Hahaha! Thanks, Rick. At first I didn’t realize it was parody. Thanks for the laughs. Omg, great fun. :)

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Is this the best that America can do to represent our nation? This scaggy group of scum Trump calls his supporters belong in jails not in politics. Something very corrosive is happening now in our political system and it must end now before it gets any worse.

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1) Pigpen Banon wishes he looks as good as that photo and

2) You're hilarious! Thanks for the laugh :-)

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Cannon and Trump are palsies and a more nauseating pair one cannot find even in the comics.

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Outstanding, Rick!! I can't wait for the episode when Margie Three Toes attempts to smuggle contraband to Mr. Skuz.

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So friggin’ funny

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Too f’cking bad; so f’cking sad. All you had to do was show up & claim the 5th. This is on you, Scuzzy Stevie

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Sorry, wow, didn’t realize this was the ever talented Rick Wilson writing. Must have had too many 4th of July cocktails

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It was rhetorically appropriate because you were addressing the same person Rick was ;)

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I’d buy a copy if I was short some TP.

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Jul 4·edited Jul 4

Reading of Robert Towne this morning. you could have been working with him decades ago. This is priceless. The initial treatment of the whole screen play, no less!!

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Lemme 'splain for some of the shrinking violets and concern trolls on this thread why humor this scabrous (I love that word ;) is entirely appropriate for the likes of a Steve Bannon:

Steve Bannon's entire schtick is inflicting personal cruelty on his so-called enemies.

I don't know if Steve Bannon is personally religious and I'd tend to doubt it. But we know he's very, very fond of the Catholic Church. Although it's doubtless the Pope Francis-hating Trad Catholics. The Trad Catholics are kind of a cult who want a smaller, more pure Church and their constant harping to ditch Vatican II and reinstate the Tridentine (Latin) Mass is not really much of a social threat.

Catholic Integralism, however, is. Catholic Integralism is the seamless merger of church and state pushed by Generalissimo Francisco Franco in Spain (Franco was a pinup boy for some of WF Buckley's peeps in the late 50s / early 60s National Review). It's the Catholic analogue to the radical Calvinist Dominionism / Christian Reconstruction. This theocratic ideology is embedded in Project 2025.

If you haven't been to one yourself, I'm sure many of you know people who went to Catholic parochial school and remember ... the nuns. My late dad went to West Catholic High here in Philly and he had a bazillion stories, both sidesplitting and horrifying. Whacking a kid's hand with a steel ruler for messing up a question on a math quiz. Tying a six-year-old's left hand behind their back in writing class because the kid happened to be left handed (this could have happened to me if I was born a decade or so earlier). It was all about the corporal punishment. You rotten kids may have all been born in the image of the Almighty Father, but you can thank Adam for Original Sin, because you're also all rotten pieces of shit. That was literally the attitude of my nun in CCD class. The nun whose bottomless mean spiritedness and lack of a scintilla of human empathy led directly to me leaving the Church after I was confirmed. This is the worldview that Steve Bannon want to impose on the United States of America.

Prison rape humor? Yeah, sadly enough maybe, but it's perfectly fine for Steve Bannon.

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Rick, you had me at literary sarcasm. Who knew even the droll stench of an unwashed Bannon could engender such eloquence!

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My only message to Bannon during his well earned vacation is “do drop the soap.”

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Thanks, Hues Corporation.

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Drop the soap, don't drop the soap, bay-bee

Drop the soap, don't dare to bend over

Drop the soap, don't drop the soap, bay-bee

Drop the soap, don't dare to bend over

Our love is like a rancid emulsion

And we've been sailing with a cargo full of sexual revulsion

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Once again, such mastery of language in painting such a vivid scene!

May I most humbly suggest instead of "issued a confession" perhaps "hissed a confession" given his origins in the nether world?

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Rick this is brilliant as clever as it gets.

Interestingly I predicted his jailing by the 'deep state' in my podcast of many months ago.

You may get a kick out of it.


Jonathan Russo

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My comment? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. Thanks for a laugh, so desperately needed right now!

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