My favorite framing is actually that the podium should be for Dark Brandon who was the real winner of the Republican debate.

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Nice work. You say "cherry picking." Did you mean to say "turd picking? Picky point I know.

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Nice work. You say "cherry picking." Did you mean to say "turd picking? Pickle point I know.

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I've argued with a very smart personal friend over whether Trump committed treason or sedition. This friend tells me there must be a war to whom Trump is giving aid and comfort for it to be treason- there must be a war, not just aiding an adversary like Russia. To me these seem like technicalities. Trump terrorists attacked our democracy based on the lies and suggestions of him and his ring of criminals. I know cause I have a TV. I always get shit for saying this. Jail for the rest of his life would be fine. But to me he did much things much worse than the Rosenbergs. Why is he not even considered for what they got, using more modern techniques. Guillotine is nearly 100% effective.

Rick, nice Substack right out of the gate. I wish we could have a zoom back and forth with the people in the group or with you maybe 4 or 5 times a year once you gauge our level of understanding and interests. I personally, have known about Shoah since age 6. I'd love a short paper for us to discuss with a month notice - (like the New Yorker version of the banality of evil by Arendt.) Eichmann in Jerusalem. It would not be much work for anyone but it gives the feeling of people working together towards a common cause and against a common enemy. My 2 cents, Leigh

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-1 Prigozhin. I don't play for money, I play for blood, and I play to win.

I Don't Fight Fair.

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Other words that are not conflicted, but need to be said together and aren't: "practicing medicine without a license" and "politicians." What politicians are doing to womens' rights is ILLEGAL! I've sent this to even to the Women's Law Center and... nothing! Rick - please say these words next time you're on MSNBC! 'looking forward to you, in any case.

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The reason why this debate is futile is that America’s presidential elections are RIGGED, not just against conservatives but against anyone who wants to change the status quo. Whether it’s Donald Trump or Bernie Sanders it doesn’t matter. The powers that be — corrupt elections officials, corrupt judges and lawmakers, corrupt news media, corrupt bar members, and corrupt DOJ officials, will circle the wagons to protect the status quo and their own power. Any ordinary citizens who try to point out that fact risk being silenced or cancelled at best, or unjustly indicted at worst.

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Did Donna Brazile ghost write this, Rick?

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As always, Rick tells it like it is, and like it needs to be told.

I turned 18 in 1992, registered to vote, and then VERY PROUDLY cast my first vote at 18 for George H.W. Bush. He represented everything I admired growing up about Reagan and the then-Republican party. Oh my, how times have changed for the worse. Trump is the worst thing that ever happened to the Republican party (Fox news isn't far behind). Sadly, few of my fellow R's see it that way. We need voices like Rick Wilson to keep up the good fight!!

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I came for the content, but stayed for the prose; nice piece.

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the single most important question for anyone considering voting for or advocating others to vote for Trump is, "With Trump back in the Presidency what do you think the country and the government will look like in 2028? How would it be different from one with Joe Biden remaining in the White House?

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In 2020 the American people projectile vomited Trump out of the White House. The irredeemable Trumpkins are like dogs feeding off the discharge.

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Vivid, but accurate.

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Excellent!!! A shitshow indeed!!

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Excellent and informative as always!

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That would be fantastic, Rick. Perhaps they are thinking of Clint Eastwood's total bomb at the RNC convention when he was talking to an empty chair, i.e "Barak Hussein Obama."

BTW - my wife is a normie Republican, as she has been all her life. In her stack of books on the bedside table is "Everything Trump Touches Dies."

She was beside herself that her "so-called" religious friends would even consider voting for the Degenerate-In-Chief in '16, and became even more apoplectic that they could rationalize voting for him again in '20.

Ignorance and Self-Interest is a powerfully toxic combination!

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