Your comment touches close to home.

I don't know how to say this any other way.

I have watched stars align, and roles reverse.

I have observed things not accomplished with human hands.

Several things hold my attention, I will try to explain.

From the start I speak from a 43 year journey, part of a 77 year total trip.

In 1975, at 27 I had a life changing experience.

It was wrapped in much jargon, and moral politic.

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From the start I speak from a 43 year journey, part of a 77 year total trip.

In 1975, at 27 I had a life changing experience.

It was wrapped in much jargon, and moral politic.

but it was necessary, and over the next four years, I changed from a loose, morally deficient man of the world to a well behaved "committed Christian.

I checked all the boxes, had all the approval of everyone I respected, and quit most of my former pastimes. I had stopped drinking and drug taking, became

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Before you take revenge, Trump, dig two graves.

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Please somebody tell me what this fat fuck thinks justifies his need for revenge. There is substantive evidence for many more criminal charges against. Him he has been given every benefit of the doubt and every advantage from our legal system that money (not evidence) can buy. Nobody has wronged him in any way that I can see. He is butt hurt that somebody would try to hold him accountable for major criminal activity. He refuses to explain himself. He is a mental wreck from disease and total lack of character or integrity. Hell he is dangerous to himself.

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Rick's new post (The Whore) is behind the paywall. I'm on a fixed income and whatever I have left over this month is going to the Democrats to help their monthly fundraising totals. I don't want to sound arrogant or full of myself but I'm an appreciated commenter here and I think Rick (or somebody) ought to gift me a subscription to this substack, because I can't afford one myself.

Rant over.

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The Bible does not condone lying or bearing false witness! Who taught these demons in church that God condones lying? The liars won't have to worry about going to hell, because hell will come to Earth without truth being sacred!

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Your Substack is grand. Look forward to each one. If people are not concerned about the upcoming election or do not give a damn, they will if that orange jerk wins another term as President. I knew the day he announced he was running for President, our country was in peril. What I will never understand is why the Republican powers that be didn’t stop this train wreck. He is uncouth, horrific, a criminal, a plain con man. A mobster bully.

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"5-figure monthly checks for legal fees." Terrorism. Thank you for not flinching. Your words are inspiration & warning. I trust our subscriptions modestly offset your burden. Thank you.

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Even if he were to drop dead today the billionaire oligarchs would still find someone to replace him that they can control with less baggage. This election isn’t just about the Presidency. It is also about the senate, scotus and getting rid of Citizen United.

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Temu knockoff Axe body spray. Vengeance is in the details.

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A world where the desire for power over others was debilitating and maybe fatal would be a better world.

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Well...that's certainly a chilling read. 😱

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Rick, I have been asking this question in other forums, but have failed to receive so much as an acknowledgement, leave alone an answer. I'm counting on you, however, to be as forthright and direct as you always are in addressing this issue.

It's clear as day that Trump is Putin's lapdog. For the sake of brevity, I will not begin to list the evidence that is openly available to any of us civilians here, but it's worth reminding ourselves that Barr actively stopped Mueller and his team from investigating Trump's financial ties to Putin and his oligarchs. In a nutshell, this pathetic, psychopathic narcissist of a poodle's orders are for him to destroy this nation, and the ideals for which it stands, by any means whatsoever. In this he is largely succeeding because of his collaborators in Congress and the Supreme Court.

Surely, our intelligence services (the CIA, FBI, NSI, et al) must have a wealth of hard evidence that is sufficient to allow them to arrest Trump and charge him with treason. My question is why haven't they done so? (Isn't the first duty of the intelligence services to keep us safe from our enemies? Or am I missing something?)

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Ive being asking that VERY same thing on a couple of. newsletters today Because trump IS working to destroy our country for putin. It’s obvious so where the hell has the FBI and CIA been? I am more suspicious than ever about that and the conclusion I’ve come to is frightening.

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About Trump and this surreal place

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I don’t understand why Democratic Congressmen/women aren’t flooding the media with the truth about Trump. If they’re worried about their own election then they’re missing the big picture that if Trump is President they will be irrelevant.

Also, Biden needs to do something with the border issue instead of just blaming republicans. Declare it a national emergency and do what he wanted to do in the bill that’s being held up. He can’t keep playing fair with a sociopath like Trump.

Also I still think that Secretary Pete should take a leave from his cabinet position and become Biden’s spokesperson. His articulate approach to any subject matter is riveting to many people.

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