I have well educated lawyers in my family who will vote for the axis of evil.
I’m sure they have many rational reasons. Funny though. They love to travel in Europe. Now they will vote to help destroy the liberal democracies that allow such freedom.
They don't have rational reasons. There aren't any.
A lawyer voting for someone who threatens the rule of law can't have a legitimate argument. As lawyers, they should relish the chance to make that argument. But they can't and they won't.
Just sold my house and business and am making final preparations to get the hell out of the country. Not waiting around to see what happens this fall. Good luck to you all. Hope those of you who remain don’t end up in a Trump concentration camp, and more broadly that we don’t all die in a global nuclear conflagration because brain dead Republican idiots voted a psychopath back into the White House.
Could you vote for Kamala & other Democrats before you flee? The rest of the world will be affected by what happens in the US, good or bad. You won't be able to hide completely from the consequences. Trump being President would likely mean our withdrawal from NATO & it's disintegration, Russia taking over Europe, China invading Taiwan & taking over other countries in eastern & southeastern Asia, Venezuela taking over the Guianas & other such loss of international order & peace, Trump using nuclear weapons against who knows whom (any country could be his target depending on whom he's angry at), acceleration of climate disruption, environmental destruction, ecosystem disintegration, mass extinction & biospheric collapse, which will adversely affect everyone, resulting in the deaths of billions.
there's the future under an angry irrational delusion Trump, and yet 45% of Americans are going to vote for him.
There's a psychopathic virus that's infected almost half of America, and the other 55% can cure it with one simple action: voter for Kamala Harris AND the whole Dem ticket. Because she needs the House and Senate to get anything done, and to flush Trumpism once and for all.
Trump supporters are blind (willfully or otherwise) if they can't see the parallel with Germans in the 1930s falling for Hitler's bullshit. And we all know how that turned out.
There's an old saying: every time history repeats itself, the cost goes up.
America has one last chance to stop Trump/MAGAs (as in Hitler/Nazis) at the ballot box. God helps us if, for whatever reason, sane Americans don't vote for Harris and the Dems.
The Insurrection never stopped. Only the low level people were arrested. All charges including the violation of the 14th Amendment were shot down, delayed or otherwise blocked by the compromised Federal court system. Co-opting the Supreme Court was an early move because it was so effective.
This is an insurrection backed by our enemies and the oligarchs/ 💵 class (whose money is international).
Everyone said that the insurrectionist would just refine the moves and they have..,
While the American people are supposed to believe this is a normal election. No - it’s a slow moving coup backed by Putin primarily.
and look how many Americans are OPENLY supporting it: as in Tucker Carlson, JD Vance, Speaker Mike Johnson, not to mention Trump himself.
Talk about treason: it's all around us.
And Americans have the opportunity to stop it now.
All they have to do is vote for Harris and the Dems.
I heard a Republican say he disagreed with 98% of Harris' policies, but he was gonna vote for her because Trump must be stopped. That's what I'm talking about!
And yet Mitch McConnell has endorsed and will vote for Trump who will allow Putin to claim what he wants in Ukraine. Mitch will not be majority leader even if the Republicans take over the Senate and he will not be running for reelection. So what’s the downside for saying what he really thinks?
There are very few Profiles in Courage among Repubs, so I'm very grateful to Liz Cheney and her ultra-Conservative father Dick Cheney - and at 78 yrs old, I never thought I'd say that.
The rest are Cowards, and that's how they'll go down in history: Mitch and Co are Profiles in Cowardice.
Rick, the elephant in my room is the way the main stream media has overlooked AG Garland not prosecuting trump or the gop insurrectionists on 1/6/21 for over two years and why did Biden choose Garland? The MSM in my opinion is enabling fascism along with the right wing hate machine media and the democratic party leadership toadies. The minority progressive caucus is doing its' job though. Every since the raygun democrats, the FDR liberals have been marginalized in the democratic party. The gop moved right to fascism and the dems moved right and became republicans, imho!
