We put out a new ad that’s already getting more than the usual share of hate, mostly from people who are quick to tell you just how Christian and loving they are.
Rick, please discuss what may happen if SCOTUS rules against Trump. Since the press has been cowed by the Big Con, millions of MAGAs, with millions of guns, could rise up in rage. The press must get out in front of this to deflate the Con.
Rick: To your indispensable "Everything Trump Touches Dies" I added Stuart Stevens's "It Was all A Lie." To both I will now add Alberta's "The Kingdom, The Power and the Glory."
Rick, please develop a video that sharply contrasts the words of Jesus with the ugliness of Trump’s vile statements. Educate the audience to the path that MAGA has taken AWAY from the messages of Christ. Want to change minds? Speak to their hearts. Don’t feed the lie that because we oppose Trump we are all against Christianity.
Treating TFG* as a savior is repugnant, nonsensical, and sick. He has been indicted four times, in multiple jurisdictions, and has told us, himself, about many of his crimes -- like the attack on Jan 6, which we saw unfold before our eyes. That was an evolving crime and started well before the 2020 election with him claiming it was rigged BEFORE any votes had been cast. He summoned the mob and, knowing many of them were armed, riled them up and pointed them at Congress while it was in session to certify the election results. TFG still claims he won, even though he lost about 60 court cases and never provided ANY evidence of significant voter fraud to back up his allegtions. He is a loser. A sore loser. A dangerous man because so many (delusional?) people need a better news source, believe his lies, and are willing and able to do violence in his name.
TFG is a perpetual liar and bully who has been convicted in a civil trial of defamation and sexual assault (the judge characterized it as essentially “rape”). When that trial was done, TFG publicly defamed the same woman again. TFG tells us, himself, he is guilty over and over again. He’s not done crime-ing.
TFG has told us he admires dictators and he praises Putin, among others. TFG said he wants to shred the constitution and re-write it. Recently, Sean Hannity lobbed TFG a softball question -- confirm there’s no truth to you wanting to be dictator, Hannity said. But TFG couldn’t take the hint. He told Sean Hannity he wants to be dictator, but only on day one. Really? That comment alone shows TFG has no respect for democracy. I can believe TFG wants to be dictator. I doubt he will stop with one day, but even if he did, that’s not the point. There is nothing to admire about this man or the sycophants he selects to surround him. TFG and his followers want to destroy democracy and tear down the institutions that have served us so well. But, four years of TFG have weakened our institutions and we cannot count on them to save us again.
TFG was impeached, twice, half the total number of impeachments in over 200 years of our history. The Rs had two chances to convict him and failed, both times. It’s being reported many of them thought he was guilty, but they were afraid for themselves and their families. That’s pathetic. I expect more from grown men who were elected and took an oath to uphold the US Constitution.
The Rs agenda is dangerous: Impose forced birth (even when the fetus is dead or cannot survive for long!), ban books, re-write and deny history, ridicule and take rights away from minorities, prohibit same-sex marriage, make it harder to vote, and they’ll let us know later what other horrors they have planned for our country.
If TFG somehow manages to be elected again, he will never leave voluntarily and Jan 6 will have been just a dress rehearsal for what’s to come.
Thank you and I hope people have seen the latest TFG video posting on being the Chosen One, selected by G_d. I would like Rick and LP's take on what was posted.
And every one of the "I'm voting third party" and "I'm not voting for Biden" lefties, and all the bothsidesism-embracing "bIDeN iS sO oLd" media nincompoops, and the Republican voters who claim they won't vote for Trump but still won't vote for Biden need to be strapped into their chairs and forced to watch it over and over and over again (a la "A Clockwork Orange").
How can we convince EVERYONE that a vote for anyone other than Biden or staying home to pout on election day is A VOTE FOR THE SECOND COMING OF TRUMP?
Thank you Rick. White Christian Nationalism, (RW Evangelism and Dominionist Catholism) is the high potency jet fuel for MAGA.
For example, RW “Christian” Twitter is the most cruel space on the hellscaped platform. The tactics you describe MAGA using have been employed by the grifters and top level Evangelical leaders for 50 years. Tim Alberta, Kristin Kobe’s Du Mez, Samuel Perry, Robert P Jones, Randall Balmer, etc have opened the doors in that world. It’s up to skilled tacticians like LP and others, to capitalize on that knowledge.
MAGA has to be defeated. This is the Rosetta Stone, bar none.
