Rick, your friend Mike Madrid might find a way to share this with appropriate activist groups. Did not know a way to email you directly, so putting the link here.https://www.facebook.com/share/v/bz3e2KTCvJr614N1/?mibextid=Mk4v2M

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Rick, not sure how else to get in touch with you. A friend of mine received a copy of a memo being circulated, possible attributed to Steve Schmidt and Dean Phillips. It is a "Briefing memo on an open nominating process, in .pdf form. If you don't already know about it, what can you find out? I have a copy but don't know how to share it. If true, these MOFers need to stand down.

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Over the last few years I have been watching anti Trump Republican campaign professionals like the living project and the bulwark. The difference in tone between them and the Democrats I grew up with is as suprising to me as it is surprising to you. I am enjoying the can do attitudes from the anti Trump Republicans. It gives me much more hope than when I listen to the traditional democratic party I grew up with. I think we need to learn a lot about practicality and ruthlessness, instead of focusing on purity of platform.

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Apparently J’Douche is Peter Thiels boy bitch.

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What MAGAloids somehow don't realize but that Trae "Liberal Redneck" Crowder does is that the book that put JD NoDickInMyPants on the map, Hillbilly Elegy, is a gigantic dis of the poor white people of Appalachia, blaming all their problems on their own shitty characters in order for ol' JD to be accepted into cosmopolitan society as a hedge fund manager. "Look, see, I'm not like them! They all suck, including my pillbilly mama! But look how articulate and better than them I am!"

Peter Thiel loves JD because Thiel is an Ayn Rand-grade techno-libertarian who believes that everyone should pull themselves up by their bootstraps and transcend their bad circumstances and if they can't, no reasons for it matter, it means that they failed in life.

That Thiel had to keep sponsoring Vance because he was fired from his first two hedge fund gigs kind of contradicts the whole premise, but Thiel sees Vance as a messenger for that bogus narrative and appearances of course matter more in politics than reality.

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Nice! I think J’Douce just gives Theil lots of blow jibs.

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Jen O'Malley Dillon on Joey Scars: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7zaxYoE4Uw

Joe Biden ain't goin' anywhere.

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Oh gods, it's time for me to tear my bud Keith Olbermann a new asshole again ...

His Friday pod dropped and the A block is insufferable. Keith is not a click chaser; he made a nice pile for himself working in corporate media and he does his pod, sans video, out of a walk-in closet in his apartment. He does all the writing and producing and only has help with the music. So this is Keith being a totally independent commentator. And Keith being who he is: a reactive neurotic Democrat.

Joe. Biden. Must. Step. Down. The FOBs (Friends of Biden) came in and presented their ultimatum. And if Biden doesn't accept it willingly, they will _go public._ Really, Keith? And what if Joe Biden tells them all to go fuck right off? Joe's a stubborn Irishman. What are they going to do then? He knows that every last one of them thinks he's been an excellent president. He knows what the historians say about the power of incumbency. He knows that each of the skittish House Democrats could all be doing a better job of selling the Biden agenda and touting his accomplishments in their districts. Joe's character has been formed by confronting and prevailing over bullies. Does anyone really think that Joe Biden can't handle the kind of passive aggressive bullying you'd get from Nancy Pelosi?

The "evidence" Keith presents for this squeeze play is an Emerson hypothetical head-to-head poll that Keith spends several minutes ridiculing as self-fulfilling nonsense and _still_ uses to "argue" that if the Democrats had _this_ [fill in the blank with magic pony Democrat], boy they'd really wallop Trump!

If Joe Biden does this -- and I have no idea if he will or not -- what are the FOBs going to do about it? Are they going to tank their own convention by going to war with their nominee? It'd be one thing if there was a challenger out there, you know, like a Eugene McCarthy or a Ronald Reagan or a Teddy Kennedy or a Pat Buchanan or a Bernie Sanders. Marianne Williamson, Cornel West and Jill Stein are dilettantes. No serious Democrat has thought to even hint that they'd like to contest the nomination and Kamala has given no indication she'd be willing to knife her boss and her benefactor in the back.

If Joe's willing to step down, that's another story entirely. But he cannot be forced into it. But Keith has to tell the story before it's written. And he has to liken it -- in a truly sickening display of narcissism -- to his own decision to pull the plug on his terminally ill and suffering father, his only regret being that he didn't do it two weeks sooner. Every story Keith tells has to eventually be about Keith Olbermann.

As he says in his intro to his Things I Promised Not To Tell segment, "and now onto my favorite subject, ME." Keith thinks he's being cutely self-deprecating with that bald display of egomania. Heh.

To be perfectly fair, the rest of his pod was terrific. It's just that the A-block stank to high heaven.