I mention this because I have always supported sustainable population growth and the dems and gop letting in about 80 million immigrants the last 45 years is not liberal values! It is religious values, mostly catholics who oppose birth control and kleptocracy values of the billionaires who want cheap union busting labor.
Living in rural Az., I came accross several maga cult members berating Kamala in Walmart of all places, so I chimed in when they were talking about how good the economy was with trump. I mentioned he ran up 7.8 trillion in debt, and they denied it, I said, look it up, at that point they said, this is the end of the conversation. We are dealing with delusional lunatics who are living in a separate reality. The left has tried to better the standard of living with a decent min. wage, social security, overtime, 40 hr. work week... and the right are ungrateful and haven't a clue how to think for themselves and will end up living in a third world cesspool, at least the healthy ones, that includes illegal immigrants, the ones who don't end up being sent off to war without weapons or sent to re education camps to never be seen again.
I strongly suspect both parties are owned by the oligarchs and the fix is in. The humans amongst us need to either flee or be prepared to be tortured.
Sure explains a lot (maybe most) of Trump's MAGA followers, the ones who fall for his scams and bullshit, who buy his merchandise and invest in his "businesses."
They bought shares in his Truth Social at $100, now it's worth about $14.
They bought his NFT "trading cards" at $99, now they're worth about $10.
But they also bought into his "stolen election" lies, and that puts the whole country at risk.
There are other Trump supporters (like Steve Bannon etc)who know he's a conman, but they're in it for their own self-interest.
Then there's the so-called "religious right" - they're in it for their anti-abortion beliefs.
And there's a whole lotta white folks who don't like the demographic changes, who want to Make America White Again.
So Trump supporters are a mixed bag, but Fisher's Law explains a lot of it.
When I first knew we, as a country, were in deep guacamole: When Trump, at a rally, said, "Russia if you're out there..." you should find Hillary's emails. And the crowd cheered him on. Not only that, Russia went out and found those emails, then coordinated with Wikileaks and Trump for when the best time to release to the public was. That's when I knew he was in bed with the Russians and that was in 2016. Everything Trump has done since then concerning the Russians has simply confirmed it. I'm glad that many others have come to the same conclusion. MAGA is beyond saving. Irredeemable from the beginning. Putting Trump and partisanship and hating Liberals above everything else. Especially hating Liberals. They will and have been betraying our country on a daily basis. They must be stopped.
But the scary thing is that Trump's cult-like MAGA mob thinks the same thing about US. In their eyes we're the traitors, we're the fascists, we're the deluded ones.
What we have here is a failure to communicate. Bigly.
Trumpists have ginned up a moral panic about an alleged crackdown by the federal government against the free speech rights of fellow right wingers. They're in a right lather about it. So outraged are Republican operatives and their fellow travelers in the press that they have lost their grip on reality.
Take this insane headline and lede from today's Washington Post:
Opinion Russian propagandists have First Amendment rights, too
The Kremlin’s meddling in U.S. politics is only slightly more abhorrent than a federal investigation to stop it.
Here are the facts as alleged by the Justice Department in its September 4, 2024, indictment:
"Over at least the past year, RT and its employees, including KOSTIANTYN
KALASHNIKOV, a/k/a "Kostya," and ELENA AFANASYEVA, a/k/a "Lena," the defendants,
have deployed nearly $10 million, laundered through a network of foreign shell entities, to covertly
fund and direct U.S. Company-I. U.S. Company-I publishes English-language videos on multiple
social media channels, including TikTok, Instagram, X, and YouTube. Using multiple fake
personas, AFANASYEVA edited, posted, and directed the posting by U.S. Company-I of
hundreds o f videos. Many of the videos published by U.S. Company- I contain commentary on
events and issues in the United States, such as immigration, inflation, and other topics related to
domestic and foreign policy. While the views expressed in the videos are not uniform, the subject
matter and content of the videos are often consistent with the Government of Russia's interest in
amplifying U.S. domestic divisions in order to weaken U.S. opposition to core Government of
Russia interests, such as its ongoing war in Ukraine."
