MAGA Mike is a more accurate depiction of the Trump sycophant!

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Im concerned about the increase in the anti-disability rhetoric I’ve seen online from Megan B, Andrew T, Gregory L, and other MAGA and Evangelical leaders since Milley’s and John Kelly’s comments made national news last month. It feels just like the anti-trans rhetoric started slowly in March ‘22 and has escalated to a fevered level now.

I fear the same threats are in our future for those of us with disabilities. The videos from Hamas purposely raping, disemboweling, and killing a group of women with cerebral palsy illustrate the ancient hatred against those with disabilities is alive and well. “Aktion T4” in Pre WW II Germany, before death camps were constructed, is case in point on how quickly violence can escalate and become normalized in advanced cultures.

I’m also interested in your thoughts about continued funding for Ukraine, funding for Israel, & a possible government shutdown with “Magic Mike” at the helm

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are we gonna have a live twitter session where we all get to zoom or are we an audience in this 7 EST discussion?

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a placebo ("I shall please") effect is one in which a substance is given that is supposed to reduce anxiety but has none of the properties we know to reduce anxiety. The rub is that contact with an understanding shrink does have curative properties so while it was previously thought to be a placebo, it is not. Warmth, caring, accurate reflections are all main ingredients. Where placebos become important are in controlled studies of medications such as anxiolytics. In blind placebo trial you want to know that your proposed medication does better than a simple sugar pill (which would be a placebo). Does that make sense. BTW it seems like the notion of an "insidious placebo" curing anxiety is an oxymoron. If it cures, it's great. but anxiolytics do not cure. They are simply palliative. All the best, Leigh

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it's asking me to upgrade to a founding member when I was already a finding member when you found it. I think it's on automatic repay. All the best, Leigh

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I'd like to come. Would you please zoom me a email invite at dr.lsilverton@icloud.com. This way I can press on the link and pop up. Thanks I will be there in the flesh.

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Here's a question I'd like to ask at the space: you and a number of people have risked your safety to fight authoritarianism. If Trump is reelected, will you consider leaving the country? Serious question

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I set up my reminder already

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Wtf is Steve Schmidt thinking by encouraging and supporting this bullshit?

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Don’t know, cancelled my subscription immediately. His employment with that campaign reeks.

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Hit up Simon and join us next time!

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Hey, Rick.....I would love to join you but this is the same time as Simon Rosenberg's paid subscriber Zoom. Simon always has such good ideas and encouragement which I need right now. Any chance your event will be available for viewing later?

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Dean Phillips not "Glen Phillips, the soon-to-be roadkill political primary challenger to Joe Biden".

I'm guessing I'm one of the few readers who recognized your mistake.

I was an early supporter and volunteer for Dean. I thought the world of him and have visited him in DC. I am now so disappointed with him. Here is my letter to the editor that the Star Tribune published on Monday.

If you listen to right-wing media, you’ve been told that Joe Biden is too mentally incompetent to be president. Biden’s response has been, in effect: “Just watch me.” Well, I’ve been watching President Biden for the past week since Hamas terrorized Israel, and I’ve convinced that there is no American politician who as the experience and wisdom to handle this crisis better. This is a president who was not afraid to visit Ukraine during a war and was not afraid to visit Israel during this crisis. The world is lucky that we have him as the American President

I think it’s time for a back-bench Democrat who represents the Minneapolis suburbs to give up his dream to run against the “too-old” Joe Biden and support re-electing the most successful foreign-affairs president since FDR.

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I keep making that mistake.

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How will this pro democracy become louder and stronger. How can the democratic leaders, now in place, shore up whatever defenses they have and/or create new ones to protect us? I feel so defeated by my own party not saying a word. Where are our leaders to lead us out of this? I’m doing all a single individual can but I don’t see political leaders doing enough with all the levers they have. Oh well. Look forward to this evening chat.

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Be brave when it's easier to hide. Be loud when they tell you to shut up. It's never easy.

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How do you see our country abolishing the MAGA movement so we can preserve American Democracy?

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Slowly, with one painful defeat of their side after another. Pain is the only teacher.

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Hey Rick, just wondering if there are any actual PACs that are focused just on Republican House members that are in Biden districts. The Targeted18 PAC or something.

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I'll get back to you on that.

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