What about the American children and families Vance, Trump and Musk are betraying with the major programs they have been cutting. I have no sympathy for your kids until you start caring about the children and families that are in your charge.
RICK..PLEASE READ. We need a show like the old meet the press, in the 1990s. 1- republican, 1- democrat, sitting side by side.. being asked questions..that way, they can be debate, and correct each other, live on air, no bullshit..THE PEOPLE WILL SEE THE TRUTH THEN..
You are a coward, traitor to the Republic. Ukraine Khazaria is a money laundering operation covering up bio labs and child trafficking. Stop lying you POS.
Why should I believe any of that? After all, you're a lying troll posting in bad faith. You lie about Ukraine, you lie about Trump opponents being "Communists" (ROTFL).
How do I know you're not some 17-year-incel typing from his momma's basement? I don't. But I'll certainly chose to believe it, LOL
That's what happens when you post in bad faith. You shred your credibility from Jump Street.
My head is starting to get real splodey, and not for my status as a Useless Eater on Social Security dependent on a government program for housing. Trump's recent First Amendment rapes are giving me chilling Martin Niemoller vibes. The Palestinian protest organizer who was just _rendered_ to a LA ICE detention facility, his student visa and valid green card torched. I was not a fan of the Columbia University Gaza protests to be sure, but this makes my blood boil. We're next.
His wife is eight months pregnant and an American citizen. They threatened to arrest her, too.
Elon's been havin' a few bad days lately so Trump signs an executive order making vandalism of Teslas a _hate crime._ Look, I'm Mr. Nonviolence; I cringe whenever I hear of Antifa smashing shit. But a crime against _property_ has become a hate crime? You mean you can terrorize trans people and immigrants all you want, render the lives of their children and families beyond miserable, but if you so much as touch some Karen's overpriced Tesla trophy car, you're tantamount to ISIS now?
Trump is provoking us. He's looking for any excuse to evoke martial law and "postpone" the midterms. This is why he's so sanguine about the markets and the impending rape of Social Security. He _wants_ protests to fill the streets. Elon's been lobbying him to pardon Derek Chauvin; nothing he'd love more than renewed Black Lives Matter protests he can crack the whip on and use as an excuse.
And I am absolutely torn about what we all should do about this. What do others think?
t. Good grief! He really is as stupid as he looks.
What about the American children and families Vance, Trump and Musk are betraying with the major programs they have been cutting. I have no sympathy for your kids until you start caring about the children and families that are in your charge.
Am I Elon Musk Elon Musk? He took too many barrels of sunshine.
RICK..PLEASE READ. We need a show like the old meet the press, in the 1990s. 1- republican, 1- democrat, sitting side by side.. being asked questions..that way, they can be debate, and correct each other, live on air, no bullshit..THE PEOPLE WILL SEE THE TRUTH THEN..
Your thoughts., thank you Gary
Vance should imagine his daughters 3 years ago having been kidnapped by Russia and not yet returned.
If you voted for Trump, FUCK YOU and your UNHOLY GOD. You hate TRUTH. You are ignorant as the day is long and we will continue to bring hypocrisy to your lap. Your children are watching. Good luck MOFO. You are going to need it! https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2024/10/new-apostolic-reformation-christian-nationalism/
Much Schadenfreude....thank you Rick
We have trolls on here.
I just blocked Steve Miller.
Most can’t afford!
It is your fault you want a money laundering operation covering up bio labs and child trafficking.
You have betrayed the west, you lying communist POS.
You are not bothered being a POS for politics, shut the f up.
You're still pissed Abracadabra wasn't a bigger hit aren't you?
Your still an idiot coming to idiot conclusions.
The Function of IQ = Observation Conclusion Accuracy Rate
Nurse, Nurse. Mr Miller's out of bed again
Whatsamatta, "Steve," cat got your tongue? Can't go toe-to-toe in a war with someone who knows just how full of shit you are at every level?
Everything that you say is Russian disinformation, Trollypants.
You are a coward, traitor to the Republic. Ukraine Khazaria is a money laundering operation covering up bio labs and child trafficking. Stop lying you POS.
Antisemitic piece of filth.
You're the traitor to the Republic, Trollypants.
Trump minions are sickening
Communists are scum
Trump trolls are seething pustules.
Racist Sexist Misandry is not Affirmative, you Racist Sexist Misandrist Affirmative Hypocrite POS for politics
The Stoics would think that your lame display of trolling here exhibits the direct opposite of the manly virtues, just FYI ;)
The beta male cult member projects constantly
Former SWAT Nuke Team Leader US Army
World Class Hockey POWER Skater
I'm the man you will never be
Why should I believe any of that? After all, you're a lying troll posting in bad faith. You lie about Ukraine, you lie about Trump opponents being "Communists" (ROTFL).
How do I know you're not some 17-year-incel typing from his momma's basement? I don't. But I'll certainly chose to believe it, LOL
That's what happens when you post in bad faith. You shred your credibility from Jump Street.
You're not a man, broskis.
You're a whining, entitled little baby.
"Economist," that's hysterical. That's like posting "Scientist" in a chatroom without, you know, offering any credential for it.
You don't even know what you're saying; you're just mindlessly repeating catchphrases. You know, kinda ... preprogrammed. Like a ... bot ... maybe ;)
You are projecting, boy
YOU are projecting, man-baby.
The projection from the cult member is constant and exponential.
Racist Sexist Misandry is not Affirmative, it is Racist Sexist Misandry, you Racist Sexist Misandrist Affirmative Action Hypocrite POS for politics
It's extremely simple logic simple integrity, 2 things you lack for goal
Your attempt at gaslighting is hysterical, Projection Boy.
Tell him like it is!!!
Sure, racist sexist misandry is not Affirmative, you Racist Sexist Misandrist Affirmative Hypocrite POS. Leftist politics, ignorance and exponential hypocrisy, destroying nations.
Your "hypocrisy" charge is the most ludicrously transparent attempt at gaslighting, just sayin' ;)
Funny how those liberal Nordic social democracies are the happiest countries in the world, huh ;)
Poor widdew white boy can't cut it on his own mewits and so needs his fake myth of white male cultural domination to feew secure.
No words, when some nail it. Thank you Rick.
JD Vance and others using their children as props are wearing out.
You have no compassion for anyone other than yourself and that failed experiment you call a party!
My head is starting to get real splodey, and not for my status as a Useless Eater on Social Security dependent on a government program for housing. Trump's recent First Amendment rapes are giving me chilling Martin Niemoller vibes. The Palestinian protest organizer who was just _rendered_ to a LA ICE detention facility, his student visa and valid green card torched. I was not a fan of the Columbia University Gaza protests to be sure, but this makes my blood boil. We're next.
His wife is eight months pregnant and an American citizen. They threatened to arrest her, too.
Elon's been havin' a few bad days lately so Trump signs an executive order making vandalism of Teslas a _hate crime._ Look, I'm Mr. Nonviolence; I cringe whenever I hear of Antifa smashing shit. But a crime against _property_ has become a hate crime? You mean you can terrorize trans people and immigrants all you want, render the lives of their children and families beyond miserable, but if you so much as touch some Karen's overpriced Tesla trophy car, you're tantamount to ISIS now?
Trump is provoking us. He's looking for any excuse to evoke martial law and "postpone" the midterms. This is why he's so sanguine about the markets and the impending rape of Social Security. He _wants_ protests to fill the streets. Elon's been lobbying him to pardon Derek Chauvin; nothing he'd love more than renewed Black Lives Matter protests he can crack the whip on and use as an excuse.
And I am absolutely torn about what we all should do about this. What do others think?
Vance is a sick man.