His farts even put him out.

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Just a heads-up if anyone missed this guy; this has been floating around for awhile. Noel Casler, a former PA on The Celebrity Apprentice, is the OG source on Trump's drugs, diapers and uber-creepy letch on Ivanka as a young girl. He was there when Trump shit himself and the lavalier mics picked it up. Trump also wears a thick, plastic girdle that it is impossible for him to put on by himself. Yikes.

If you haven't seen this excerpt from a pod where he lays it all out (he namechecks Rick), it's an absolute must watch, considering that his effluence is gonna become a major issue in Merchan's courtroom:


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Holy fuckballs. I'm watching another pod with Noel Casler and he said Mark Burnett wanted to do a series on the Russian Mir space station. Putin nixed it and told him to do a show about that New York fake businessman guy Trump. So Putin is the _direct inspiration_ of The Apprentice. It's not any less flabbergasting for not being very surprising ...

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Putrid pig

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How many women will vote to enslave their daughters and granddaughters to the cruel misogyny and sordid patriarchy of the Catholic hypocrites and evangelical thugs? I can imagine all sorts of shuffling and mendacious excuses for casting their progeny into a cruel and unforgiving policy state.

I hope it doesn’t happen. But so many excuse the outlandish behavior and destructiveness of the GOP now, it is very worrying.

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“Trump a bidness man.” 😂😂😂😂 Love it!! Says it all about the master grifter. So far, the trial in NY shows the world The Orange One for what he is, a fraud, without him saying a word.

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Does anyone know which bumpkinville the old demon will be visiting Saturday night, trying to suck the energy out of a hall stocked with halfwits? I have a morbid curiosity

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Found out. HELLLO, Wilmington, Delaware!!!!

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"Don Snoreleone" - Rick, you made my day!

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Junkie von Antivax…. Love it!

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This right here is the person I’ve always seen when I see his stupid orange fuvking face! He’s always been a joke yet undeniably clever at the con and potentially even more dangerous than we’ve all seen. I can tell you like many people I’ve always known what a spectacular piece of shit trump is,from wayyy back when I was introduced of his existence (unfortunately) back in 1989,when I was a senior in high school ffs. through the 90s hearing this pop n jay spew his brand of bullshit. Now I’m not an educated person by any means, I don’t have a lot of manners,which you’d think wouldn’t bother me.not so though because he was the worst type of person,shameless,no morals,lying to the point he’d pretend to be someone else entirely to swing his little balls and low self esteem around as if he couldn’t be touched or bothered,while being the biggest bully I’ve ever seen! that’s probably the crux of my hate for him even before he was president and became a traitor to our country and his oath of office! He didn’t start the Republican fall,but he sure as shit exacerbated or current problems. sad thing is,most of us think it hope that it’ll break and people will see him for what he is,and many people do. they are either in on the grift or they’re so afraid some black or brown people might just be treated just like them. I won’t hold my breath waiting for those people to to critically think. Go out tell the people you think may listen then drag their asses to the voting booth or tell them how easy mailing in ballots is. 😂🇺🇸💙💙🇺🇦💙

And sorry for the too long rant. 😵‍💫

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No, my righteously angry brother, it is a most excellent rant ;)

And this is from your friendly neighborhood grammar Nazi, LOL

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Appreciate you!


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Loved this column!! As an aside, does anyone else think it is wrong for a presidential candidate to be on the ballot in fewer than all 50 states? RFKj has targeted the swing states in an open play to be a spoiler. The Electoral College might provide enough votes in theory, but if all Americans are not given a chance to vote for or against the candidate, does it make sense? And when does such a candidate earn a place in a debate? Our system was created by deeply rational minds who did not consider the possibility of a wingnut throwing sand into the gears of the system.

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well, to protect America from real whack-jobs, they included "checks and balances", like SCOTUS. But how's that working out?

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"...era before the lidless eye of social media."

I'm totally not stealing that... Your brilliant analysis is made all the better with your terrific writing.

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Might also mention my lovely wife reminded me of the fact that I met and talked to RFK, Jr., in Boston back in October 2008. Her “reminder” was sending me a photo from the event. My reaction was 🤮😵‍💫. One thing I really noticed was the contrast with how old and tired (and angry) he looks today vs. then (yeah, OK, I look older today, too, but not nearly to the same degree). Time has not been kind to his body…or his mind. His talk then was about his noble work with the River Keepers, the waterways conservation group he helped spearhead. My, how far he’s sunk into the muck and mire since those days. I’d like to feel sad for him, but since our country’s at stake I’m just hoping he flames out, and takes as many of the MAGAts with him as possible. In the mean time, get well, Rick!

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"how far he’s sunk into the muck and mire since those days." That could apply to many many others - Giuliani's a good example.

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Don Snoreleone…he didn’t fall asleep, he just dosed off.

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Leon S Kennedy has so far has declined to endorse anyone, but given his history with fighting Umbrella and zombies, he's leaning towards Biden

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You bludgeoned RFK, Jr. I love the piece, appears he may just be headed for that list.

But I do ponder. Have now for last hour. I’m just going to spill it.

