For info on Tesla's BS accounting house of cards - Brad is a former auto industry exec. His substack is dedicated to Tesla's fake accounting etc. Even an article showing they could go bankrupt. https://bradmunchen.substack.com/?utm_source=global-search

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Keep it up!!!!!

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“Husk.” FTFU :))

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Shitler, FTFY :))

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Mush isn't fixing anything. He's restructuring our country to be an oligarchy and everyone else has nothing.

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More of this!

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Why isn’t this playing during the Superbowl?

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Fuck yeah! Now add veterans benefits and you will get a SHITSTORM of pissed off vets who want action taken now.

I am one but I would never vote for a god damn republican and since iam living on my disability benefits I can't wait for that POS to destroy it if hegseth hasn't fucked it up already. I'm terrified. I am not sleeping well and don't want to lose my home.

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Please make sure it reaches the backwoods of my ruby red district!

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I’d chip in to see this ad run during the Super Bowl!

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Members of congress and the judiciary need to be reminded that this applies to their paychecks and benefits.

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That should get under Trump's skin pretty nicely. Good work. Keep it up. Let them eat each other.

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The Trumpers love Elon and think DOGE is their personal weapon to make the libs cry. They'll love this ad and share it around with glee.

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Heil President Musk!

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I wrote this piece on how Democratic failures created a vacuum Trump is exploiting—why their message isn’t enough, why they need a movement, and why Obama is the only person who can build it.

Would love to hear your thoughts when you have a minute.


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Ooooooooh! That “all HEIL President Musk” at the end! Put it on Fox and Friends in the DC market, please! I mean, they just got the ketchup stains off the walls in the White aHouse Executive Dining Room … time to get out the Magic Erasers again!

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