There's a reason for the separation of church and state. There has never been a time in history where the combination of church and state did not result in the persecution of minorities. It's also true that every religion labeled as "evangelical" does not believe that women are equal to men. It's no wonder that fewer and fewer people are members of organized religion.
I love Rick's perspectives. I so very much appreciate the Lincoln Project's resolve and commitment to ending everything Trump. I am, however, horrified and anxious. My instinct is America could never again elect Trump. It is possible, though, and I am not looking forward to these next 10 months of constant agitation and unrest. Rick: Keep your foot on the gas. We need you!
So glad to see someone else bring up Eric Hoffer's work. His distillation of the forces at play, even 70 years ago, are so relevant now to the audiences we see being manipulated for power.
Hoffer calls this receptive audience the “new poor.” They’re most likely to be receptive to this thinking because they had wealth or status, but believe they have lost it.
But it’s not just the new poor, it’s also a group of what he calls “misfits”: the chronically bored, the physically disabled or perpetually ill, the talentless, and criminals or sinners; and “the inordinately selfish.”
Once you have that audience, you have to find someone to blame for the loss of their significance. Hoffer said who that person is or who those people are doesn’t matter at all. You just have to have somebody to hate.
That’s how you create this tribe of people who are banded together for a common cause.
The Lincoln Project ads are second to NONE. I did, however, run into this yesterday, and since I don't partake of any social media except Substack subscriptions, am sharing it here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gIvHf-GbpuQ
Yes, I'm sure there must be t-shirts out there. I just haven't looked for them yet. Maybe "VERMIN" with an arrow pointing up. Or "AMERICAN VERMIN. Questions?" Might as well lean into it.
Amazing ad on the coming (or presence) of the American Taliban. Like militant Islam, the MAGA-Evangelical movement and "Christian nationalism" have nothing to do with religion - except as a vehicle to drive a last-ditch quest for power, control, and personal enrichment by people who are seeing their influence fall to progress and demographics.
Fundamentalist "christianity," fundamentalist "islam", fundamentalist "judaism," fundamentalist "hinduism" - they are all the same "religion": Fundamentalism. They are all patriarchal, misogynistic, proudly ignorant, violent, authoritarian.
This is a perfect encapsulation of religion gone mad. I am a lapsed Catholic who is more aligned with Buddhism, but nothing about the life and teachings of Jesus is aligned with this MAGA evangelical uprising. I will eventually read Tim Alberta‘s book sometime down the road, but according to someone I know who’s already read it, one of the main points is that evangelical Christians are terrified that the “left“ is trying to end their existence and way of life; that’s why they see Trump as their savior. Meanwhile, the truth is that they are trying to end the American way of life, which is to live and let live.
I’m sorry about your mom Janet. I can also tell from our interactions you are kind and compassionate as well. And very intelligent. I hope you have a wonderful weekend and take care of yourself. I think we’re in for a wild ride this next year.
Oh Karen, it’s going to be quite a ride. I’m trying to prepare myself mentally for it. And thank you for your kind words. I was just watching President Biden‘s speech that took place at Valley Forge earlier today. You’ve perhaps watched it already. Link is below. This is Dark Brandon at his best. No one in their right mind can watch this performance and think that Biden is in mental decline. I expect that kind of idiocy from the MAGA crowd, but it really troubles me when Democrats say they’re not going to vote for Biden because he’s not perfect and hasn’t given them everything they want. This is purely self-destructive. Goodnight, and I’ll see you online again sometime soon. 😊
I agree Janet, it’s all about fear and control. Very much like the maga repubs. Thank you for your kind words about my mom. It was hard on her. She had to work two jobs to support us with no help from my dad. Yet she loved us unconditionally and raised us to be kind, compassionate, responsible people. She’s 94 now and has dementia. I spend as much time with her as I can. We still have such a bond and always find things to laugh about.
I can tell just from our interactions on various Substack sites that you come from a loving family and that you are indeed very kind and compassionate. I lost my mom when I was in my late 30s. She had a heart condition and passed away in her sleep. My parents’ marriage was never wonderful, and my father was a very difficult and angry human being. He lived to be 93 and died in 2020. He had remarried a couple of years after my mom passed away. I have lived 2000 miles away from my family for a long time, mostly because of my father insisting on trying to control my life well into my 20s and 30s. So at some point, I had to just branch out on my own in order to move forward. I hope you have a good weekend.
