on YouTube.

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Ah ha.

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Thanks Rick-keep on keeping on, Bruh! You're keeping me from totally TF freaking out.

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Biden must do the second debate. A fighter for this country! Stay the course. Lighter on policy. Turn to Trump and call him out as he IS. Vocabulary endless.

You are unequivocally disqualified for the role as Commander in Chief.

I AM. God Bless America God Bless our Troops. Goodnight.

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Julie, I nominate you for his next debate "prepper".

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I think Biden should ask for even more debates. Totally agree.

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yes, but maybe re-think the prep plan (and preppers).

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I think it had much more to do with being fatigued and having a cold, especially if he took OTC cold medicine that has the side effect of causing mental fog especially in older people. That's Keith Olbermann's go-to theory on the debate at this point.

I think a well-rested, cold-free Joe is all we really need.

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Hi Bob, imo he needs debate prep with much less facts, figures, statistics, etc. He needs short punch lines that counter the lies that we all know that Trump spews at all rallies or debates. He must come out unequivocally for women’s right to abortion without govt interference. It’s a medical decision between her & her Dr, & I (Joe) trust women!!!

Then a sentence or 2 about immigration. A point or 2 about how he plans to get food prices down- short & sweet, not too many details.

We know Trump won’t have details on anything.

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Trump will never agree to a second debate. Ever.

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Ben, what makes you think that? Everyone seemed to be placing money bets that he wouldn’t show for this first one, & they weee all wrong.

As of today Trump sure seems to be lying his ass off about not knowing anything about Project 2025, which I find hilarious. He knows damned well that document hands him enormously expanded exec power.


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I thought Trump said

he was looking forward to taking on Joe again

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Likely, but let him refuse and then make hay of it.

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I'm glad I watched this - thanks for the level-headed take.

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I’m REALLY glad I watched it!

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And appreciating your interview with Andrew McCabe today, so interesting:


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One more thing. What about keeping Biden, who is a good man, and replacing the VP. Kamala?, a good candidate, doesn't stand a chance nationally. He or she needs to be someone vital and electable when Biden stands down. Either a vital younger man like Gavin Newsome or formidable female, electable candidate. One who will support the vitality and strength of the Office of the Presidency during the election and be able to smoothly transition when Biden stands down. Thoughts on who that might be?

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Joy, I think you need to think about this a little more deeply. Bouncing Kamala for no reason other than a subjective evaluation of her electability (according to whom and by what metrics?) would alienate the core demographic of Democratic voters -- older black women. In fact, this cohort votes at a higher percentage than any other. Bounce Kamala and we nuke ourselves.

Also interrogate the racist and sexist subtexts going on here ...

Kamala's gotten a terribly bad rap and I, for one, think she'd make a fine president.

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I think she would indeed make a very good President. I was commenting on her electability. And whether another VP candidate would help Biden's electability more. Qualification versus electability are, sad to say, two entirely different issues in our country this day and time.

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Spot on, as usual. After we get through this nightmare, I look forward to a Harris presidency in 2028. :)

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you know Janet, I was hoping that team Biden would spend his first term grooming Kamala for this election. I think they grossly under-utilized her intelligence and strength and appeal to a large swath of voters.

But hopefully now she gets to really shine for the next few months and then she'll be in position for 2028.

But we've got this pesky 2024 election to get through first.

You know, after Joe's pretty bad night, I was scared shitless (like many others) but now I think (especially with the help of Bob McKeown) that it'll work out with Joe and the helm.

Because I truly believe that most Americans are fed up with the Trump Show, and WANT to kick him out for good, and they were hoping that Joe would hit a home run. It didn't happen, but the race is far from over, and those Undecideds and Independents still don't want to vote for Trump (and won't; the risk is they stay home) so a great full-court-press from Team Blue will give the Und's and Ind's confidence to vote Blue and send Trump where the sun don't shine.

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What I meant to write before is that I think the Biden administration has used Kamala Harris to great effect. She’s been traveling extensively for the administration and has been on a number of speaking tours; it’s just that the press is not the least bit interested in covering her. They are doing us a very grave disservice.

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early there were nasty rumors about her, and then I rarely heard anything about her, Only recently, when they really need her, have I seen her and she's very impressive. Hope she's front and center in the campaign, especially since she's the logical choice for 2028. Maybe as her impact grows, the media will see profit in covering her.

Dems have a very strong team; hopefully they'll be out there making a difference, winning over the Unds and Inds. And building a Blue Wave.

Trump has maxed out long ago, he has no upside, and if he gets crazier he'll start losing everyone but the fanatics.

Dems, on the other hand, have a tremendous upside - the 65% who will never vote for Trump. We just have to get them to vote for Biden.

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Professor Allan Lichtman has a few words for us. This guy has been correct in predicting elections for decades:


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Allan Lichtman is like that prized financial advisor who always does your stock portfolio good by ignoring the day-to-day hype and focusing on the fundamentals.

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Thanks for that link! 'Sports talk radio' punditry. That's a brilliant analysis of what's going on right now.

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It is, and I am mighty sick of it.

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I saw that, and it was very encouraging.

His algorithm (13 Keys to the White House) has been correct 9 out of the last 10 elections, and he basically says debates don't matter. They're not part of his algorithm and so they don't make a dent in his prediction that Joe will win.

Hope others check the link, because his message (and record) are very encouraging. Which we all need right now.

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Her post-debate interview with Anderson Cooper was an A+ response.

I thought she would have wiped Trump's ass out there.

And I've thought from Day One they've been under-utilizing her.

Kamala may be the Ace-up-the-Sleeve, especially on women's reproductive freedom.

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It was infuriating that Cooper kept interrupting her when Tapper and Bash didn't lift a finger to challenge Trump. Kamala's very articulate and intelligent but the role of being president is so much more than wiping your opponent's ass in a debate.

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I agree.

She could have been a real asset these last few years, maybe if she'd been employed more wisely by the WHite House.

My wife thinks the Biden "team" was intimidated by her strength, and somehow pushed her out of sight. She certainly didn't get the exposure she deserved. (Or maybe she did, and I just didn't see her.)

And maybe that has something to do with her low polling numbers.

I also wanted to tell Anderson to shut the fuck up and let her talk.

But even in her few minutes she did a powerful job, and I'm hoping the "team" will use her to her full potential.

As well as the names that came up as potential alternates: hopefully they'll be out in full force - slamming Trump, making the case, motivating voters.

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I generally agree but, I am hoping it is a strategic plan to hold her back until the right place and time. You will recall the Rs did their normal tactic of attacking everything a woman says. They were merciless and wrong but that didn’t stop them. For many years any D, especially a woman, is slandered and lied about so their followers have nothing to think about except the negative image they create. Kamala today is much more prepared to stand up to those tactics and I believe would obliterate Trump or any Republican in a debate. They will underestimate her and have a very hard time dealing with a competent woman.

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