Rick is 100% correct about Junior. His avarice, ignorance, sordid conduct, and overall degeneracy make him uniquely unfit and unqualified to serve as HHS Secretary, especially with the potentially deadly Avian Flu pandemic on the horizon.
And his conspiratorial mindset regarding Jews and Asians being less susceptible to contracting COVID than other ethnicities and races, and hostility to sending American made weapons to Ukraine so that it is able to continue fighting off Putin’s genocidal rampage render him far more similar to his isolationist and virulently antisemitic grandfather, Joe, than his martyred uncle, Jack, and father, Robert.
Hence, it is imperative for anyone who does not have a death wish and wants to live to be reasonably old to contact his/her/their Senators and encourage them to vote against Junior’s nomination to be HHS Secretary.
I just saw your Elephant in the Room on RFKjr. So powerful. So glad you got me to call my senators. So nice to see a clip of my girl Fightin' Liz tearing his lungs out over American Samoa.
Like nearly all of you, I spent freakish amounts of time on Twitter during the pandemic. In the second year when Joe was president and the vaccines and mitigation measures became politicized, I was in daily knock-down-drag-outs with antivaxxers. Some Socratic, in good faith, ridiculously long exchanges with sealions who "did their own research." Some snarkfests with idiots. Dealing with antivaxxers bootstrapped my knowledge of the subject and became a full-time hobby.
The common through line in all their arguments (such as they were) is the boatloads of cash being made by Pfizer and Moderna. It's why you couldn't trust Fauci, the NIH, the WHO, the entire community of immunologists and research virologists because they all got a cut of the profits.
And now you have a guy who openly admits he has a big financial stake in a bunch of nuisance class actions against vaccine makers and that furthermore, he won't divest himself. Could you imagine if Fauci said that about Pfizer and Moderna? _Bragged_ that he had a financial interest?
And the financial conspiracy theorists _support this guy._ I can't even ...
Keith with a second bulletin. Trump insults the dead. The real reason for the crash is DOGE, not DEI (and we can thank Reagan for firing the PATCO air traffic controllers which started this party). It's 11 and a half minutes long; the rest is a repeat of today's first bulletin.
And I will always refer to him as lowercased bob. I can’t wrap my head around why anyone would think he was a suitable choice for this cabinet position. Perhaps his brain worm has infected others. Please email your Senators to VOTE NO on his confirmation.
So Trump just blamed the tragic Black Hawk / passenger jet collision in DC on DEI, implying that the FAA under Buttigieg actively recruited developmentally disabled people and mental health cases to become pilots and air traffic controllers.
Going forward, let it be known that any tragedy happening under the government's purview is because a brown person got a job somewhere.
I'm wondering if there are enough not-so-closet racists in the Senate GOP to apply the Vivek Ramaswamy Effect to Kash Patel.
In 2010 or so, I met the future LA Co RFKJr Pres Campaign coordinator, in LA. I watched the transformation of the Biden vote-siphon turn into a Trump accelerant. She's is a full-on MAHA cultist-- and she has grandchildren. I follow her FB to see what the crazy is on any given day. It doesnt disappoint.
A question to Rick or anyone else. It seems Sheldon Whitehouse, an otherwise excellent Senate Dem, was college roommates with RFKjr and is wavering on supporting him. I'm not a constituent, obviously (I'm in Philly), but would it make sense for me to call him about it?
I have no faith Republicans will vote against this bizarre fraudster (or any of the other misfits). Republicans seem to be afraid DT will reveal something terrible about them.
Collins, Murkowski and McConnell voted against KegBreath and he was only confirmed with the tiebreaking vote of the weirdo VP.
Considering RFKjr's lifelong attacks on corporations and his recent even more gleeful savagery against Big Pharma, and how much money Big Pharma throws into politics, it's hardly out of the question that this one won't make it over the line.
And okay, maybe not exactly for the reasons we'd want, that he's a totally unqualified medical hack. Maybe more because Merck fears for its bottom line. But a win is a win is a win ;)
Jesus! What did you do America? Bunch of idiots voted for the orange goo, fraudsters, felon, rapist. The republicans are weak and bend the knee. And the democrats are weak and not fighting, not being loud and shouting from the rooftop how crazy and not normal any of this is. Democrats do your messaging everywhere! And constantly. These “pressers” no one watches. Be all over the socials. And don’t wait a day or two to react. Have rapid responses. Jesus!
It would seem to be too late. He will do their bidding..f..k them all and the big fat orange blob.
They have formed a cult who will destroy everyone.
It’s a hate cult.
I hear that “Trepanning” showed some promise… several centuries ago, maybe bring it back as a cure for terminal flatulence?