I was in 1st grade attending a Catholic school when my dad left my mom and four kids for another woman, who was pregnant. This was in the late 50s. My mom was a devout catholic and was not only devastated by the loss of her marriage, but also by the rejection by the church and the Catholic community she thought were her friends. She was not allowed to receive communion and she was basically outcast from the parishioners because she was a “divorcee”. My sister, brothers, and I were made fun of and felt shame and rejection. The atrocities that you spoke of Janet are much worse than what we went through, but it’s all a degree of trauma I guess. I understand things have changed over the years and a family like ours would not be treated like pariahs now. But like you said, too much damage done. I’m glad you have found peace in Buddhism. Although I haven’t officially been involved in it, I practice meditation and respect the philosophy and values.
The problem with organized religion is not the mysticism, it is the ungodly humans who shape it. Despite the fact that the New Testament at many times reads like a master class on the evils of the abuse of power and sanctimonious, humans who lust for power are quick to re-write it to their own ends and strip away any vestige of kindness, acceptance, and humility.
Oh gosh Karen, stories like this just break my heart, because a single mother raising kids has it hard enough, but to be treated that way by a community that meant so much to her is like doubling and tripping the blow. Things have changed so much that she probably would not have to endure that today. But I’ve been away from the church for so very long that I have no clue if any of these rules and regulations have been modernized. I agree that enough damage has been done by some of these religious institutions that there’s no way to “make up for it.“ Plus Catholicism and the Vatican are such entrenched patriarchies that I don’t see any hope for much modernization. I have no regrets and I feel no guilt for having left that all behind. What I’ve found about Catholicism and much of Christianity is that it revolves around fear, fear of going to hell, fear of retribution, and I just can’t live my life that way.
I was raised Catholic too Janet. I left when I reached the age of reason. I think I was 12 or 13. I didn’t just leave the Catholic religion but shut the door on any type of organized religion. The hypocrisy was glaring and continues to get worse. Just give me a quiet walk in the forest, a beautiful sunset on the ocean, or a purring cat on my lap and I’m in heaven.
I was around the same age when everything started to seem silly to me. By the time I was in college and studying the historical genocides made possible by the Catholic Church, I was done with it. In my 20s, after I moved to Colorado, I became involved with a Buddhist community in Boulder, and that’s what I’ve been studying and practicing for over 30 years. The recent revelations of these mass graves found in Catholic boarding schools, where Native American children were kidnapped and indoctrinated into Christianity, has left me feeling completely disgusted. There’s also the issue of the rampant pedophilia that has persisted, with so many of these priests not being punished. I know this current pope is more liberal, and he is trying to reverse some of these trends, but way too much damage has already been done.
Rick, Karen, Janet, and all other readers of this Substack entry-Thank you for your stories. Rick, I hope you and the rest of the LP team see how MAGA has been aping the cruel methods of RW Evangelicalism and conservative Catholic ideology and praxes used to keep their adherents “in line”. The current modern white RW Evangelical movement (Skye Jethani coined the term “Evangelical Industrial Complex” 10 years ago) coupled with the RW conservative Catholics and Dominionists provide the high potency jet fuel for MAGA. The Evangelical world especially, has had 50 years of these hard core cruel tactics. Some cruel aspects of conservative forms of Catholicism have been at play for 2 millennia. This is the Rosetta Stone for dismantling MAGA. Tim Alberta, Kristin Kobe’s DuMez, Randall Balmer, Sarah Posner, Robert P Jones, Samuel Perry,, Isaac Sharp, and others have written current books to open the doors on the extreme dysfunction, abuse, and cruelty on different corners of these subcultures. Rick- please have your team use this powerful data these authors provide to break through the Bannon line. Please!
Great ad. For the Christians among us I will point back to Matthew 7 on false prophets. Read that first and then look at the ad. For the historians I would point back to the Renaissance Roman Catholic Church, their focus on temporal power and then go look at the ad. I’ve often thought of how DJTs fundraising isn’t that far off from 16thC selling indulgences
Rick and LP, thank you. They are screaming about the ad : it hits too close to home. They know they’re wrong, and LP is holding the mirror up to them.
Rick, please discuss what may happen if SCOTUS rules against Trump. Since the press has been cowed by the Big Con, millions of MAGAs, with millions of guns, could rise up in rage. The press must get out in front of this to deflate the Con.
Rick: To your indispensable "Everything Trump Touches Dies" I added Stuart Stevens's "It Was all A Lie." To both I will now add Alberta's "The Kingdom, The Power and the Glory."
