Wow that was great ! I especially enjoyed the way you took down Elon musk and how he has destroyed twitter and I don’t use it, I never did before. It’s much worse now. I wish it could be played over the radio stations all over the country. Maga would explode if they heard it. They are the most inbred people in America. Tha
I've been online since before the Internet as we know it was a thing (in the BBS days) and I've encountered every variety of troll there is, including those who doxed me and attempted to threaten my life when I moderated a philosophy channel on IRC. IRC trolls are old-school industrial strength.
I enjoy debate with people, whether civil or a snarkfest and probably have a much higher tolerance for engagement than many of you. Here are a couple categories that Rick didn't specifically enumerate:
1) Hard leftist trolls. These tend to be either doctrinaire Marxist-Leninists or anarchist accelerationists. There was one on Rick's 'stack the other week. They've read a ton from potted sources and can quote Marxist scripture but generally while perfectly literate, they aren't very bright, as well as being dour, humorless and they hate everything besides. Can be prone to violent rhetoric and thus blockworthy.
2) Bernie bros / progressive trolls. There are very few (if any) progressive trolls per se in a space like Rick's because we offer no un-PC targets for them, but the marginally enfranchised Bernie-or-Bust types (this year it's Cornel West / Jill Stein / RFKjr) tend to swarm political spaces in an election year. I find this type particularly insufferable. Always yammering on about the "duopoly" and iron corporate control of every sphere of life. They're going to make the world pay because they didn't get a pony.
3) Concern trolls. I love to slap these guys around the most, although I try to be more Socratic than snarky. "I voted for Biden in 2020, BUT ..." "I've been a Democrat all my life, BUT ..." "I hate Trump and believe in everything that you all do, BUT ... " Rarely are these assertions made in good faith and it's fun to unravel their premises. 99.8% of the time they don't respond back, cuz trolls.
4) Sealions. The sealion is a subspecies of concern troll who elevates passive-aggression to a high art. They're civil, friendly, engaging, respectful and, e.g., really want to _explore the science with you_ about vaccines (to 'splain you why they're evil). I debated one of these creatures on Twitter for a good six months during the pandemic. They're hard to justify blocking because they don't say anything nasty or provocative and they tend to be genuinely (mis)educated. When you reach a point and tell them that this is going nowhere, they get all hurt and desperately try to emphasize points of agreement. They think they're engaging in a Socratic dialogue but all their points are unfalsifiable.
When I’m listening to your podcasts, I really need to remember to hit pause before I take a sip of my coffee. Snorting a hot beverage out my nose is not fun but completely unavoidable when you lay into the MAGA wingnuts
I loved every second of this!
I’d love this!
Kyle, a GOP political operative Alabama-
Arrested for Sexual Torture and Murder 2024
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Bah ha ha ha ha HA HA HA … sounds like more PLEASE!!!! Ha ha ha
Wow that was great ! I especially enjoyed the way you took down Elon musk and how he has destroyed twitter and I don’t use it, I never did before. It’s much worse now. I wish it could be played over the radio stations all over the country. Maga would explode if they heard it. They are the most inbred people in America. Tha
Thank you!
The best!!
I've been online since before the Internet as we know it was a thing (in the BBS days) and I've encountered every variety of troll there is, including those who doxed me and attempted to threaten my life when I moderated a philosophy channel on IRC. IRC trolls are old-school industrial strength.
I enjoy debate with people, whether civil or a snarkfest and probably have a much higher tolerance for engagement than many of you. Here are a couple categories that Rick didn't specifically enumerate:
1) Hard leftist trolls. These tend to be either doctrinaire Marxist-Leninists or anarchist accelerationists. There was one on Rick's 'stack the other week. They've read a ton from potted sources and can quote Marxist scripture but generally while perfectly literate, they aren't very bright, as well as being dour, humorless and they hate everything besides. Can be prone to violent rhetoric and thus blockworthy.
2) Bernie bros / progressive trolls. There are very few (if any) progressive trolls per se in a space like Rick's because we offer no un-PC targets for them, but the marginally enfranchised Bernie-or-Bust types (this year it's Cornel West / Jill Stein / RFKjr) tend to swarm political spaces in an election year. I find this type particularly insufferable. Always yammering on about the "duopoly" and iron corporate control of every sphere of life. They're going to make the world pay because they didn't get a pony.
3) Concern trolls. I love to slap these guys around the most, although I try to be more Socratic than snarky. "I voted for Biden in 2020, BUT ..." "I've been a Democrat all my life, BUT ..." "I hate Trump and believe in everything that you all do, BUT ... " Rarely are these assertions made in good faith and it's fun to unravel their premises. 99.8% of the time they don't respond back, cuz trolls.
4) Sealions. The sealion is a subspecies of concern troll who elevates passive-aggression to a high art. They're civil, friendly, engaging, respectful and, e.g., really want to _explore the science with you_ about vaccines (to 'splain you why they're evil). I debated one of these creatures on Twitter for a good six months during the pandemic. They're hard to justify blocking because they don't say anything nasty or provocative and they tend to be genuinely (mis)educated. When you reach a point and tell them that this is going nowhere, they get all hurt and desperately try to emphasize points of agreement. They think they're engaging in a Socratic dialogue but all their points are unfalsifiable.
Awesome, Rick. You are my favorite word-slinger.
Loved the original stack, but this is way better!!!
Bravo, Rick, Bravo! I’ll play it until it’s memorized!
We the people vs Trump the dictator
Nailed it...again!
Long but funny and to the point. I read all 37 reasons to the bittersweet end.
When I’m listening to your podcasts, I really need to remember to hit pause before I take a sip of my coffee. Snorting a hot beverage out my nose is not fun but completely unavoidable when you lay into the MAGA wingnuts
Great work, Rick.
Sharp, literate and satisfying!