Great article, Rick!

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If this is what we are seeing in public when Trump's handlers are doing everything in their power to keep him together and “coherent” when he appears in public, one can easily imagine what's going on behind the scenes.

Remember, each time we see him we are seeing him in “top shape” and communicating at his very best…..

The ONLY silver lining is that were he to win he could never possibly remember the nuclear codes.

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See that ol’ man halfway dead/got the dunce cap on his head/says MAGA, waga magawaga dooh dooh dah

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Aug 15·edited Aug 15

This is brilliant writing. Absolutely stellar. And not only is it smart, but it's also pithy, biting, honest, and—most compelling of all—obviously true. Who could possibly refute what Rick Wilson says here? Nobody. Not even the craziest MAGA follower. We all see it and hear it, so it's impossible to deny.

This is also why I'm giving my subscription money via Substack to fine, fearless writers like Rick Wilson and others… and taking it away from WaPo, NYT, and other corporate-hack "news outlets."

Please keep writing like this, Rick. We need your voice, along with so many others' voices on Substack, to get us through this trial by crazy fire.

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Martha, I agree that we need "...Rick and the many others' voices on Substack, to get us through this trial by crazy fire." But what we really need is for more - the undecided to hear these voices, the never trumpers, hell, even some disappointed MAGAs to hear these voices and to spread their words. I share their words with friends & neighbors and urge them to pass the words along. Who knows, several, a dozen or maybe 50 will agree and help save the democracy by voting for Harris-Walz and that could help keep ole yam teats out of the WH and begin the eventual complete eradication of MAGA....jus sayin'...

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"grisly" "grizzly" is a bear.

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Trump sees the world through his own paranoid eyes. He uses AI to mask his crowd size so he believes everyone does. He is a fraud/he believes everyone else is. And so on.....

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I loved Edroso’s brilliant likening of Maggie Haberman to the photojournalist character Dennis Hopper played in Apocalypse Now. The crazier he gets—and he’s gonna get crazier—the more she’ll insist on Trump’s method.

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You progressive types and supporters of Harris remind me of the Manson Family. https://shorturl.at/qslVd

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Pronounced “Fudd”

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Piled high and deep.

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At least George the third could blame Porphyria. DJT can only blame bad genes ,bad upbringing, malignant narcissism and greed.

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Aug 15·edited Aug 15

And fear. Don't forget his gut-level fear of what's to come if he doesn't win.

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Hey mad monarchs are the price you pay for primogeniture. I’m sure Moldus Mungbug et al would look to a more reliable solution - Gavelkind for example, which usually meant the strongest and the stablest potential heir took over - it’s just that the ‘elections’ were really messy.


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I think tRump has a serious dopamine addiction problem. He is addicted to adulation from the crowd. Like all addicts, he needs a bigger hit. To get a bigger hit he needs a more and more outrageous lie or action that generates more adulation. Like all addicts, that’s all that matters. Dopamine addiction does change neuron wiring in the brain and likely irreversibly. That’s what we are seeing, I think.

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Gristly, as in gristle.

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Trump is tolerated, adored, hated and backed by some very disturbed people. Many disturbed as a result of themselves falling for a story based on lies and more importantly, lack of reality.

The most resistant to truth ,are those that hate him but purport to love him.

Imagine trying to live in that non reality.

It will make you crazy and confused.

And they are .

They are now in cahoots with a lie and a Liar. What is real? Don't ask them .

Please don't ask them .

King Donald and his crazed subjects

are a bizarre group of King Devil worshipers.

We're aware . They are aware.

The King is still confused.

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I am old enough to remember the Alzheimer's that affected President Reagan in his last months in office, when his wife Nancy was gatekeeping him, with the advice of a psychic no less!!

The world is much more precarious in 2024 than in 1987!!

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