Rick, please develop a video that sharply contrasts the words of Jesus with the ugliness of Trump’s vile statements. Educate the audience to the path that MAGA has taken AWAY from the messages of Christ. Want to change minds? Speak to their hearts. Don’t feed the lie that because we oppose Trump we are all against Christianity.
Failed game show host turned carnival barker, seller of snake oil. I guess nothing seems crazy when you’re used to it.
Treating TFG* as a savior is repugnant, nonsensical, and sick. He has been indicted four times, in multiple jurisdictions, and has told us, himself, about many of his crimes -- like the attack on Jan 6, which we saw unfold before our eyes. That was an evolving crime and started well before the 2020 election with him claiming it was rigged BEFORE any votes had been cast. He summoned the mob and, knowing many of them were armed, riled them up and pointed them at Congress while it was in session to certify the election results. TFG still claims he won, even though he lost about 60 court cases and never provided ANY evidence of significant voter fraud to back up his allegtions. He is a loser. A sore loser. A dangerous man because so many (delusional?) people need a better news source, believe his lies, and are willing and able to do violence in his name.
TFG is a perpetual liar and bully who has been convicted in a civil trial of defamation and sexual assault (the judge characterized it as essentially “rape”). When that trial was done, TFG publicly defamed the same woman again. TFG tells us, himself, he is guilty over and over again. He’s not done crime-ing.
TFG has told us he admires dictators and he praises Putin, among others. TFG said he wants to shred the constitution and re-write it. Recently, Sean Hannity lobbed TFG a softball question -- confirm there’s no truth to you wanting to be dictator, Hannity said. But TFG couldn’t take the hint. He told Sean Hannity he wants to be dictator, but only on day one. Really? That comment alone shows TFG has no respect for democracy. I can believe TFG wants to be dictator. I doubt he will stop with one day, but even if he did, that’s not the point. There is nothing to admire about this man or the sycophants he selects to surround him. TFG and his followers want to destroy democracy and tear down the institutions that have served us so well. But, four years of TFG have weakened our institutions and we cannot count on them to save us again.
TFG was impeached, twice, half the total number of impeachments in over 200 years of our history. The Rs had two chances to convict him and failed, both times. It’s being reported many of them thought he was guilty, but they were afraid for themselves and their families. That’s pathetic. I expect more from grown men who were elected and took an oath to uphold the US Constitution.
The Rs agenda is dangerous: Impose forced birth (even when the fetus is dead or cannot survive for long!), ban books, re-write and deny history, ridicule and take rights away from minorities, prohibit same-sex marriage, make it harder to vote, and they’ll let us know later what other horrors they have planned for our country.
If TFG somehow manages to be elected again, he will never leave voluntarily and Jan 6 will have been just a dress rehearsal for what’s to come.
*Sanitized version: TFG = The Former Guy
Thank you and I hope people have seen the latest TFG video posting on being the Chosen One, selected by G_d. I would like Rick and LP's take on what was posted.
That ad is terrifying.
And every one of the "I'm voting third party" and "I'm not voting for Biden" lefties, and all the bothsidesism-embracing "bIDeN iS sO oLd" media nincompoops, and the Republican voters who claim they won't vote for Trump but still won't vote for Biden need to be strapped into their chairs and forced to watch it over and over and over again (a la "A Clockwork Orange").
How can we convince EVERYONE that a vote for anyone other than Biden or staying home to pout on election day is A VOTE FOR THE SECOND COMING OF TRUMP?
Thank you Rick. White Christian Nationalism, (RW Evangelism and Dominionist Catholism) is the high potency jet fuel for MAGA.
For example, RW “Christian” Twitter is the most cruel space on the hellscaped platform. The tactics you describe MAGA using have been employed by the grifters and top level Evangelical leaders for 50 years. Tim Alberta, Kristin Kobe’s Du Mez, Samuel Perry, Robert P Jones, Randall Balmer, etc have opened the doors in that world. It’s up to skilled tacticians like LP and others, to capitalize on that knowledge.
MAGA has to be defeated. This is the Rosetta Stone, bar none.
Where is Jim Jones when we need him?? Mix that Koolaid!
There's a reason for the separation of church and state. There has never been a time in history where the combination of church and state did not result in the persecution of minorities. It's also true that every religion labeled as "evangelical" does not believe that women are equal to men. It's no wonder that fewer and fewer people are members of organized religion.
