If this is a stupid question, bear in mind there's a flat spot on my head where technological ability (and math) is supposed to be: Does it matter in terms of support ("We are slaves to the algorithm") if we listen to your podcast on, e.g., Spotify as opposed to YouTube? (It's easier to rewind with precision on Spotify if you miss something.)

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What is the ad you are referring to in the first podcast - from 2020 with symbolism, Biden saluting troops, etc? How is it called? Thank you for the great podcasts.

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Agree with most everything. Guilty as charged, policy waterboarding.

I don’t think we can ignore that as time has gone by, people Expect to be Entertained, Demand to be Entertained. As to patriotism, I believe many do not give a squat.

Seems the

‘this is the United States of America, together there isn’t anything we can’t do… ‘ wasn’t sexy enough.

nor did it unite

If we can survive this election, Democrats will deliver an individual with a swagger, a smooth tongue, persuasion, an actual brain, and looks that share no resemblance to that of a sweaty orange slob.

I see a future in this! And future entertainment.

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FB flagged @resolutesquare ad THE WORLD IS LAUGHING as “party false information” because it’s not “new”..

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Yes combating misinformation and how the hell he appropriated our flag as his symbol— I hate that.

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Every chance I get I remind people that the big thing Donald wanted to keep suburban women from knowing is that WHEN MELANIA HAD A BABY DONALD HAD SEX WITH STORMY D.

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Rush, Gaslighting & Stockholm Syndrome

Rush Limbaugh started his show in 1984 and was nationally syndicated starting in 1988. He gained his flock by telling them they were victims of liberal political policies and he was their champion. Rush offered them an altered reality which reached them on a visceral level. Presenting an altered state as reality is gaslighting. I believe Rush knowingly was gaslighting America.

The flock was very willing to accept the altered state as reality. That is basically the Stockholm Syndrome where captives start to believe the point of view of their captors. It is their oxygen.

The gaslighting continues and needs to be called out as gaslighting.

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Terrific discussion with Steven Fish. I have come to see over the last few years that strength really matters. We need a positive vision in order to run against the Trumps of the world. We don’t need to make America Great Again because it is great already, and will continue to be a beacon to people going forward—we just go from strength to strength. If we don’t get that idea out there, then we will not be able to pursue lots of admirable policy goals. Question is must we simultaneously show Trump as apocalyptically bad—-world in flames from climate crisis, jackboots of revenge on the streets, Trump behind bars, Trump secretly creeping around hiding classified documents in his dresser drawers, etc.?

When the media goes point by point on Trump’s horrors they are preaching to the choir. The focus must shift to the glories of our country without Trump. As for focus, I like the ad of veterans who won’t support Trump.

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The new graphic design for LP podcast is awesome 😎

Symbolism is more important than ever. Meet the non-readers where they are. (It’s emojis.) And make ‘em laugh. I love this cartoon from WWII, with mice and the song “We Did It Before and We Can Do It Again” Not the same as Britney’s song, or Annie’s Song.


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At least Now that Trump’s gun will be confiscated he won’t be able to shoot anyone on 5th (or 6th ave.). Problem solved.

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Great stuff this week.

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