Thanks for all your hard work calling out the reality of maga. It’s awesome to see Americans standing up for our country despite their political affiliation. It is great to feel good about our democracy, our Constitution, our citizenry. For too long the quagmire of maga grievance has weighed us down. You along with many others are causing good trouble to lift us up. Lovin it for sure. Country over party for the best result!👍🇺🇸❤️

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Nice Video!

Good Morning Please 🙏🏾 Follow Back On Twitter

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Good work.

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Hey Rick. I restacked this several times and now I just want to say that you’re the GOAT of the Never Trump movement! #ETTD

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When did far right Catholics take over The Heritage Foundation?

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Yes, LP work and dedication is changing the Democratic Party - thank you, thank you, thank you

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Rick, I do truly believe TLP has been influential in so many ways these past several years. So, in addition to appreciating your analyses and righteous attacks on MAGA, let’s pause for a moment and give thanks for the four years of persistent effort to restore sanity to American politics. We are all eternally grateful for what you’ve done—and significant personal peril, I might add. If Trump were re-elected, it would put a huge bullseye on your back, just like what happened in Germany in the 1930’s with anti-NAZI activists like Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Karl Barth. I mention those two specifically because they not only fought against the totalitarianism of Hitler’s NAZI party, but also defended true Christianity against the evil forces of “Christian nationalism;” i.e., exactly what the MAGA movement has adopted as one of its fundamental elements. My father was a student of Barth in the late 1950’s in Basel, Switzerland. Bonhoeffer wasn’t so lucky; he stayed in Germany and was imprisoned and executed by the NAZIs. Yes, it can go either way, can’t it?

I’m on the same path as you. As Winston Churchill said, “When do we give up?” Never. NEVER! Give up your integrity and the game is lost. All the Trump supporters gave theirs up long ago. I’m sorry, but not sympathetic. Harris-Walz for the win.

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Great stuff from LP this week Rick. I'm envious of you, I couldn't be at the DNC. I could feel the energy through the TV. Looked like a real hoot.

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The Donkey is on the move. Silly, I know, but I humor myself. Thanks for taking us with you to Chicago!!

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Everyone has somewhere to go in this election. Vote 💙, I am Proud to be a Democrat but even prouder to be an American.

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By opting to make his the most pro-union White House since FDR Joe Biden succeeded in strengthening the party where it matters the most -- within the ranks of a bolder, younger, revitalized labor movement. The Harris campaign is much stronger because of it.

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The MAGA movement is the “Ugly Americans”. They have always been here, but Trump empowered them to spew their hatred and violence. Trump encouraged them to commit acts of sexual violence. Trump encouraged them to commit racial violence against Blacks, Latinos, and Indians. Trump encouraged Saudi Arabia to raise the price of oil so Americans would endure the highest prices at the gas pump. Trump caused inflation to soar, especially in rents and food. MAGA people have suffered, too, but their hate for democracy has made them blind to the evil of Trump.

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And I'd add, media gave them more attention than any one group has ever had.

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The Democrats have shown American what they're made of. Now it's time for democracy-loving republicans to get off the bench and get in this fight. Nobody should carry the burden of saving democracy alone.

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I just wrote an article in alignment with your message.

Vison, Words and Noble Causes

Right now, we are in the middle of one of the most consequential presidential campaigns in modern history.

And the Harris/Walz campaign seems to understand the power of vision, words, and action.

Their campaign slogans, “We won’t go back” and “When we fight, we win!” are potent examples.

In political campaigns, slogans are more than catchy phrases; they are rallying cries, distillations of deeper principles that galvanize supporters and articulate a vision for the future.

A slogan’s value is inherently tied to the righteousness of the cause it represents.

Historically, rallying cries have only achieved lasting impact when they were linked to movements that sought to advance justice, protect freedoms, or uplift the oppressed.

Without such a foundation, even the most cleverly crafted slogans can ring hollow, becoming mere rhetoric rather than meaningful calls to action.

For example, “We won’t go back” is a powerful expression of resistance, but its strength depends entirely on what “going back” means.

In the context of the Harris/Walz campaign, this slogan rejects a return to policies that undermine civil rights, restrict reproductive freedoms, erode environmental protections, or widen economic inequality.

These are not abstract concepts; they are battles fought and won over generations, with real consequences for millions of lives. The refusal to go back is a stand against regression, and it only has moral weight because the cause it defends is just and true.

Similarly, “When we fight, we win!” resonates only when the fight itself is righteous.

This slogan suggests that victory is inevitable when the cause is noble and the people are united.

The Harris/Walz campaign ties this message to the fight for democracy, equality, and human dignity—causes historically on the right side of history.

When people believe they are fighting for something greater than themselves, for principles that benefit all, the slogan becomes a powerful motivator, imbuing the struggle with a sense of moral urgency.

History is full of examples where slogans connected to just causes have led to profound change.

The Civil Rights Movement’s “We Shall Overcome” was not just a song but a statement of faith in the justice of their cause.

It gained its power from the righteousness of the fight against segregation and discrimination.

Similarly, Churchill’s “We shall never surrender” was potent because it was tied to the just cause of resisting fascism and protecting freedom in Europe.

The Harris/Walz campaign’s slogans are effective because they are connected to a broader struggle for justice and progress.

“We won’t go back” and “When we fight, we win” are rallying cries for a better government and a better world.

Let’s hope they can deliver on their message to inspire a majority of the electorate to vote for them on November 5.

Oh, yeah, and I created a SUNO song for this post: We Won't Go Back!

https://suno.com/song/46f075a1-9348-4347-84ff-238bfe9bfa2f Click on the link to listen.

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This is awesome. Thank you!

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I suggest considering An America For All Of Us as a possible campaign slogan.

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Love your post about campaign slogans throughout history and the song you created is awesome! You should send it to the Harris/Walz Campaign.💙

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Thanks, I'm having fun with this. My articles go to my list of 15K people. What SUNO can do is miraculous. I jest entered a theme and the two slogans and it did the rest.

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Perfectly said. Thank you, Rick Wilson, for being on the side of decency, compassion, good government, and articulating it passionately. We all must forward to any MAGA-leaning and GOP or undecided voters.

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To follow up on your comments about "hyper-progressives", there is a strong progressive wing that's very firmly inside the tent, working to win this. At the convention, we saw AOC and Bernie, who were very clear on the stakes.

Part of this, of course, is that they love our country and don't want to see it descend into a rancid dictatorship run by a mad king slowly collapsing under the weight of his dementia and his lifelong choice to be the worst person he could be.

But also, most of the things that Bernie and AOC want actually poll extremely well with voters. Making life easier on working Americans has between 70 and 80% support (which is partly why Bernie has been pulling crossover Republican voters for decades now, more so than almost any Vermont Democrat).

There's another group of progressives (or whatever) who don't see any difference between Harris and Trump. These people are not part of the Democratic coalition in any useful sense. Because if you can't be bothered to vote against Donald Trump, you're living in some strange alternate reality, and you probably would have been saying "both sides are equally awful" in Weimar Germany.

If you can't be bothered to show up and vote, you are deeply unprepared for that "revolution" you keep dreaming about. I have friends who've already had to deal with harassment from armed, right-wing thugs, and I can guarantee that it is much harder than checking boxes on ballot.

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