Parachute in good condition is included. Get the F-5.

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If a third party really wanted to make a difference, seems like starting in the House would make more sense (especially a center party) as they would have both parties courting them and could actually have some influence.

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"People who think Steve Bannon is a political genius are the same people who were impressed with that one goon in high school who carries a copy of Sun Tzu’s Art of War in his backpack."

Classic Rick Wilson snark-prose.

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I agree with the clarity and substance of your essay.

My only question is how does the center-right future party you describe differ from the current Democratic party?

The Democratic party defends the Constitution and rule of law, supports a strong foreign policy, supports free markets, and supports individual liberties.

My question is sincere...clearly one-party rule is antithetical to a democracy, but where are the clear differences that would distinguish 2 healthy parties?

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"The monster left his pen"

Now, a favorite description of all time.

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As a liberal Democrat, I have always opposed your candidates, Rick. But I have always appreciated your

sometimes brutal candor. Regarding third parties: It seems to me the reason third parties will never work here is structural. Our system, based on the electoral college, is winner-take-all. Unlike a parliamentary system, which divides up power according to the share of votes a party gets. That's why you have so many parties in European parliaments; any party that gets seats in the legislature can share power. Leaders, such as prime ministers, are chosen by coalitions. Our system does not allow power-sharing; coalitions are built within the parties, and the candidates winnowed out in the primary system.

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Third parties are disrupters and spoilers but never winners in presidential elections from Anti-Masonic Party to the Reform Party. If they have a good idea eventually the Republicans or Democrats adopt their idea, absorb the voters of the third party and drive it into political extinction. Well done and written as always Rick.

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