I love Rick's perspectives. I so very much appreciate the Lincoln Project's resolve and commitment to ending everything Trump. I am, however, horrified and anxious. My instinct is America could never again elect Trump. It is possible, though, and I am not looking forward to these next 10 months of constant agitation and unrest. Rick: Keep your foot on the gas. We need you!
So glad to see someone else bring up Eric Hoffer's work. His distillation of the forces at play, even 70 years ago, are so relevant now to the audiences we see being manipulated for power.
Hoffer calls this receptive audience the “new poor.” They’re most likely to be receptive to this thinking because they had wealth or status, but believe they have lost it.
But it’s not just the new poor, it’s also a group of what he calls “misfits”: the chronically bored, the physically disabled or perpetually ill, the talentless, and criminals or sinners; and “the inordinately selfish.”
Once you have that audience, you have to find someone to blame for the loss of their significance. Hoffer said who that person is or who those people are doesn’t matter at all. You just have to have somebody to hate.
That’s how you create this tribe of people who are banded together for a common cause.
We talked about this in Timeless & Timely: https://www.timelesstimely.com/p/true-believers
That pink wig: it’s FASCIST MAGA BARBIE!!!
The Lincoln Project ads are second to NONE. I did, however, run into this yesterday, and since I don't partake of any social media except Substack subscriptions, am sharing it here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gIvHf-GbpuQ
Hello, fellow vermin. 🙌✌️
🐀🐀🐀 <-- Rats, the closest I could get until the liberal maniacs in Silicon Valley update the emojis! 🤣
Proud to be vermin against fascism.
Yes, I'm sure there must be t-shirts out there. I just haven't looked for them yet. Maybe "VERMIN" with an arrow pointing up. Or "AMERICAN VERMIN. Questions?" Might as well lean into it.
That’s how it’s done. Ask any deplorable.
Amazing ad on the coming (or presence) of the American Taliban. Like militant Islam, the MAGA-Evangelical movement and "Christian nationalism" have nothing to do with religion - except as a vehicle to drive a last-ditch quest for power, control, and personal enrichment by people who are seeing their influence fall to progress and demographics.
Fundamentalist "christianity," fundamentalist "islam", fundamentalist "judaism," fundamentalist "hinduism" - they are all the same "religion": Fundamentalism. They are all patriarchal, misogynistic, proudly ignorant, violent, authoritarian.
This is a perfect encapsulation of religion gone mad. I am a lapsed Catholic who is more aligned with Buddhism, but nothing about the life and teachings of Jesus is aligned with this MAGA evangelical uprising. I will eventually read Tim Alberta‘s book sometime down the road, but according to someone I know who’s already read it, one of the main points is that evangelical Christians are terrified that the “left“ is trying to end their existence and way of life; that’s why they see Trump as their savior. Meanwhile, the truth is that they are trying to end the American way of life, which is to live and let live.
I’m sorry about your mom Janet. I can also tell from our interactions you are kind and compassionate as well. And very intelligent. I hope you have a wonderful weekend and take care of yourself. I think we’re in for a wild ride this next year.
Oh Karen, it’s going to be quite a ride. I’m trying to prepare myself mentally for it. And thank you for your kind words. I was just watching President Biden‘s speech that took place at Valley Forge earlier today. You’ve perhaps watched it already. Link is below. This is Dark Brandon at his best. No one in their right mind can watch this performance and think that Biden is in mental decline. I expect that kind of idiocy from the MAGA crowd, but it really troubles me when Democrats say they’re not going to vote for Biden because he’s not perfect and hasn’t given them everything they want. This is purely self-destructive. Goodnight, and I’ll see you online again sometime soon. 😊
I agree Janet, it’s all about fear and control. Very much like the maga repubs. Thank you for your kind words about my mom. It was hard on her. She had to work two jobs to support us with no help from my dad. Yet she loved us unconditionally and raised us to be kind, compassionate, responsible people. She’s 94 now and has dementia. I spend as much time with her as I can. We still have such a bond and always find things to laugh about.
I can tell just from our interactions on various Substack sites that you come from a loving family and that you are indeed very kind and compassionate. I lost my mom when I was in my late 30s. She had a heart condition and passed away in her sleep. My parents’ marriage was never wonderful, and my father was a very difficult and angry human being. He lived to be 93 and died in 2020. He had remarried a couple of years after my mom passed away. I have lived 2000 miles away from my family for a long time, mostly because of my father insisting on trying to control my life well into my 20s and 30s. So at some point, I had to just branch out on my own in order to move forward. I hope you have a good weekend.
