Your final words in here after Tom Nichols had left the broadcast were very much needed and appreciated. Thank you.

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My brother, who went to Princeton in the 70s, called them "vest pocket Lenins" in his day. Blame Amerika First.

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Great conversation. I will say that one thing I see as a big difference between these college students and the one's in the 60's, in fact, the entire counter culture of that era, is the utter lack of culture of any kind.

When the radicalism of the 60's dried up, what remained were the cultural remnants, some might see as a bastardization of the trend, but memorable nonetheless, in particular, the music, relaxed mores and different forms of political engagement. There was also the inevitable backlash for those young in that era who were terrified and/or repulsed, that brought us the likes of Karl Rove and the neocons or earlier supply siders and cultural crusaders against the "godless" -- up, up with people, you meet'm wherever you go.

It appears this generation of rebels without a cause, as opposed to the serious who tackle issues like guns or the environment based on observation and experience, has no cultural underpinnings. I've always been sympathetic to the plight of the Palestinians with a close friend introducing me to her family and their experience, but it boggles the mind to see anyone with a conscience express support for the barbarism of Hamas, whose only goal is the extinction of the Jews; their words. It should be clear that leadership that actually cared about their flock would not poke the dragon and then hide behind civilians when the dragon comes roaring out trampling everything in sight. I probably differ with both speakers in that I also think, as someone able to hold several thoughts in one mind, that Israel is falling right into their propaganda by cutting off water, electricity, fuel and food and using excessive, relentless force. Or, as one congressman who fought in Afghanistan and Iraq put it, "for every civilian you kill, you inspire ten new terrorists," and let's face it, terrorism is not the weapon of choice for people who have ... anything else to use. Similarly, terrorists are the weapons of choice for countries who can't quite compete on the battlefield, hence Hamas and Hezbollah.

Frankly, there is plenty of blame to go around on all sides for decades of violent unrest in the ME. It was extremely arrogant or naive to imagine one could put together the Abraham Accords and ignore the Palestinians, but if people can't separate barbarism from legitimate expression or react reflexively and mindlessly to complicated situations they barely understand, then everyone involved is getting short shrift. To paraphrase a 60's cliche, this "revolution" will be televised and it is not a pretty sight.

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Excellent podcast. Thank you for the insightful questions and great choices of guests. I always feel better educated after I listen.

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Getting The Band back together! Great discussion 👍.

On a more serious note: Rick, you and Tom and I are from, generally, the same generation, and this discussion of Hamas and its young(er) supporters in the US brought back thoughts and memories from my youth - The Nightly News reports ("Live and in Living Color!) about the almost daily atrocities of the Viet Nam War carried out by the Viet Cong and their comrades. And the almost daily reports from college campuses where the I-know-more- because-I'm-entitled youths of *that* time would do and say the most inane things in support thereof. And I'm waiting for the inevitable Movie Star to give aid and comfort with their fresh-faced youthful ignorance and without the guilt.

Is the arc of this story inevitable? Have we learned nothing?

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Could continue watching Tom pick his nose

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Couldn't watch Tom. Damn tiny keyboard!

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Just listened, and trust me, I'm staying off that list.

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Excellent! "The world's richest shitposter"...classic!

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Two of my fav dudes. As always, great pod.

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Double Trouble ---- can't wait to listen to the two of you. !!

Love StacyO 💕

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Thank you both for all of your work!!!

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