Rick is 100% correct about Junior. His avarice, ignorance, sordid conduct, and overall degeneracy make him uniquely unfit and unqualified to serve as HHS Secretary, especially with the potentially deadly Avian Flu pandemic on the horizon.
And his conspiratorial mindset regarding Jews and Asians being less susceptible to contracting COVID than other ethnicities and races, and hostility to sending American made weapons to Ukraine so that it is able to continue fighting off Putin’s genocidal rampage render him far more similar to his isolationist and virulently antisemitic grandfather, Joe, than his martyred uncle, Jack, and father, Robert.
Hence, it is imperative for anyone who does not have a death wish and wants to live to be reasonably old to contact his/her/their Senators and encourage them to vote against Junior’s nomination to be HHS Secretary.
I just saw your Elephant in the Room on RFKjr. So powerful. So glad you got me to call my senators. So nice to see a clip of my girl Fightin' Liz tearing his lungs out over American Samoa.
Like nearly all of you, I spent freakish amounts of time on Twitter during the pandemic. In the second year when Joe was president and the vaccines and mitigation measures became politicized, I was in daily knock-down-drag-outs with antivaxxers. Some Socratic, in good faith, ridiculously long exchanges with sealions who "did their own research." Some snarkfests with idiots. Dealing with antivaxxers bootstrapped my knowledge of the subject and became a full-time hobby.
The common through line in all their arguments (such as they were) is the boatloads of cash being made by Pfizer and Moderna. It's why you couldn't trust Fauci, the NIH, the WHO, the entire community of immunologists and research virologists because they all got a cut of the profits.
And now you have a guy who openly admits he has a big financial stake in a bunch of nuisance class actions against vaccine makers and that furthermore, he won't divest himself. Could you imagine if Fauci said that about Pfizer and Moderna? _Bragged_ that he had a financial interest?
And the financial conspiracy theorists _support this guy._ I can't even ...
Keith with a second bulletin. Trump insults the dead. The real reason for the crash is DOGE, not DEI (and we can thank Reagan for firing the PATCO air traffic controllers which started this party). It's 11 and a half minutes long; the rest is a repeat of today's first bulletin.
And I will always refer to him as lowercased bob. I can’t wrap my head around why anyone would think he was a suitable choice for this cabinet position. Perhaps his brain worm has infected others. Please email your Senators to VOTE NO on his confirmation.
Keith with a bulletin on the DEI-caused-a-plane-crash fiasco.
25th the muthafucka !
So Trump just blamed the tragic Black Hawk / passenger jet collision in DC on DEI, implying that the FAA under Buttigieg actively recruited developmentally disabled people and mental health cases to become pilots and air traffic controllers.
Going forward, let it be known that any tragedy happening under the government's purview is because a brown person got a job somewhere.
I'm wondering if there are enough not-so-closet racists in the Senate GOP to apply the Vivek Ramaswamy Effect to Kash Patel.
What?? You don't think "prescribe boiled badger dung for measles" is a good thing. (I loved the onomatopoetic nature of that sentence.
The Kennedy family must be so proud…If this reprehensible excuse for a human is approved the impact on our country will be devastating
In 2010 or so, I met the future LA Co RFKJr Pres Campaign coordinator, in LA. I watched the transformation of the Biden vote-siphon turn into a Trump accelerant. She's is a full-on MAHA cultist-- and she has grandchildren. I follow her FB to see what the crazy is on any given day. It doesnt disappoint.
A question to Rick or anyone else. It seems Sheldon Whitehouse, an otherwise excellent Senate Dem, was college roommates with RFKjr and is wavering on supporting him. I'm not a constituent, obviously (I'm in Philly), but would it make sense for me to call him about it?
I have no faith Republicans will vote against this bizarre fraudster (or any of the other misfits). Republicans seem to be afraid DT will reveal something terrible about them.
Collins, Murkowski and McConnell voted against KegBreath and he was only confirmed with the tiebreaking vote of the weirdo VP.
Considering RFKjr's lifelong attacks on corporations and his recent even more gleeful savagery against Big Pharma, and how much money Big Pharma throws into politics, it's hardly out of the question that this one won't make it over the line.
And okay, maybe not exactly for the reasons we'd want, that he's a totally unqualified medical hack. Maybe more because Merck fears for its bottom line. But a win is a win is a win ;)
Jesus! What did you do America? Bunch of idiots voted for the orange goo, fraudsters, felon, rapist. The republicans are weak and bend the knee. And the democrats are weak and not fighting, not being loud and shouting from the rooftop how crazy and not normal any of this is. Democrats do your messaging everywhere! And constantly. These “pressers” no one watches. Be all over the socials. And don’t wait a day or two to react. Have rapid responses. Jesus!