Our Enemies List Podcast Q&A Episode was a big ratings and audience hit last week, and so my team asked me to do another on for The Lincoln Project Podcast.
I tried to tell Lincoln Project to run ads where the Anti-Christ said Hitler wasva great man. I'm a Master. My spirit guides woke me up screaming at me the election was Stolen on November 5th. Here's proof of what they did. https://youtu.be/X3hXeEiFcJM?si=b1eQGOk3LlZRQD2O
I tried to tell Lincoln Project to run ads where the Anti-Christ said Hitler wasva great man. I'm a Master. My spirit guides woke me up screaming at me the election was Stolen on November 5th. Here's proof of what they did. https://youtu.be/X3hXeEiFcJM?si=b1eQGOk3LlZRQD2O
The conservative mindset is a disease of the mindset as it serves the Lucifer consciousness. Slave owners of the 1800's prove it as well as the Fascist Nazis of WW2. It is a cult for the most part. 70-80% of the conservative mindset is diseased. Their evil thoughts are creating global warming. The other 20-30% of the conservative mindset are Good People like Mr Wilson.
Congrats on your freedom of speech being duly protected from abuse by Gen Flynn. Saw this and thought of freedom’s enemies. “What’s done in the dark will be brought to the light.”
“Sadi-populism” is indeed a brilliant encapsulation of the trump-MAGA ethos. I agree with Rick’s analysis of what would happen if Trump “probably too mean to die” passed on. A more interesting thing to contemplate given Trump’s quite obvious cognitive issues is what happens if JD Vance encouraged by the tech immigrant fascists who also spread money freely in the Senate decides to invoke the 25th? Amendment and it happens. The VP and Senate vote to remove him. Shirt of being paralyzed there is no way that Trump would go quietly into the twilight he’s heading for. In my fantasy this creates a Civil War within the party that ends like the final scene of Reservoir Digs. Now that would be a spectacle I’d like to see!
Interesting. You’re right that the GOP house and senate are scared of the MAGAloids (great phrase) and rightly so - they are essentially trump’s goon squad. But the absolute lack of courage, the depth of their degradation is astonishing and contemptible. Due to their cowardice and greed, they have enabled a monster who is the worst thing to happen inside this country since the Civil War. How they can live with themselves and vote for the worst cabinet proposed in our lifetimes at the expense of democracy, national security, our international standing, health and welfare, a functioning government and their own families is beyond my comprehension.
Aside from the people around him who are as sadistic and psychotic as he is and the gullible maggots, I doubt there is anyone in congress with an IQ over 100 who actually believes most of what he says and most of them probably dislike him. The whole lot of them should be sent on a retreat for anti-bullying training - trump wouldn’t last a week in any school with a decent program. They’ve allowed the bully to kick out the entire staff and somehow expect the government and economy to function.
As for Peter Thiel. a man even more vengeful than Trump, and the rest of that fascist coven, they lack emotional intelligence and are basically idiot savants, brilliant in business and tech and completely arrested in myriad ways. Grooming JD Vance is an example of Thiel’s deficiencies. .
The 25th Amendment only involves the VP and cabinet, which is why I don't think it would ever be invoked no matter how much of a drooling vegetable Trump becomes. That Trump is endlessly appalling goes without saying but I honestly don't find it surprising. The only GOP president in my lifetime who wasn't an offense to America (not counting that last year and half under Ike when was I was an infant) was Poppy Bush. My first political awareness came with Nixon. Reagan and Dubya were atrocities in their own ways. Trump is more a difference of degree, not kind.
But MAGA as a self-sustaining grift driven by a personality cult is extremely fragile.
It's funny that you mention Poppy Bush, who was indeed competent and not deranged or corrupt. However, I'm reading a book by Craig Unger, who for years has been researching a story about how Reagan, perhaps in cahoots with Bush, pulled off the "October Surprise" in a clandestine deal with the Iranians to not release the hostages until Reagan was in office. This can also be tied to the Iran Contra scandal, more clandestine hypocrisy. While I haven't read much yet connecting Bush to either, he did work for the CIA and no doubt had some tricks up his sleeve. Some of his old cronies who were involved did. Still, he had dignity, a statesmanlike quality that deserved respect, which is more than one can say about most of the left behind Republicans in the MAGA era.