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Why is the polling which is driving democrary defenders to lose their minds, when it is highly plausible to suspect Russian interference with it? What evidence is there of that, you say? For a start, the polls are fundamentally incredible as Mike Madrid said today about the Arizona disparity between Biden (down 6) and Gallego (up 7). Also, the incredulity of everyone that a convicted felon doesn't take a dive in the polls means either we have to accept that 45% of the country is lawless or something is wrong with the polls. Then what do we know? 1. The Russians hacked the DNC in 2016 2. There is evidence of election machine attempts since then. 3. We have zero evidence that they have gotten dumber or less willing to create havoc with democracies and 4. Putin's motivation to get Trump elected is supercharged- his own survival turns on it. So what effort is being made to cyber-investigate the pollsters' databanks for evidence of intrusion? Are we seriously going to let this (and Biden) go without even asking the question?????

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A couple points, Rae. Voting machines are what's called air gapped -- they have no connection to the Internet. The whole nub of the '20 conspiracy theories was that malevolent actors could get into the machines on Election Day and change the votes remotely. That cannot be done. What you're proposing is an army of Russian hackers in hundreds of thousands precincts across the country physically tampering with voting machines. Occam's Razor rules that out.

Hacking into a DNC email server is not remotely equivalent to hacking an entire election.

Putin has bigger problems right now. The losers that Prigozhin's IRA hired to troll the US have all been sent to the front in Ukraine. Russian hackers haven't gotten any dumber or less sophisticated and Putin has no less will to try to influence the US elections but what he doesn't have that he had in 2016 are the resources for it. Every last scrap of Russian technical expertise has been thrown into Russia's losing war effort, and that includes hard currency to pay Macedonian teenagers in troll farms. Putin has exactly zero hard currency to play with.

There's also a questionable strategic utility in hacking polls. Creating an artificial big lead in Trump's polling would only generate complacency in Trump voters and existential panic in his ardent foes, assuring that they'd crawl over the proverbial ground glass to vote against him. The biggest structural problem Hillary Clinton had in '16 was her consistent polling lead.

So no, I don't think we need to launch into conspiracist fears of Russian election hacking.

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Bob I am not suggesting that the Russians are hacking voting machines. What I said was - are they hacking the pollsters' computers where the samples are taken, the polling tallied and the weightings applied. Given the extraordinary apparent support for Trump in the polls now, and the proven disparity between the polls and election outcomes since 2020 and particularly in 2022 and most recently, the Maryland Senate primary on 14 May, when Angela Alsobrooks trailed David Trone in every poll by a large margin but went on to beat him by 11 points.

As for whether Putin has any effort going into this due to the toll of the war effort, come on. Putin's destiny is surely dependent on a Trump win- you think he's using his cyber-warriors as cannon fodder??

Finally, enough of the conspiracist language, thanks- read the post more carefully before commenting and certainly before disparaging. This is a real, evidence-based possibility, and to suggest it should be investigated is neither fanciful nor conspiracist.

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Rae, with respect, I read your post carefully. You said that "there is evidence of election machine attempts since then." What evidence is that? It begs the question of whether you know how voting machines are tabulated. When the polls close, each voting machine's data is downloaded onto a thumb drive, which is put into a secure, locked bag and transported to the tabulating station. It's why it can take so long to count city precincts. So there's literally no way Russia can get in remotely. Without this precaution, elections could be called within a half hour of the last polls closing because all the data would be instantly uploaded to the Internet. But that would be vastly insecure so nobody does it that way, despite the time it would save.

But your actual concern is whether they're hacking into pollsters' computers. Are the pollster's computers on the Internet? Or are they standalone laptops with their wifi turned off? There doesn't seem to be a technical need for pollsters' computers to be connected to the Internet, but I don't know if they are. The concrete evidence you present are polling discrepancies, sometimes very large, which of course I'll grant you. But there are many things that can account for polling discrepancies, even big ones. So before considering hacking, you'd have to ask yourself what Russia would gain by pumping up the polling numbers of Trump and other Republicans?

Doesn't strike me that they gain very much. First, it creates a narrative of Democratic overperformance, which takes the edge off of having to be concerned so much about polling. Secondly, artificially inflated poll numbers would tend to depress those votes by creating a sense of complacency and letting occasional voters believe they can safely not bother to vote. That's what happened, tragically, with Hillary Clinton, only it wasn't maliciously overinflated numbers, it was just bad polling in general. When 538 says your candidate (Hillary) has an 80% chance of victory the day before the election, you'll find it easier to make an excuse to stay home.

Putin is using his Internet trolls as cannon fodder to be perfectly sure. Those with technical expertise he hasn't sent to the front he needs in defense plants to, e.g., cannibalize dishwashers and washing machines for their chips to be reprogrammed for use in drones. His remaining cyber-warriors have bigger fish to fry, like causing international network havoc. One of the big misunderstandings in 2016 was that Putin "wanted Trump to win." Putin's inner circle actually had a low opinion of being able to work with Trump and what they wanted to do by trolling for him was to sew chaos and division. Nobody, least of all Putin, thinks that Zelenskiy is going to agree to give up his country's land because Donald Trump is a world-class negotiator.

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excellent show!

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This discussion was excellent! I love Mike Madrid; please have him on again!!!

