The only thing more bizarre than this trial would be the Marquis De Sade's pickup lines at Denny's. "A Grand Slam! Let us act it out at my magnificent boudoir, whore!" "Does the Moons Over My Hammy go well with adultery?" "May I have human meat with my meat lovers omelet?" "I’ll eat the Big Dipper Melt until my purple cucumber reaches it…
The only thing more bizarre than this trial would be the Marquis De Sade's pickup lines at Denny's. "A Grand Slam! Let us act it out at my magnificent boudoir, whore!" "Does the Moons Over My Hammy go well with adultery?" "May I have human meat with my meat lovers omelet?" "I’ll eat the Big Dipper Melt until my purple cucumber reaches its denouement." "Yes, I have decided. Fetch me a lumberjack slam but first will you accept this gift? It is a gold dildo." And it all ends of course with... "What do you mean my chaste Queen, when you say, taser?"
The only thing more bizarre than this trial would be the Marquis De Sade's pickup lines at Denny's. "A Grand Slam! Let us act it out at my magnificent boudoir, whore!" "Does the Moons Over My Hammy go well with adultery?" "May I have human meat with my meat lovers omelet?" "I’ll eat the Big Dipper Melt until my purple cucumber reaches its denouement." "Yes, I have decided. Fetch me a lumberjack slam but first will you accept this gift? It is a gold dildo." And it all ends of course with... "What do you mean my chaste Queen, when you say, taser?"