Sorry, Mr. Wemple. Any content that is "consistent with the Government of Russia's interest in amplifying U.S. domestic divisions in order to weaken U.S. opposition to core Government of Russia interests, such as its ongoing war in Ukraine" is not First-Amendment protected speech whether it is written by foreign nationals or American citizens if it is bought and paid for by Russian money. In a better world, demonstrable lies such as the ones Trump spews many times each day would not be protected political speech, either.
... and a hero to Tucker Carlson, JD Vance, Trump, etc.
It has amazed me for years now how millions of Americans can't see who conman Trump really is.
His biggest tell was when he walked into the room with Putin in Helsinki: Putin smiling and striding in victory, Trump dragging his feet, head down, defeated. And then Trump sides with Putin against his own intelligence organization.
🎶 Hey Nikita, is it cold in your little corner of the world?
How the F*** did we get here? I came into this world about the same time Gary Powers went down in the USSR. I’m very confused by Americans backing “a grubby, greasy little KGB agent”. For no reason at all, how do you say abre la ventana in Russian? 🪟
“Tropic Thunder” sounds like a good movie to watch today. That or the 1981 movie “Stripes”.
I hope someday you’ll write about your part of the story at the end of the Cold War. Did you work on the EM-50 Urban Assault Vehicle? 🚐
Next they’ll fall in love with maggots— who the hell understands their morphology and who the hell cares at this point! They need a long period of rehab!
“Axis of assholes”— succinct and well said.
Old saying: The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
New saying: The enemy of my friend is my enemy.
Ukraine is our friend. Any questions?
I have well educated lawyers in my family who will vote for the axis of evil.
I’m sure they have many rational reasons. Funny though. They love to travel in Europe. Now they will vote to help destroy the liberal democracies that allow such freedom.
Travel to N Korea ain’t so much fun.
They don't have rational reasons. There aren't any.
A lawyer voting for someone who threatens the rule of law can't have a legitimate argument. As lawyers, they should relish the chance to make that argument. But they can't and they won't.
Just sold my house and business and am making final preparations to get the hell out of the country. Not waiting around to see what happens this fall. Good luck to you all. Hope those of you who remain don’t end up in a Trump concentration camp, and more broadly that we don’t all die in a global nuclear conflagration because brain dead Republican idiots voted a psychopath back into the White House.
Could you vote for Kamala & other Democrats before you flee? The rest of the world will be affected by what happens in the US, good or bad. You won't be able to hide completely from the consequences. Trump being President would likely mean our withdrawal from NATO & it's disintegration, Russia taking over Europe, China invading Taiwan & taking over other countries in eastern & southeastern Asia, Venezuela taking over the Guianas & other such loss of international order & peace, Trump using nuclear weapons against who knows whom (any country could be his target depending on whom he's angry at), acceleration of climate disruption, environmental destruction, ecosystem disintegration, mass extinction & biospheric collapse, which will adversely affect everyone, resulting in the deaths of billions.
there's the future under an angry irrational delusion Trump, and yet 45% of Americans are going to vote for him.
There's a psychopathic virus that's infected almost half of America, and the other 55% can cure it with one simple action: voter for Kamala Harris AND the whole Dem ticket. Because she needs the House and Senate to get anything done, and to flush Trumpism once and for all.
Trump supporters are blind (willfully or otherwise) if they can't see the parallel with Germans in the 1930s falling for Hitler's bullshit. And we all know how that turned out.
There's an old saying: every time history repeats itself, the cost goes up.
America has one last chance to stop Trump/MAGAs (as in Hitler/Nazis) at the ballot box. God helps us if, for whatever reason, sane Americans don't vote for Harris and the Dems.
Those ServPro tv spots;
‘Like it Never Even Happened’
I wish our clean up could be that easy!
I smell those Russian mattresses from here!!
Shall we cut them open and see what they hold?.
We already know. It’s repugnant times 1000.
The Insurrection never stopped. Only the low level people were arrested. All charges including the violation of the 14th Amendment were shot down, delayed or otherwise blocked by the compromised Federal court system. Co-opting the Supreme Court was an early move because it was so effective.
