I have one thing in common with Rick Wilson: a history of being ideologically allied with "conservatives." (I'm old enough to have voted for Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan.) With age came a wider view of reality and an abandonment of old, obsolete and profoundly wrong beliefs, which have been replaced by new ones, like an understanding of MMT, the answer to the age-old question of "conservatives" and neoliberals alike, directed at any proposal for more (non-military) spending: "How will we pay for that?" For the comprehensive answer, visit realprogressives.org to tap into all their learning resources. Short answer: "The same way the federal government finances all its appropriations—spending new dollars into existence. No taxes or borrowing are required. (Federal taxes cannot, contrary to popular belief, "pay for" anything; their primary purpose is to shrink the money supply to control inflation.) Forget the "deficit myth;" on the federal level, "deficits" instantly become private-sector assets on the Treasury's spreadsheets. Inflation (the real kind, not opportunistic monopoly-capital price-gouging)? Only happens when the money supply exceeds real productive capacity. What's the real motivation behind deadly austerity budgets? They profit the winners of the class war (the rich) by increasing the misery levels of the non-rich through unemployment, foreclosures and debt (primarily medical and educational), depressing wages and increasing profits. The whole annual debt-ceiling brouhaha is a "bipartisan" fraud, a self-inflicted wound." OK, that answer wasn't all that short, but once I get started...

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President Biden, taking on the fight to preserve America at home and abroad. That’s it. His campaign slogan. Make sure they get it. And excellent piece.

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Hey Rick,

Not because its seems to be the new hottness topic of the day, but what are your thoughts on the Latino voter issue the Dem's have. I've been hearing since 2020 that Dem's are not doing a good job countering the BS socialist message that seems to be so effective against them. Does the DNC plan to take this seriously and to not only get on it but do it effectively taking the advice of people who know? I know your plate is full, but hoping you guys will address this as well. I trust your messaging over just about everyone else.

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Even before Russia's invasion of Ukraine, I was impressed by Joe Biden's steady hand and progress, quiet, behind the scenes leadership, accomplishing much without noise or drama. After Ukraine, I was moved and proud and absolutely sure that President Biden is the man for this time, and thank God for it. I've heard the whines of Democrats looking for a younger more "marketable" candidate, and I was incensed. You and I agree, Rick, no Plan B. Joe Biden has given and will continue to give the last years of his life to serving-- preserving and maintaining this fragile democracy. It's crystal clear that he knows exactly what is at stake, and he's more than up to the task. There is no better man or woman for the job ahead.

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You always crystallize all our thoughts! Our Democracy is at stake! Having a human is important in our very complex world. Thankful for Joe Biden.

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"We will not survive him."

You can say that again. Not only is Trump running on an explicit platform of revenge, retribution, and Constitution-termination, but he already has a support team of MAGA radicals working on their administration wide strategy to remake and end America as we know it. They plan to quickly transform the United States into a full on authoritarian regime should Trump return to power and the media is treating it all as if its politics as usual. This should be an all hands on deck five alarm fire.

Its not like they are even trying to hide it. The autocratic planning for a second Trump administration is being done out in the open. He intends to install hardcore loyalists who will do his bidding as directed, whether its weaponizing DOJ against his political enemies, or carrying out the ideological capture of federal agencies, or deploying the military against domestic protestors and opposition under the command of a handpicked, politicized, officer corp. And if you don't think the military portion of this plan may be the real reason that Tuberville is holding all these senior military posts vacant in the Senate then you really have not been paying attention.

Its really simple. Trump cannot return to power if you want the United States to be a place where elections decide outcomes, where individual rights matter, where government agencies are staffed with qualified, nonpartisan civil servants who do their jobs apolitically, and where politicians don’t baselessly prosecute their adversaries on made up charges for imaginary crimes based on conspiracy theories. If you want your children to grow up and live in a free country that resembles anything like the one you were lucky enough to be born into, then Trump must be defeated. Again.

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New subscriber, first time commenting, wearing my Pro Democracy shirt, and I’m here to say that I loved your whole essay. I’m all-Joe all the time. Kareem Abdul Jabbar said something about Mr. Biden and age to the effect of: he might be driving slow with the turn signal on, but he’s going in the right direction. Thank you for this. Also for giving us the ETTD motto for disgraced former prez whose little fingers of are death still grabbing.

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Apologies for the typos. My fingers are crossed so they hit keys randomly sometimes. 🤷‍♂️

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Thank you for the latest attack ad on Donald Tiny-hands about his disturbing obsession with his daughter Ivanka. I hope it drives him insane. Thank you also for your clarity about Joe Biden as the only Democratic candidate who we already know can beat Donald because he already has before. To every Progressive to Never Trump pundit who doubts Biden, I want to say, Oh. My. God. STOP IT! We are incapable of seeing around infinite corners into alternate universes. Joe Biden is the known quantity. Embrace him and keep fighting for U.S. democracy.

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I respect the hell out of you.

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“I’m a defrocked priest of the dead religion of moderate conservatism. “

Good stuff, Rick!

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I just found your Substack via a commenter's link in Heather Cox Richardson's "Letters from an American." I just subscribed. I commend you for turning away from the current GOP and for this outstanding explanation of why President Biden deserves to be re-elected. Thank you. I've shared it on Facebook.

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First time reader, new subscriber. Well said, especially the last few paragraphs.

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Off topic. It looks like Governor Youngkin has no coattail effects on the Virginia legislature election results. Fair to say that now he will not make some heroic 11th hour messianic entrance in the GOP Presidential race or was the whole thing on his entry bogus.

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Excellent article, which focuses my support for Biden with more facts than I knew. Thank you for writing it!

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I just discovered your substack tonight, and reading this article, realized I somehow missed Steve’s article on Biden being primaried. I headed over to read it and I’m flabbergasted; can’t describe my level of disappointment in him. Not sure I’ll continue to subscribe to his substack at all.

I can’t fathom anyone with his experience in DC politics truly thinking this is good for America or The People.

Feels like this is more a “good for Steve and let the chips fall where they may” decision.

I’m glad to have found your Substack tho. Thoroughly enjoyed your books, and look forward to catching up here and following along.

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I sent this to the chair of the dems in brevard county. She just reminded me that Joe would be the only dem on the ticket. I think she might be missing the point.

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