Sensing the fate of McCarthy was a bad breath away, the thought of “whatever/whoever comes next is going to be shit buckets worse!

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Could this be all about trying to get Trump nominated and elected to Speaker of the house? I'm reading on the " Interwebby" that it is possible...

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I'm proud of the stand the House Dems took today. Now let the House crazies try to pick a leader.

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I've thought over the past few years that maybe we need the crazies to get crazier (as long as they don't have the nuclear codes!) and they'll burn themselves out....or the sane 70% of us in this country will fight hard and take control. Gaetz, etc. are flying much too close to the sun. The crazier they are and look, the more hopefully the American people will go to the polls and do them in! Thanks for all you do! Thanks for the sanity and telling it like it is!

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Oct 3, 2023·edited Oct 3, 2023Author

Folks, I've deleted a few comments from a MAGA troll. My tolerance for that kind of threat and accusation is basically zero.

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I wish the news networks would do the same, but they exist on the MAGA entertainment factor unfortunately. Chaos sells, I guess.

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Oct 3, 2023Liked by Rick Wilson

“Addiction” is the operative word here. These people are beyond human aid. And they’re going to take us down with them if we let them. Dems ABSOLUTELY cannot bail out McCarthy. We’ve been on a carousel of crazy here for over 8 years and I don’t see it stopping anytime soon.

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Putin is loving it.

Btw why is Gaetz still at liberty. His buddy is locked up right?

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Oct 3, 2023Liked by Rick Wilson

Excellent message.

I want a screened-in porch like that.

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See Mark.... listens to a Con Man from NYC who is a narcissist, a crook and wants to be a dictator... so Mark has not developed as a full human yet.... sorry Mark, maybe one day you will see the lite , idiot

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The frog and the scorpion. Let’s bring back all the fables. Am I the only one who learned real good stuff from these tales? The idiot, tRump was always the Naked Emperor.

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I have a headache.

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Thank you for your astute although frightening observations. 2024 is the whole ball game for democracy or authoritarian rule.

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Rick Thanks. always count on you for honesty..... We can't let these crazy people win. I hope we don't have that many stupid people in the US, but.... not so sure anymore.... scary times for sure

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What comes next will be truly terrifying.

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That was a bleak message delivered with near-cheer! 😊

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