This is an insurrection backed by our enemies and the oligarchs/ 💵 class (whose money is international).
Everyone said that the insurrectionist would just refine the moves and they have..,
While the American people are supposed to believe this is a normal election. No - it’s a slow moving coup backed by Putin primarily.
and look how many Americans are OPENLY supporting it: as in Tucker Carlson, JD Vance, Speaker Mike Johnson, not to mention Trump himself.
Talk about treason: it's all around us.
And Americans have the opportunity to stop it now.
All they have to do is vote for Harris and the Dems.
I heard a Republican say he disagreed with 98% of Harris' policies, but he was gonna vote for her because Trump must be stopped. That's what I'm talking about!
And yet Mitch McConnell has endorsed and will vote for Trump who will allow Putin to claim what he wants in Ukraine. Mitch will not be majority leader even if the Republicans take over the Senate and he will not be running for reelection. So what’s the downside for saying what he really thinks?
There are very few Profiles in Courage among Repubs, so I'm very grateful to Liz Cheney and her ultra-Conservative father Dick Cheney - and at 78 yrs old, I never thought I'd say that.
The rest are Cowards, and that's how they'll go down in history: Mitch and Co are Profiles in Cowardice.
Rick, the elephant in my room is the way the main stream media has overlooked AG Garland not prosecuting trump or the gop insurrectionists on 1/6/21 for over two years and why did Biden choose Garland? The MSM in my opinion is enabling fascism along with the right wing hate machine media and the democratic party leadership toadies. The minority progressive caucus is doing its' job though. Every since the raygun democrats, the FDR liberals have been marginalized in the democratic party. The gop moved right to fascism and the dems moved right and became republicans, imho!
I mention this because I have always supported sustainable population growth and the dems and gop letting in about 80 million immigrants the last 45 years is not liberal values! It is religious values, mostly catholics who oppose birth control and kleptocracy values of the billionaires who want cheap union busting labor.
Living in rural Az., I came accross several maga cult members berating Kamala in Walmart of all places, so I chimed in when they were talking about how good the economy was with trump. I mentioned he ran up 7.8 trillion in debt, and they denied it, I said, look it up, at that point they said, this is the end of the conversation. We are dealing with delusional lunatics who are living in a separate reality. The left has tried to better the standard of living with a decent min. wage, social security, overtime, 40 hr. work week... and the right are ungrateful and haven't a clue how to think for themselves and will end up living in a third world cesspool, at least the healthy ones, that includes illegal immigrants, the ones who don't end up being sent off to war without weapons or sent to re education camps to never be seen again.
I strongly suspect both parties are owned by the oligarchs and the fix is in. The humans amongst us need to either flee or be prepared to be tortured.
"We are dealing with delusional lunatics who are living in a separate reality."
There's no changing their minds; they're all-in MAGA-cult members.
It's those sane folks in the middle 5% who will decide the election and who should be the target of all ads and speeches and political marketing.
Maybe it's time to re-visit Fisher's Law: "Half the population is below average intelligence."
This is the root of all our problems. Everything happening now is the result of this simple statistic.
Sure explains a lot (maybe most) of Trump's MAGA followers, the ones who fall for his scams and bullshit, who buy his merchandise and invest in his "businesses."
They bought shares in his Truth Social at $100, now it's worth about $14.
They bought his NFT "trading cards" at $99, now they're worth about $10.
But they also bought into his "stolen election" lies, and that puts the whole country at risk.
There are other Trump supporters (like Steve Bannon etc)who know he's a conman, but they're in it for their own self-interest.
Then there's the so-called "religious right" - they're in it for their anti-abortion beliefs.
And there's a whole lotta white folks who don't like the demographic changes, who want to Make America White Again.
So Trump supporters are a mixed bag, but Fisher's Law explains a lot of it.
The enemy is within=MAGA
... and they're not even hiding: Tucker Carlson, JD Vance, MTG, Matt Gaetz, Trump himself - they're all Putin-puppets.