Speaking of old spooks, I once interviewed Miles Copeland, Sr., who was in the British intelligence service. The piece was part of a series of interviews with his sons, whose music companies were called IRS and CIA, also including Stewart, the drummer in the Police. Anyway, it was hardly a piece of investigative journalism, geared more to popular culture but I thoroughly enjoyed talking to their father, who perhaps because he was the author of numerous books was quite candid or as candid as a spook can be about some of his activities. The one quote that particularly tickled me was when telling me a story about some player in the Middle East where he was the station head, "And then we said, son, get in your yacht immediately and get the hell out of here. Permanently."
I'm a reflexive antiwarrior so I opposed Operation Desert Storm at the time; I thought it was a turkey shoot and that the Iraq / Kuwait border was a product of Western colonialism (Sykes-Picot). But compared to his son's invasion it looks like the landing at Normandy. Poppy _did_ have a legit international coalition, including most Arab states, and the principle that you just don't go and invade your neighbor is a valid one to uphold in retrospect.
Poppy was a CIA ghoul to be sure (sorry, Rick), but comparing him to Nixon, Reagan, his son and Trump is kind of like sticking a Grand Theft Auto perp in a lineup with serial killers. Less bad is still, you know, less bad.
Rick thinks that the 25th is a real possibility because the contempt Peter Thiel and his Curtis Yarvinite broligarch buddies have for democracy is only matched by the contempt they have for the MAGAloids. I beg to differ. This is a personality cult, not a political movement. First, the cabinet would have to sign on and the only qualification to be in that house of goons that matters is complete loyalty to Donald Trump. They don't want the relentless death threats. Second, the whole raison d'etre of MAGA would collapse.
You wanna convert MAGA into just another crop of Bush-grade oligarchs wrecking the country for their own gain, take out the guy who fooled them into thinking he was doing it all for them and not for himself. Every CEO of every rapacious corporation would have to rent themselves a team of retired Navy SEALs to ward off bullets from disillusioned MAGA.
America isn’t a center right country, but the “washed out of their own party” GOP sure wants it to be. The truth is the GOP was dying, going out of style, and in order to save themselves they turned into an unhinged, racist, conspiratorial bunch of clowns with a cult leader plucked from TV. Reagan 2.0 only somehow more stupid. Now some of us knew that’s what the Republican Party ALWAYS was. The largest (and most medium-sized) cities in America, where the actual PEOPLE ARE, are progressive and blue. The cow fuckers in the MAGA party manage to make the country look more “right” with their chickenshit gerrymandering, voter suppression, voter intimidation and every other filthy fucking trick they can think of. Trying to use disillusioned democrats to help create a new GOP is transparent af. This is what shifting the Overton window looks like, folks. Don’t fall for it from Rick or Conway.
Long time listener from UK here messaging from across the Pond. I wonder what you made of the recent (very) unflattering coverage of Melania Trump on Russian State tv? It looks to me like little clips of it could do with airing in an ad break on Fox, but that’s just my personal view!
(Ps I’ve taken a break from US politics since the election so apologies if you’d already picked this one up and I missed it. Chin up old chap and I salute your continued efforts)
You can bet the entire farm that Republicans like EmptyG would run an ad like that on MSNBC in a flash if they had nude pics of any top female Democrat.
I almost wish someone would do that, almost, because yeah, I want us to fight hard, but I don’t want us to become the slimeballs that they are.
Hi Michael. Thanks for your reply. Honestly I am very cautious about commenting on other political systems, not least because it is none of my business. I have close family members in America who are on both sides of the divide and I don’t want to weigh in. Farage is another matter - an absolute a-hole of the worst kind!
I am curious what the sentiment in the UK about our politics here. I know you have some right wing challenges of your own with clowns like Farage, but man, you must think we're nuts here, electing a guy who's an adjudged rapist, a felon, and as been impeached twice. Also, the guns.
From your vantage point, what do we look like here.
A crosspost from the last thread because it was dead when I wrote it:
I just listened to Rick's LP Q&A and I'd like to question one of his central assumptions he loves to repeat, that America is a center-right country. Is it, Rick? If America was truly a center-right country, then how did Trump have such an easy time hijacking the GOP? I contend, rather, that America is a center-left country with a deep reactionary strain that has been with us forever.
