Age of reality television.

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Please tell me you understand how crucial this election is, and then justify hiding behind a paywall that will break most of us. I have paid almost $200 for the writings of three people! You all need to get your shit together and make a real publication!

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Fragility? Adjusting for fragility? We are trying.

Half could care fucking less.

No. Actually they do care. The goal is to shatter that fragile glass, press shards into the eyes of those who are fighting for this country. They enjoy cutting their own feet in process. It is sick!

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Apocalyptic on steroids! Those journalists who spew vitriolic propaganda are doing it for self-serving reasons! Ratings are their primary target at the expense of the public they serve! Listers buy it like an alcoholic drinks liquor!

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As I listened to this interview, I began to wonder about temporal correlates. For example, does the wide acceptance of grievance politics coincide with worker wage stagnation? Does the abandonment of logical problem-solving in politics coincide with the emergence of church schools that have a tendency to emphasize religious mythology and de emphasize science and logical thinking?

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looking forward to this and also the book...we think and talk a lot about this part of the current Inferno-like era around this house...thanks, Rick

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The title of your post has a grievous misspelling.

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Great interview (Frank is a long-time favorite) and I always enjoy your articles, Rick…. But it’s “grievance” (remember I before e….. 😄)

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