If Trump wins, say goodbye to Ukraine. And then Poland, ...
When I first knew we, as a country, were in deep guacamole: When Trump, at a rally, said, "Russia if you're out there..." you should find Hillary's emails. And the crowd cheered him on. Not only that, Russia went out and found those emails, then coordinated with Wikileaks and Trump for when the best time to release to the public was. That's when I knew he was in bed with the Russians and that was in 2016. Everything Trump has done since then concerning the Russians has simply confirmed it. I'm glad that many others have come to the same conclusion. MAGA is beyond saving. Irredeemable from the beginning. Putting Trump and partisanship and hating Liberals above everything else. Especially hating Liberals. They will and have been betraying our country on a daily basis. They must be stopped.
I agree, Keith.
But the scary thing is that Trump's cult-like MAGA mob thinks the same thing about US. In their eyes we're the traitors, we're the fascists, we're the deluded ones.
What we have here is a failure to communicate. Bigly.
Trumpists have ginned up a moral panic about an alleged crackdown by the federal government against the free speech rights of fellow right wingers. They're in a right lather about it. So outraged are Republican operatives and their fellow travelers in the press that they have lost their grip on reality.
Take this insane headline and lede from today's Washington Post:
Opinion Russian propagandists have First Amendment rights, too
The Kremlin’s meddling in U.S. politics is only slightly more abhorrent than a federal investigation to stop it.
Here are the facts as alleged by the Justice Department in its September 4, 2024, indictment:
"Over at least the past year, RT and its employees, including KOSTIANTYN
KALASHNIKOV, a/k/a "Kostya," and ELENA AFANASYEVA, a/k/a "Lena," the defendants,
have deployed nearly $10 million, laundered through a network of foreign shell entities, to covertly
fund and direct U.S. Company-I. U.S. Company-I publishes English-language videos on multiple
social media channels, including TikTok, Instagram, X, and YouTube. Using multiple fake
personas, AFANASYEVA edited, posted, and directed the posting by U.S. Company-I of
hundreds o f videos. Many of the videos published by U.S. Company- I contain commentary on
events and issues in the United States, such as immigration, inflation, and other topics related to
domestic and foreign policy. While the views expressed in the videos are not uniform, the subject
matter and content of the videos are often consistent with the Government of Russia's interest in
amplifying U.S. domestic divisions in order to weaken U.S. opposition to core Government of
Russia interests, such as its ongoing war in Ukraine."
Sorry, Mr. Wemple. Any content that is "consistent with the Government of Russia's interest in amplifying U.S. domestic divisions in order to weaken U.S. opposition to core Government of Russia interests, such as its ongoing war in Ukraine" is not First-Amendment protected speech whether it is written by foreign nationals or American citizens if it is bought and paid for by Russian money. In a better world, demonstrable lies such as the ones Trump spews many times each day would not be protected political speech, either.
Child of the Cold War here. Remember the under the desks drills? Putin is a KGB thug and murderer and unchanging.
... and a hero to Tucker Carlson, JD Vance, Trump, etc.
It has amazed me for years now how millions of Americans can't see who conman Trump really is.
His biggest tell was when he walked into the room with Putin in Helsinki: Putin smiling and striding in victory, Trump dragging his feet, head down, defeated. And then Trump sides with Putin against his own intelligence organization.
What has Putin got on this guy?
🎶 Hey Nikita, is it cold in your little corner of the world?
How the F*** did we get here? I came into this world about the same time Gary Powers went down in the USSR. I’m very confused by Americans backing “a grubby, greasy little KGB agent”. For no reason at all, how do you say abre la ventana in Russian? 🪟
“Tropic Thunder” sounds like a good movie to watch today. That or the 1981 movie “Stripes”.
I hope someday you’ll write about your part of the story at the end of the Cold War. Did you work on the EM-50 Urban Assault Vehicle? 🚐
Peace ✌🏻☮️🕊️
Next they’ll fall in love with maggots— who the hell understands their morphology and who the hell cares at this point! They need a long period of rehab!