Ike was a reluctant New Dealer. Nixon was practically a Communist (LOL). Mainstream Republicans two generations ago would seem like liberal Democrats today. The postwar right was always restive about this, which spawned harbingers like Tailgunner Joe and the Birchers. Look to your foundational texts, Rick, the National Review of the early 60s when the GOP was on the proverbial balls of its ass. WF Buckley, Jr. might have been the urbane, civil libertarian face of the emerging conservative movement, cheekily sailing his yacht into international waters so he could smoke pot legally, but Russell Kirk and Brent Bozell were drooling over Catholic Integralism and military authoritarians. Much of their standing athwart History yelling Stop! sounds like Project 2025. This is the deep reactionary strain in our nation's DNA that the conservative movement had to spruce up and civilize to avoid election catastrophes like Barry Goldwater.
And they found the perfect messenger in Ronald Reagan, and thus the myth of America as a center-right country was born. But Reagan's deeply corrupt administration only kept the lid on what was seething underneath thanks to the cold war. After the Wall fell, talk radio and Newt Gingrich began to let the demons out. The Clinton-era Republicans weren't winning the argument on the merits, nor did they lack a partner willing to compromise with them, so they shifted to pure opposition mode. Tax cuts for the rich and a deregulation frenzy were never popular with voters. So the GOP shifted attempts to appeal to the center to their base.
If America was truly a center-right country, the GOP wouldn't need pure demagogy to get elected.
He was able to hijack the party because for decades, especially since Reagan and ESPECIALLY since Fox News, they’ve been the anti intellectual party who never read past a headline, IF they read at all; and they’re just fucking loaded with racists and misogynists
They thrive on puerile slogans, half truths and outright lies; and they deplore intelligence.
They see a guy like John Kerry, Harvard grad, articulate and worldly, who served his country honorably in the military, they mock him and elect a true dumbbell who lied us into a war.
They have ALWAYS been vulnerable to being taken over. It’s actually surprising it didn’t happen a couple decades ago. Low hanging fruit.
So along comes Trump, a flashy (failed) carnival barking NYC businessman who was canonized by Mark Burnett with deep racist underpinnings … and it was easy.
Trump himself said years ago “if I ever run for President, it’ll be as a Republican; they’re so stupid they believe anything”.
Add Fox News to the mix and you’ve got a blowtorch meeting a keg of kerosene”
Trump was always gonna happen. It was predictable and it was easy
Yep, Michael, I agree with that assessment. It is tremendously ironic that the postwar conservative movement before it found a foothold in electoral politics was self-consciously intellectual, history-minded and elitist. WF Buckley, Jr. was the perfect caricature of the Ivy League gent with the mid-Atlantic accent and the ten-dollar words. They didn't like Joe McCarthy because he was a bumpkin. They didn't like the Birchers because they were misfits. And then they started winning elections ...
American conservatism, especially since postwar, has two very contradictory strains. The strain that you and I are comfortable with, that I as a strong liberal can at least work with, is Rick's strain, free-market, small-government conservatism with an ardent belief in the Constitution and the rule of law. That strain can also be called classical liberalism as it owes a great deal to JS Mill and 19th century English liberalism. Rick believes in human rights and equality under law, just as we liberals do. Both postwar liberals like myself and classical liberals like Rick also tend to have strong civil libertarian instincts. We support the Bill of Rights even if we might quibble over the Second Amendment (that's a huge can of worms).
But there's another, deeper strain in the DNA of conservatism that's socially reactionary, that believes in a preordained natural order, that believes that being strong is a right in itself and that the strong should dominate the weak. What's coming out in Trump is not something new, it's just the boiling over of reactionary conservatism which has always been there.
I tried to tell Lincoln Project to run ads where the Anti-Christ said Hitler wasva great man. I'm a Master. My spirit guides woke me up screaming at me the election was Stolen on November 5th. Here's proof of what they did. https://youtu.be/X3hXeEiFcJM?si=b1eQGOk3LlZRQD2O
I tried to tell Lincoln Project to run ads where the Anti-Christ said Hitler wasva great man. I'm a Master. My spirit guides woke me up screaming at me the election was Stolen on November 5th. Here's proof of what they did. https://youtu.be/X3hXeEiFcJM?si=b1eQGOk3LlZRQD2O
I have watched this video twice. I absolutely believe his points are valid. Cleta Mitchell, who was on the
“find me the votes” phone call, was a huge financier of True the Vote.
They damned sure stole the election by using Jim Crow style voter suppression AND by Musk, Theil, & others buying votes.
The whole thing is absolutely sickening & the Democrats should have been a lot louder about all this shit.