I was in 1st grade attending a Catholic school when my dad left my mom and four kids for another woman, who was pregnant. This was in the late 50s. My mom was a devout catholic and was not only devastated by the loss of her marriage, but also by the rejection by the church and the Catholic community she thought were her friends. She was not allowed to receive communion and she was basically outcast from the parishioners because she was a “divorcee”. My sister, brothers, and I were made fun of and felt shame and rejection. The atrocities that you spoke of Janet are much worse than what we went through, but it’s all a degree of trauma I guess. I understand things have changed over the years and a family like ours would not be treated like pariahs now. But like you said, too much damage done. I’m glad you have found peace in Buddhism. Although I haven’t officially been involved in it, I practice meditation and respect the philosophy and values.
The problem with organized religion is not the mysticism, it is the ungodly humans who shape it. Despite the fact that the New Testament at many times reads like a master class on the evils of the abuse of power and sanctimonious, humans who lust for power are quick to re-write it to their own ends and strip away any vestige of kindness, acceptance, and humility.
Oh gosh Karen, stories like this just break my heart, because a single mother raising kids has it hard enough, but to be treated that way by a community that meant so much to her is like doubling and tripping the blow. Things have changed so much that she probably would not have to endure that today. But I’ve been away from the church for so very long that I have no clue if any of these rules and regulations have been modernized. I agree that enough damage has been done by some of these religious institutions that there’s no way to “make up for it.“ Plus Catholicism and the Vatican are such entrenched patriarchies that I don’t see any hope for much modernization. I have no regrets and I feel no guilt for having left that all behind. What I’ve found about Catholicism and much of Christianity is that it revolves around fear, fear of going to hell, fear of retribution, and I just can’t live my life that way.
I was raised Catholic too Janet. I left when I reached the age of reason. I think I was 12 or 13. I didn’t just leave the Catholic religion but shut the door on any type of organized religion. The hypocrisy was glaring and continues to get worse. Just give me a quiet walk in the forest, a beautiful sunset on the ocean, or a purring cat on my lap and I’m in heaven.
I was around the same age when everything started to seem silly to me. By the time I was in college and studying the historical genocides made possible by the Catholic Church, I was done with it. In my 20s, after I moved to Colorado, I became involved with a Buddhist community in Boulder, and that’s what I’ve been studying and practicing for over 30 years. The recent revelations of these mass graves found in Catholic boarding schools, where Native American children were kidnapped and indoctrinated into Christianity, has left me feeling completely disgusted. There’s also the issue of the rampant pedophilia that has persisted, with so many of these priests not being punished. I know this current pope is more liberal, and he is trying to reverse some of these trends, but way too much damage has already been done.
Rick, Karen, Janet, and all other readers of this Substack entry-Thank you for your stories. Rick, I hope you and the rest of the LP team see how MAGA has been aping the cruel methods of RW Evangelicalism and conservative Catholic ideology and praxes used to keep their adherents “in line”. The current modern white RW Evangelical movement (Skye Jethani coined the term “Evangelical Industrial Complex” 10 years ago) coupled with the RW conservative Catholics and Dominionists provide the high potency jet fuel for MAGA. The Evangelical world especially, has had 50 years of these hard core cruel tactics. Some cruel aspects of conservative forms of Catholicism have been at play for 2 millennia. This is the Rosetta Stone for dismantling MAGA. Tim Alberta, Kristin Kobe’s DuMez, Randall Balmer, Sarah Posner, Robert P Jones, Samuel Perry,, Isaac Sharp, and others have written current books to open the doors on the extreme dysfunction, abuse, and cruelty on different corners of these subcultures. Rick- please have your team use this powerful data these authors provide to break through the Bannon line. Please!
That ad is very powerful! Those hateful people are cut from the same cloth as the ones who crucified Christ. Ugly, hateful people.
Great ad. For the Christians among us I will point back to Matthew 7 on false prophets. Read that first and then look at the ad. For the historians I would point back to the Renaissance Roman Catholic Church, their focus on temporal power and then go look at the ad. I’ve often thought of how DJTs fundraising isn’t that far off from 16thC selling indulgences
Rick and LP, thank you. They are screaming about the ad : it hits too close to home. They know they’re wrong, and LP is holding the mirror up to them.