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It seems to me, regardless of one’s race or culture

there is an equal opportunity buy in to Trump’s bullshit. And buy in, across the board, people do. Trump is not a wuss, and he tells you so. He’s our man! Jump on board, we’ll travel streets of god

FALSE…you are tools.

Story is great! Further, far too many people are unable or unwilling to think for themselves.

Democrats are to blame for taking voters for granted. Time moves on.

Democrats need an antidote for bullshit

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Loved this conversation from two guys who have actual hard core “room where it happens” cred. Now, if the Clooneys and Schiffs of our party would STFU we could continue the campaign that was started before this brain-dead cannibalism began.

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Excited to listen but democrats absolutely do fight in California. The reporting on DeSantis stuff on Florida measure is par for course every year on California propositions.

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Thanks, Rick and Mike, for a nerd-tastic convo about demos and targeting and a good word that us neurotic Democrats need to be more like monomaniacal Republicans, LOL. We should, you know.

This is especially tough for me because I'm not a tactical Biden voter. I mean, I was in '20 but I began to realize by early '22 that ol' Dark Brandon has a couple serious superpowers. The first is being continually underestimated. The second is being a stealth progressive, shepherding legislation through that never would have passed with a President Warren or a President Sanders because 1) ol' Joe is not a liberal lighting rod and 2) his career long experience in working the phones with members of both parties. The dude's gotten more legislation passed than any Democratic president since FDR.

I mean, what Democrat can't love that?

I'm not voting for Joe Biden only because I want to beat Trump (of course I do and that's Job One to save the Republic). I'm voting for Joe Biden because he's been the best president of my lifetime.

I'm very adept at tuning out the Dems In Disarray Industrial Complex. The Bulwark are all clickmongering on this and they can all go straight to hell. CNN's political commentary is garbage (I'm not quite sure which circle Dante had in mind for Van Jones). The only MSM I can stomach anymore is nighttime MSNBC -- dayside MSNBC has become pretty abhorrent, too (Katy Tur and Kristen Welker are abominations). Hell, I'll even tear my main man Keith Olbermann a couple new ones when he gets on the Panic Train. Hint: Monetizing this wretched crap is not going to save your business model.

But when the biggest of Democratic big guns, Pelosi, Schumer, Jeffries, Schiff, come to Biden with polling that says he's not only going to lose but will take the whole party down with him, this is not commentary that can be dismissed. This is a thing that's happening. Do I hate it? Yes, with every last mitochondrion in every last cell of my body. Do I think it's counterproductive to the Democratic cause? Likely. Do I think it's an overinterpretation of polling samples? Again, with Mike, bingo. But there's nothing I can do about it. I'm hoping that maybe they'll cut Joe a little slack now that he has covid. Do I think Biden is going to yield to this pressure? Ultimately I don't know.

If he does, I'll be with Kamala (the only possible alternative that won't start a Democratic civil war as opposed to a handwringing chorus) 10000% percent; my loyalty is to the Democratic Party.

But I certainly hope he doesn't. Give 'em hell, Joe!

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Is it just me Bob, or did Katy T. make out in 2016, with all the election fun and excitement following Trump. Meanwhile,

Hallie sat with flat tire roadside. Ultimately

Hallie got her gig. Katy appears to me, just as easily entertained.

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Is it just me Bob, or did Katy T. make out in 2016, with all the election fun and excitement following Trump. Meanwhile,

Hallie sat with flat tire roadside. Ultimately

Hallie got her gig. Katy appears to me, just as easily entertained.

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Keith Olbermann lived with Katy Tur for two years. They broke up amicably and Keith paid her rent while she was establishing her career in New York. In her Road Warrior days with Kristen, Hallie and Kasie, Keith ardently defended her when Trump was intimating to his crowds that they ought to cause her physical harm. Then the election ended and Katy got her MSNBC gig and also a book contract. I won't go into the details about that but Keith has been voluble about on his podcast. It led to some very bad blood between them.

Keith's dated a bazillion women and he tends not to kiss and tell although he's made a few exceptions (the times he dated Laura Ingraham produced hysterical stories).

Suffice it to say that Keith has concluded that Katy Tur is not a good person.

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Oh. I forgot KO dated her!

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Great to hear you gentlemen reunite! I kept in my audio vault 2020 episodes of your podcast. What a year! You made it happen.

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I appreciate anything I can tune into that isn't telling President Biden to step down! Thank you, for spreading sanity.

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Reunited, and it feels so goooood!!!!

I have a LOT of love & respect for you two. Thankfully Mike’s a big man… I never appreciated how LP handled the Weaver scandal.

I’ve always thought his statistics expertise was more than half of what delivered the 2020 election… sue me lol.

That said, you & Mike are my political touchstones. I’ve made a point of listening to pretty much every word either of you have uttered publicly since the beginning of what is hopefully not the end times. So thank you, sincerely, for trying to save US!

God knows your hands are full with democrats cluelessness about politics. I sure hope they listen, too! Why they have a near-constant insistence on snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, I’ll never know…….. ✌️♥️🇺🇸

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