Thank you for discussing on the Enemies List Q & A the messages young men (and honestly a lot of men) are getting from society.
The left indeed needs a paradigm shift in its views on men and to rethink its approach.
One cannot shame a man into compliance if his capacity for shame is completely exhausted and beat down.
The conservative mindset is a disease of the mindset as it serves the Lucifer consciousness. Slave owners of the 1800's prove it as well as the Fascist Nazis of WW2. It is a cult for the most part. 70-80% of the conservative mindset is diseased. Their evil thoughts are creating global warming. The other 20-30% of the conservative mindset are Good People like Mr Wilson.
Congrats on your freedom of speech being duly protected from abuse by Gen Flynn. Saw this and thought of freedom’s enemies. “What’s done in the dark will be brought to the light.”
Enjoy: https://music.apple.com/us/album/gods-gonna-cut-you-down/1440824054?i=1440824064
“Sadi-populism” is indeed a brilliant encapsulation of the trump-MAGA ethos. I agree with Rick’s analysis of what would happen if Trump “probably too mean to die” passed on. A more interesting thing to contemplate given Trump’s quite obvious cognitive issues is what happens if JD Vance encouraged by the tech immigrant fascists who also spread money freely in the Senate decides to invoke the 25th? Amendment and it happens. The VP and Senate vote to remove him. Shirt of being paralyzed there is no way that Trump would go quietly into the twilight he’s heading for. In my fantasy this creates a Civil War within the party that ends like the final scene of Reservoir Digs. Now that would be a spectacle I’d like to see!
Interesting. You’re right that the GOP house and senate are scared of the MAGAloids (great phrase) and rightly so - they are essentially trump’s goon squad. But the absolute lack of courage, the depth of their degradation is astonishing and contemptible. Due to their cowardice and greed, they have enabled a monster who is the worst thing to happen inside this country since the Civil War. How they can live with themselves and vote for the worst cabinet proposed in our lifetimes at the expense of democracy, national security, our international standing, health and welfare, a functioning government and their own families is beyond my comprehension.
Aside from the people around him who are as sadistic and psychotic as he is and the gullible maggots, I doubt there is anyone in congress with an IQ over 100 who actually believes most of what he says and most of them probably dislike him. The whole lot of them should be sent on a retreat for anti-bullying training - trump wouldn’t last a week in any school with a decent program. They’ve allowed the bully to kick out the entire staff and somehow expect the government and economy to function.
As for Peter Thiel. a man even more vengeful than Trump, and the rest of that fascist coven, they lack emotional intelligence and are basically idiot savants, brilliant in business and tech and completely arrested in myriad ways. Grooming JD Vance is an example of Thiel’s deficiencies. .
The 25th Amendment only involves the VP and cabinet, which is why I don't think it would ever be invoked no matter how much of a drooling vegetable Trump becomes. That Trump is endlessly appalling goes without saying but I honestly don't find it surprising. The only GOP president in my lifetime who wasn't an offense to America (not counting that last year and half under Ike when was I was an infant) was Poppy Bush. My first political awareness came with Nixon. Reagan and Dubya were atrocities in their own ways. Trump is more a difference of degree, not kind.
But MAGA as a self-sustaining grift driven by a personality cult is extremely fragile.
It's funny that you mention Poppy Bush, who was indeed competent and not deranged or corrupt. However, I'm reading a book by Craig Unger, who for years has been researching a story about how Reagan, perhaps in cahoots with Bush, pulled off the "October Surprise" in a clandestine deal with the Iranians to not release the hostages until Reagan was in office. This can also be tied to the Iran Contra scandal, more clandestine hypocrisy. While I haven't read much yet connecting Bush to either, he did work for the CIA and no doubt had some tricks up his sleeve. Some of his old cronies who were involved did. Still, he had dignity, a statesmanlike quality that deserved respect, which is more than one can say about most of the left behind Republicans in the MAGA era.
Speaking of old spooks, I once interviewed Miles Copeland, Sr., who was in the British intelligence service. The piece was part of a series of interviews with his sons, whose music companies were called IRS and CIA, also including Stewart, the drummer in the Police. Anyway, it was hardly a piece of investigative journalism, geared more to popular culture but I thoroughly enjoyed talking to their father, who perhaps because he was the author of numerous books was quite candid or as candid as a spook can be about some of his activities. The one quote that particularly tickled me was when telling me a story about some player in the Middle East where he was the station head, "And then we said, son, get in your yacht immediately and get the hell out of here. Permanently."
