Kamala and Karma are knocking gor tRump.

K-A-R-M-A-L-A. πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™

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Preach Rick!

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I haven’t seen comment yet on this clever timing for Biden to announce withdrawal post RNC and VP selection. It seems genius (for now at least)

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Here’s one β€” and a good one. Like Wilson (but in saltier language), Tiedrich also takes on the screw-ups of The Fourth Estate.


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Thanks. Excellent advice. Euphoria runs its course like any other fever. My Facebook feed is so Kamala-drenched that I have to actively seek out Brainworm supporters to taunt, just to keep my mean side fed. It’s very heartening to see the Dems, generally as organized as a boxcar full of cats, conducting themselves like they’re on the parade ground at West Point. Damndest thing I ever saw. But, yeah, a special report will break that she once sent a burger back to the kitchen, demonstrating patrician contempt for our national dish that our soldiers fought and died to defend. BTW, being the son of a Baron con Schitzinpantz, isn’t he a baronet, β€œan inferior sort of a baron,” like Sir Hillary Bray (no relation to our Hilary).

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I meant Baronet Cokely von Failson. Which is now his official name. That dreadful beard makes him look like the third assistant villain in a Monogram western.

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Great ending with Mr J.T.. And a great article πŸ€™

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It is going to get Ugly. It will be 2016 on steroids. Old women like me and young, women like my niece, and the men that love us, old and young are going to vote for Harris. You go girl. And when the orange fraud felon dumps his shit on you, We Have Your Back!

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BTW, I just learned the quote was from Gloria Steinem.

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β€œWhite Claw” is pure guffaw-level gold. Now let’s don those asbestos gloves so we can white-knuckle this sucker across the finish line.

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Providing confirming proof that a campaign built on vengeance and retribution is doomed to failure when those are the only objectives said to worth fighting for.

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Rick, new ad idea for LP - call it: "Day 1": newsreel head "Donald Trump takes the oath of office. Mass protests break out in NYC. Trump invokes Insurrection Act and sends in the National Guard with the directive that "lethal force is authorized to restore order". AI voice of Trump saying: "Any soldier will be automatically pardoned for any crimes they are charged with. I have total authority and immunity for these official acts". Next headline: "NYC Bloodbath as 173 people killed by National Guard". Republican Congress encourages Trump to put down protests in Chicago and SF. Closing: "Welcome to Trump's America"

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Any chance we could get a list of all your campaign rules? Love Fido!!! Thanks Rick and Godspeed!

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Kh clearly has momentum now. I suspect it will last until shortly after the democratic convention. After that it is game on. Trump is clearly worried, that's why he is on board for debates. Democrats bucked up and united. That's the most important fact so far.

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Key point made here, I think, is to avoid getting cocky.

Do the work. Fight the fight. Win in the end. But leave the strutting and preening to DJ & JD.

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Great, great advice!! Love it when you put MAGA in its place!! The arrogance of MAGA and Fearful Leader is just astounding. He’s a convicted felon who a Judge said raped a woman, and they’re picking on KH!! They assume voters are stupid!! dems secret weapon? JD Vance bought and paid for by Theil. Vance like Trump is out for himself, not the country. Selfless is two syllables so understandable they have no idea what it means. VOTE people, VOTE!!! Put the MAGA bastards to bed!!!

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Saw some badges with comma La ( , La ) so people would start saying her name properly. Maybe they should switch to it to "Karma La".

I know, bad joke. Please forgive me.

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