My concern, by slamming him on heroin addiction from gate, he will become a sympathetic figure. Some people may not listen further.

Most will listen. He will be wrapped up with a bow.

I am concerned about MAGA. They will run with it somehow,

I’m All in favor of disclosing his heroin addiction, I simply question its placement in piece.

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Why would MAGA find it okay for RFKjr to be a former junkie but not okay for Hunter Biden to be a former cokehead?

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how about focusing on a "current" cokehead - Don Jr.

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Because it will always be one-sided. Always

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Hunter Biden admitted it and wrote a book about it. The rumors have swirled for years, but I don't know if there's any concrete, legal-grade evidence that Junior actually uses coke.

Although if I had to bet a small but not insignificant body part, I'd bet that he's a cokehead ;)

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Don Jr posts regular twitter hyper-rants where his eyes are crazy and he's breathlessly ranting a hundred words a second and "air quoting" everything and if that's not coke-stoned, then i'll eat my shoe.

and it's right there in public and like his dad, he gets away with it.

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Well yeah, and then there are his squinty eyes, like as my late dad used to say, two pissholes in the snow ;) He presents as a cokehead, no question. But people in public life can go years with major substance abuse problems as long as they have enablers around them; this isn't unique to Don Jr. Half of the Saturday Night Live cast have had long-running substance abuse problems. Sometimes it takes an intervention from the caring people around them. Junior has no caring people around him :(

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I know you are right. Must remind myself this is coming from LP and not JB campaign.

MAGA will be happy to cozy up to this poorly treated man, who has fought the demons.

while the other side has tossed him to wolves, and doesn’t care about him. what does this say about the other side?

Idk, MAGA always has a way

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You're right, Julie; RFKjr is the ideal martyrized, cult-of-personality candidate, basically Trump but who believes in anthropogenic global warming. He's out there fighting Big Pharma and the corporatocracy and wrestling with his own demons as well, including a sex addiction that drove his former wife to suicide. That's a big ol' plus for the MAGA misogynists. And I think he's a pro-life Catholic, too, IIRC.

There's some horseshoe-theory appeal for (far) left Democrats reminiscent of Tulsi Gabbard and Marianne Williamson, but the vast majority of Democrats who know and revere the Kennedy legacy know that his entire family have disowned him for being a nutball. Of course MAGA will find a way to excuse his former heroin addiction. Saner people wonder if this might be negatively reflective of his character, which MAGA has decided is not a big deal anymore. So at the end of the day, he'll pose a much bigger threat to Trump than to Biden and the TrumpCo character assassination squad will spend precious resources nuking him from orbit.

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i've read that Steve Bannon was the brain-trust who recruited RFK to run as a spoiler for Biden. Sounds like a Bannon move, and if it siphons off even 1% of the vote in swing states, it could be Trump's ace in the hole.

The solution of course is a massive Blue Wave (I like the term Bluenami) to flush the whole lot of them down the toilet. Getting out the vote will be the bottom line for Dems.

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But do the math, Abe. If RFKjr takes more from Trump than Biden, he'd _increase_ Biden's percentage. Here's the thing: Nobody could accuse Ralph Nader of being a crypto-Republican. He was a sincere, anti-corporate leftist his whole life, so it's more than fair to surmise that 80-90% of Nader votes would have gone to Gore, and considering that the total Nader vote in FL was an order of magnitude larger than Bush's margin of victory, then it was really Ralph Nader who cost Gore the election in FL and thus the presidency.

But what does RFKjr talk about on the stump? Pollution? Conservation? Global warming? Ending US military interventions? No, he talks about how some vaccines are specifically designed to kill some ethnic groups and not others. That's not exactly a message that appeals to young, idealistic leftists. It _does_ appeal to conspiracy theorists and people who might love Trump but think he's over the hill and are impressed by RFKjr's massively buffed pecs.

The older boomers who revere RFK's memory are not going to be fooled by this. So if this was an attempted ratfuck by Bannon, then it was a massive own goal. But the word is that TrumpCo is terrified of RFKjr for the reasons I laid out and are going to nuke him from orbit.

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agree about Nader; he was sincere but his FL numbers alone cost Gore the election. Don't think that was Nader's intention.

With RFK, deep-sixing Biden is his stated intention, and if he gets even 5% in the swing states it could deep-6 Biden.

As for RFK appealing more to conspiracy-theory Repubs than disenchanted Dems, I think if that crazy MAGAs don't need RFK, they've already got Trump. Why would an all-in MAGA nut abandon Trump for RFK?

Bottom line is RFK is just a shit-disturber who may actually siphon just enough votes to let the OrangeMonster back into power. The margins are too close and there are too many disaffected lefties (especially re: Gaza) to simply dismiss RFK - and Stein & Wild.

I think Dem's ace-in-the-hole is the women's vote for "women's reproductive freedom". I wish Dems would use "freedom" in their messaging to women - might even pull in a few disaffected Repubs.

Dems have to do something to counteract the negative potential of 3rd parties. Can't just write these folks off - like you say, Nader's FL votes alone cost Gore the election.

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