I'm a reflexive antiwarrior so I opposed Operation Desert Storm at the time; I thought it was a turkey shoot and that the Iraq / Kuwait border was a product of Western colonialism (Sykes-Picot). But compared to his son's invasion it looks like the landing at Normandy. Poppy _did_ have a legit international coalition, including most Arab states, and the principle that you just don't go and invade your neighbor is a valid one to uphold in retrospect.
Poppy was a CIA ghoul to be sure (sorry, Rick), but comparing him to Nixon, Reagan, his son and Trump is kind of like sticking a Grand Theft Auto perp in a lineup with serial killers. Less bad is still, you know, less bad.
I appreciate your perspective, Bob. Your analysis changed my opinion on the likelihood of 25 being used sooner rather than later.
Rick thinks that the 25th is a real possibility because the contempt Peter Thiel and his Curtis Yarvinite broligarch buddies have for democracy is only matched by the contempt they have for the MAGAloids. I beg to differ. This is a personality cult, not a political movement. First, the cabinet would have to sign on and the only qualification to be in that house of goons that matters is complete loyalty to Donald Trump. They don't want the relentless death threats. Second, the whole raison d'etre of MAGA would collapse.
You wanna convert MAGA into just another crop of Bush-grade oligarchs wrecking the country for their own gain, take out the guy who fooled them into thinking he was doing it all for them and not for himself. Every CEO of every rapacious corporation would have to rent themselves a team of retired Navy SEALs to ward off bullets from disillusioned MAGA.
re morality comment. Did you mean to say it
My worry Rick dismisses such a notion out of the gate.
Here is a question. why can't The president use the immunity given by the Supreme Court to get rid of Trump before he is sworn in
Q&A twice monthly works for me.
I had the pleasure of listening to you on WABE's Politically Georgia this morning. Thanks for continuing to do the hard work.
America isn’t a center right country, but the “washed out of their own party” GOP sure wants it to be. The truth is the GOP was dying, going out of style, and in order to save themselves they turned into an unhinged, racist, conspiratorial bunch of clowns with a cult leader plucked from TV. Reagan 2.0 only somehow more stupid. Now some of us knew that’s what the Republican Party ALWAYS was. The largest (and most medium-sized) cities in America, where the actual PEOPLE ARE, are progressive and blue. The cow fuckers in the MAGA party manage to make the country look more “right” with their chickenshit gerrymandering, voter suppression, voter intimidation and every other filthy fucking trick they can think of. Trying to use disillusioned democrats to help create a new GOP is transparent af. This is what shifting the Overton window looks like, folks. Don’t fall for it from Rick or Conway.
I sincerely see a cabinet position for Rick under the 2028 Democratic Administration, whomever that President might be.
Day-um ;)
Cow fuckers. God bless America ;)
Hi Rick.
Long time listener from UK here messaging from across the Pond. I wonder what you made of the recent (very) unflattering coverage of Melania Trump on Russian State tv? It looks to me like little clips of it could do with airing in an ad break on Fox, but that’s just my personal view!
(Ps I’ve taken a break from US politics since the election so apologies if you’d already picked this one up and I missed it. Chin up old chap and I salute your continued efforts)
You can bet the entire farm that Republicans like EmptyG would run an ad like that on MSNBC in a flash if they had nude pics of any top female Democrat.
I almost wish someone would do that, almost, because yeah, I want us to fight hard, but I don’t want us to become the slimeballs that they are.
Hi Michael. Thanks for your reply. Honestly I am very cautious about commenting on other political systems, not least because it is none of my business. I have close family members in America who are on both sides of the divide and I don’t want to weigh in. Farage is another matter - an absolute a-hole of the worst kind!
I am curious what the sentiment in the UK about our politics here. I know you have some right wing challenges of your own with clowns like Farage, but man, you must think we're nuts here, electing a guy who's an adjudged rapist, a felon, and as been impeached twice. Also, the guns.
From your vantage point, what do we look like here.
Question: How about Biden resigning so Harris becomes our first woman president, if only for a matter of days?
I like the way it would fuck up the numbers on all the grifter’s t-shirts and flags if he weren’t 47!
