Well, this was written when they were trying to sell Kamala as a conservative. That like all their other stuff didn’t work. This guy is full of lies and you can go to the sources to find out the real truth. Perhaps you might want to read some real news at Marco Polo expose of Hunters laptop, don’t spend time on the porn. Just the treason.

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So here we are on the other side of the election, trying to contemplate what has happened and what will happen. I do not want to lose sight of these ideas, the perception put forward here, of the hope and confidence and excitement we felt just a week ago. We will need to be fearless and honest if we are ever to understand what happened and get out of the box that the box that we find ourselves in. But I can't bear the thought of disavowing everything I was thinking in August.

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So well said Rick. Thank you for your hard work and keen insight.

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Thank you Rick Wilson! I am going to recommend you for the Presidential medal of freedom. P.S. I already voted for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz as well, thanks again.

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Thank you Simon for the like. I want everyone to know that I am going to ask my congresspeople to put Rick Wilson up for the congressional Medal of honor. Rick has done what most people wish they had the courage to do and that is to stand up for the truth. There is an old movie that I highly recommend to anyone who values truth (The Winslow Boy) with Robert Donet and Kathleen Harrison that has reference to us today with the time honored saying "Let right be done" which is exactly what Rick is doing.

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Voted last week.

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What a beautiful painting Rick! Are you the Artist? It just IS! Love it!

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Beautifully written. Thank you Rick for your energy and experience

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Rick - Just want to thank you for all you do to help preserve democracy. Particularly being an early adopter of leaving the world you knew and thrived in and coming over to my side. When people gripe about Liz Cheney, I say, I’ll take anyone on Team Democracy and worry about policy disputes later. Hell, if Trump was a D and it was Trump vs. Liz or GWBush or Dick or Mitt, I’d crossover and do the same despite definitely having misgivings on their policies. Just heaps of appreciation to you, your voice, and your contributions.

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Passing this one along to my trumpet relatives. Thank you!

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An inspirational and characteristically eloquent endorsement.

Thank you for being on the right side of history, Rick. You are a true antidote to the vulgarity of what our national political discourse has become.

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Great article .. thanks

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Why is AOC on this poster

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When I started my Substack newsletter 2 years ago, it was initially called “Neo-Fascism: A Warning”, and the logo pic was a red swastika on the American flag. ("Neo-fascism" just referred to the old poison in a new red-white-and-blue bottle.)

Many people said I was "over the top" and "too paranoid" and "too alarmist" by using the word "fascism" and referring to Hitler's malignant program. Now we know Trump himself praised Hitler and his program is clearly seen as fascist. And dangerous.

One of my main goals was to answer two questions:

WHO were these MAGA Trump-supporters?

WHY were they so all-in on an obvious conman, even to the point of voting against their own self-interest?

One of the earliest articles provided some of the deepest insight into the WHO and WHY of Trump’s cult-like MAGA supporters, and I think it may be a timely moment to re-post it:


I hope this answers some questions for your readers.

And re-enforces the need to stop Trumpism now.

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Well done Rick. This is a scary time. We must do all we can. Please everyone, vote blue at every level. This isn’t just a trump issue. He’s a symptom

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Yes, I had an Amazon subscription… now cancelled!!! C’Mon Bezos 🤥

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Not a subscriber anymore to WAPO

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Voted Early. Put my Harris/Waltz yard signs up.

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As I wait for Election Day to come and go by trying to avoid social media and corporate news shows, I turn on the television which wakes up to Morning Joe. I sit for a full two minutes watching Jonathan Lamire and Katty Kay masturbate on camera about polls which are useless now trying to decide where VP Harris is losing voters. I know that we’ve been told ignore the polls, if I know, they know because I’ve seen them hear it from guests. End of two minute pause. Click.

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Never forget that Joey Scars and his handmaiden Mika led the Trump normalization brigade in '16.

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