First and foremost: fuck, I'm glad you're alive. So sorry for you and Renee. It takes a few foot pounds of pressure to pull a rigger and these shits know it. Combine bright, pulsating lights, loud static on radios and adrenaline, and the pull of a trigger, which would have led to the pull of other triggers could have happened.

Second, as a life-long liberal I've had to ask myself: if a populist asshole got hold of the Democratic Party and ran as an autocrat, promising a liberal Valhalla and to crush all enemies, what would I do? Would I put my party over my country in some fucked-up costs/benefit analysis? I can only hope that I would do as you have done, with the character, commitment and courage on the trail you've blazed.

We can argue about guns and police culture later. Steady on, and Semper Paratus.

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See how that works out for you.

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it's horrible. I know another word for obscene it's swKJJHt.

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How do you know so much about the person responsible?

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I hope you get him. I know you'll keep fighting

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Sorry that you and yours had to lose sleep because some maga jerkwad gets his teeny tiny in a micro-knot over your work. I hope he's never able to untie the lil' thing.

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May the perpetrators be located and prosecuted to the fullest extent allowed by law.

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Jesus, I'm so sorry this has happened to you and wish you and you family all the best. I wish this country wasn't so divided these days. Everyone needs to take a deep breath and start questioning why they feel this way and who is making them feel this way. I became a naturalized as an American of the UNITED States.

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Swatting is just one tactic that Trump’s Brown Shirts will continue to share among their various cells. I would really like to read more about how law enforcement is doing to uncover domestic terrorists. Why not root out the source cells and put them in jail?

In any case I admire you no end for standing strong in the face of these threats to you and your family.

I close by saying that this kind of Brown Shirt terrorism is the hallmark of supposedly law abiding Republicans.

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Apr 27
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Please don’t breed

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I'm sorry this is happening to you and so many others. I find it intriguing that it is also happening to Republicans. I can't see the average loser in his mom's basement going to the time & trouble to disguise themselves so carefully with burner phones, etc. Is it possible these are initiated or coordinated by a foreign entity? I would imagine the FBI is involved trying to find the common MO?

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I’m so glad You & Your Familia are ok!

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I am so sorry this happened.

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Shared. I hope they find them. I want to say unbelievable, my normal reply, but it's not unbelievable. Can't wait until the Orange Maga guru is finally in jail.

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Roger Stones homoerotic well oiled yet still greasy mother cucking submissive "beta man" - dibles are all over this and the rest of the swattings

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Ugh....I wish these bullies....to cowardly to do more than make threats and SWAT people they believe are hurting their dear orange savior...are held accountable.

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well done

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