A crosspost from the last thread because it was dead when I wrote it:
I just listened to Rick's LP Q&A and I'd like to question one of his central assumptions he loves to repeat, that America is a center-right country. Is it, Rick? If America was truly a center-right country, then how did Trump have such an easy time hijacking the GOP? I contend, rather, that America is a center-left country with a deep reactionary strain that has been with us forever.
Ike was a reluctant New Dealer. Nixon was practically a Communist (LOL). Mainstream Republicans two generations ago would seem like liberal Democrats today. The postwar right was always restive about this, which spawned harbingers like Tailgunner Joe and the Birchers. Look to your foundational texts, Rick, the National Review of the early 60s when the GOP was on the proverbial balls of its ass. WF Buckley, Jr. might have been the urbane, civil libertarian face of the emerging conservative movement, cheekily sailing his yacht into international waters so he could smoke pot legally, but Russell Kirk and Brent Bozell were drooling over Catholic Integralism and military authoritarians. Much of their standing athwart History yelling Stop! sounds like Project 2025. This is the deep reactionary strain in our nation's DNA that the conservative movement had to spruce up and civilize to avoid election catastrophes like Barry Goldwater.
And they found the perfect messenger in Ronald Reagan, and thus the myth of America as a center-right country was born. But Reagan's deeply corrupt administration only kept the lid on what was seething underneath thanks to the cold war. After the Wall fell, talk radio and Newt Gingrich began to let the demons out. The Clinton-era Republicans weren't winning the argument on the merits, nor did they lack a partner willing to compromise with them, so they shifted to pure opposition mode. Tax cuts for the rich and a deregulation frenzy were never popular with voters. So the GOP shifted attempts to appeal to the center to their base.
If America was truly a center-right country, the GOP wouldn't need pure demagogy to get elected.
Just addressing one thing you wrote:
He was able to hijack the party because for decades, especially since Reagan and ESPECIALLY since Fox News, they’ve been the anti intellectual party who never read past a headline, IF they read at all; and they’re just fucking loaded with racists and misogynists
They thrive on puerile slogans, half truths and outright lies; and they deplore intelligence.
They see a guy like John Kerry, Harvard grad, articulate and worldly, who served his country honorably in the military, they mock him and elect a true dumbbell who lied us into a war.
They have ALWAYS been vulnerable to being taken over. It’s actually surprising it didn’t happen a couple decades ago. Low hanging fruit.
So along comes Trump, a flashy (failed) carnival barking NYC businessman who was canonized by Mark Burnett with deep racist underpinnings … and it was easy.
Trump himself said years ago “if I ever run for President, it’ll be as a Republican; they’re so stupid they believe anything”.
Add Fox News to the mix and you’ve got a blowtorch meeting a keg of kerosene”
Trump was always gonna happen. It was predictable and it was easy
Yep, Michael, I agree with that assessment. It is tremendously ironic that the postwar conservative movement before it found a foothold in electoral politics was self-consciously intellectual, history-minded and elitist. WF Buckley, Jr. was the perfect caricature of the Ivy League gent with the mid-Atlantic accent and the ten-dollar words. They didn't like Joe McCarthy because he was a bumpkin. They didn't like the Birchers because they were misfits. And then they started winning elections ...
Don’t call them conservatives
Conservatives believe in fiscal responsibility. That ended with Reagan’s tax cuts. W and Trump repeated it
They believe in free trade. Trump implemented tariffs and is threatening more
Small government. Hahahahaha. New absurd departments like DOGE and older white men telling women what they can do with their bodies
Strong defense. Half the party is in bed with Putin.
And more
There is no longer ANY ideology for that matter. Unless you consider owning the libs, grifting and self enrichment ideologies
American conservatism, especially since postwar, has two very contradictory strains. The strain that you and I are comfortable with, that I as a strong liberal can at least work with, is Rick's strain, free-market, small-government conservatism with an ardent belief in the Constitution and the rule of law. That strain can also be called classical liberalism as it owes a great deal to JS Mill and 19th century English liberalism. Rick believes in human rights and equality under law, just as we liberals do. Both postwar liberals like myself and classical liberals like Rick also tend to have strong civil libertarian instincts. We support the Bill of Rights even if we might quibble over the Second Amendment (that's a huge can of worms).
But there's another, deeper strain in the DNA of conservatism that's socially reactionary, that believes in a preordained natural order, that believes that being strong is a right in itself and that the strong should dominate the weak. What's coming out in Trump is not something new, it's just the boiling over of reactionary conservatism which has always been there.