Rick, help me out here! Every word you said is true, every word Vic Williams said is true but it's so much worse. Virtually nobody puts it this way, hot mess comes close. He's a Sociopath, he's an extreme Narcissist, he's a 77 yr old, life long bully. He's a physical bully, an emotional bully, a psychological bully. He shouldn't be allowed on a school DC trip tour of the White House. If ppl put it in these terms I couldn't conceive of anyone daring to vote for him. For anyone to say he's a nasty person, a poor excuse for a human, is an award winning understatement. So I don't understand why people don't just drop the hammer. If he were on the bottom of my shoe, I wouldn't scrap him off...I'd buy a new pair of shoes!
I'm with you, Rick. I never thought I'd see, in the (sagging) flesh, a so-called human as despicable as Trump. And that's coming from a guy who has met the so-called man, and even did business with him for a stretch when I was publisher of a golf magazine 20 years ago. But here he is, still doing his worst to destroy the American male's concept of manhood. If y'all will indulge me, here's my Substack on this very subject, from 2020, just before the election. https://vicwilliams.substack.com/p/in-the-end-its-about-manhood
Thanks to Trump, and to my considerable personal discomfort, I've learned exactly what hate feels like. I'm not happy to experience these feelings but I absolutely own them because he is utterly deserves of our endless contempt.
Mr Wilson, Please keep writing - I come from a family that served in every war from Revolution through Iraq, this made me tear up - Trump must never be in any office ever again
I detest this horrid creature; Don the Con with the passion of a thousand suns. You’re spot on, Rick; he has not one redeeming quality. Pure scum from hell.
I detest this horrid creature; Don the Con with the passion of a thousand suns. You’re spot on, Rick; he has not one redeeming quality. Pure scum from hell.
Rick, help me out here! Every word you said is true, every word Vic Williams said is true but it's so much worse. Virtually nobody puts it this way, hot mess comes close. He's a Sociopath, he's an extreme Narcissist, he's a 77 yr old, life long bully. He's a physical bully, an emotional bully, a psychological bully. He shouldn't be allowed on a school DC trip tour of the White House. If ppl put it in these terms I couldn't conceive of anyone daring to vote for him. For anyone to say he's a nasty person, a poor excuse for a human, is an award winning understatement. So I don't understand why people don't just drop the hammer. If he were on the bottom of my shoe, I wouldn't scrap him off...I'd buy a new pair of shoes!
You left out rapist.
I'm with you, Rick. I never thought I'd see, in the (sagging) flesh, a so-called human as despicable as Trump. And that's coming from a guy who has met the so-called man, and even did business with him for a stretch when I was publisher of a golf magazine 20 years ago. But here he is, still doing his worst to destroy the American male's concept of manhood. If y'all will indulge me, here's my Substack on this very subject, from 2020, just before the election. https://vicwilliams.substack.com/p/in-the-end-its-about-manhood
Do you remember John Updike’s short story, The Caddy?
Trump is the most vile person walking the earth. Canada watches in horror. 🥺
Janice, I've got to think Vladimir Putin has him beat. If you said "on earth", it would be a tie. (Donald doesn't do much walking.)
donald trump is not a fully evolved human being .
donald trump is not a fully evolved human being .
Thanks to Trump, and to my considerable personal discomfort, I've learned exactly what hate feels like. I'm not happy to experience these feelings but I absolutely own them because he is utterly deserves of our endless contempt.
Oh holy hell. Every day of his life he reaches a new lower than low.
Millet is to be honored. TDFG is scum, my apologies to scum.
O. M. F. G.
He who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man. ~ Samuel Johnson
Mr Wilson, Please keep writing - I come from a family that served in every war from Revolution through Iraq, this made me tear up - Trump must never be in any office ever again
I still cannot fathom how some people think good things about tRUMP. There’s nothing good about him.
Then those people wonder why people like me refer to them as “deplorables”.
God what an SOB.....
I detest this horrid creature; Don the Con with the passion of a thousand suns. You’re spot on, Rick; he has not one redeeming quality. Pure scum from hell.
I detest this horrid creature; Don the Con with the passion of a thousand suns. You’re spot on, Rick; he has not one redeeming quality. Pure scum from hell.