Wow. So powerful. Thank you.

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Thank you so much Rick I really want to know how you posted! Is your house full of water? Somehow you got this post out but may have been tricky. Be safe we need you sir.

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Rick, I assume you know Bush and Rice personally. On that basis, I accept your inference that they do not support Trump. However, I also believe actions speak louder than words. If they truly do not support Trump, then they should come out and say so. Romney has done that and said he will not vote for Trump and explained why. I may have missed it, but to my knowledge neither Bush nor Rice has even done that. I infer from their silence that they are, in fact, supporters of Trump. To all those Republicans that privately express loathing of Trump but publicly say and do nothing to oppose him, your silence is, as the saying goes, consent.

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I am truly I mean it proud that the Cheney family is brave at this time! She was magnificent on the (terrible) hearing headed by (ugh), she gave the actual TRUTH as is expected at a hearing! They are never going to be lifelong Ds but hear them at this moment of profound moment they are heroes and I personally will respect them for the rest of my life, give ‘em both the American Mdal of Honor!

The same is true for each one of the Lincoln Project heroes but I want to single out the Cheney position today!!!

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The Trump campaign’s thematic simplicity--fact-free, lowest-common-denominator forward-- appeals to uneducated voters. Insulated from the truth by complicit right wing echo chambers, his base enjoys the koolaid as Trump insists the sky is falling.

Trump/Vance harp about a doomed economy because they need the economy to be doomed, but economic indicators aren’t cooperating with their spin. Personalized income is up, post-covid inflation is down, the GDP is stellar, and US stocks keep reaching all-time highs: the S&P 500 has surpassed its own record a staggering 31 times since January 2024.

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Thank you!

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Hear, hear! I hope the Wilson pack stayed safe and protected from the storm.

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Rick, they have cotton for brains. Nothing will get done. It only absorbs liquids. The excess spills out of their mouths.

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Excellent piece. As you say: Any R who says "I am endorsing Harris" will gain NOT lose stature. Never has Liz Cheney been more respected than now.

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A remarkable essay on failures of the past, present, but on hope of what can be afforded those who deny, stumble to the truth, equivocate, fear, and finally, yes finally, give into their instincts of what they know, and finally, loudly support and vote for Harris.

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and where is"W"?! Bush's cabinet members are showing up for Harris? Republicans need to Stand up( would be a nice vacation for their Balls)! Excellent piece today, Rick 💯👍💙🇺🇸🌊🌊🌊

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4 hrs ago·edited 4 hrs ago

Hear hear, Condoleezza Rice!

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I had this exact convo w my 79 yo mom last wk, including "are you really gonna vote bc of capital gains over the country?"

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Great piece, Rick, especially under the circumstances. Your readers are grateful for this excellent work. Thank you.

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I hope Mitt Romney, et. al. are listening.

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It must be Country Over Party or there will be no country and only one party. Elon Musk will be in charge, with input from The Heritage Foundation. Trump himself will only be a figurehead.

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Or conveniently ushered off the stage after he and Juicy Dingleberry are inaugurated and JD becomes president.

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