Chicken-s*it - that's Trump. Big wuss!

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Rick is so pathetic. Always has been.

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Your spot on, Rick. I saw all those interviews. TFG is literally deteriorating in real time. He’s beyond unfit. It’s so blatantly obvious. Let’s wrap this up, and elect our first woman to the Oval Office. Kamala Harris.


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Many Republicans, I believe, may see a Kamala Harris victory as a forgone conclusion ( likely hoping the case ).

With hard ons, they are plotting her demise. Let them… have fun with that.

Democrats are ready, we’re in it for the long haul, fully aware this election is not a one and done.

We will pledge our full support. We will not eat our own. We will not engage in purity contests nor circular firing squads.

Luxuries we can no longer afford. We must stand united.

(The Josh Hawleys of the world have only just begin).

Kamala, Tim You got this!

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Indeed his brain is broke. The corporations funding this horror…Their brains in full operation. Pull into local market ( KROGER owned, Of Course ).

An extremely large American flag dancing in the wind. Message received, loud and clear.

I pray one day we may be able to take that flag back!

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Sorry but I refuse to watch 3+ min of ads to gain access to the topic.

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Ad Block Plus, bay-bee.

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Thanks for your words. Before I listened to this EITR, I perused some MSM sites ( it’s Saturday). The headline scream…trump is edging ahead…yuk!!! If it weren’t for your encouraging words, I think I would be utterly depressed. I do understand MSM is controlled by the money people, who I believe are traitors. They are helping him. Disgusting. Again, I am grateful for your wisdom and experience and I’m going to believe for the next 16 days that America will not go down that dark trump hole ever again. Now…time to send you a donation!! Happy Saturday everyone!!!

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Except he's not and I'd check the provenance of the sites who are saying that, because they don't come up in my feed. The general narrative is virtual tie or within the margin of error, not that Trump is edging ahead. And if that's the case, Kamala has a vastly superior ground game, anyway. And way, way more money to dump into the final stretch.

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JD Vance is doing a dance singing “I’m gonna be the president” 🎶🎷

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Trump's brain is broken. An elephant sat on it!

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About polls, don't drink the poison, a wise person recently said.

800 likely voters are going to tell us what 244 million people think? Really?

FWIW, here's 538 (...ABC owns it now not Nate Silver...)


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Almost all narcissists end up with dementia. They believed whatever they wanted to believe not which could be proven. They built a castle made of sand next to the ocean at low tide. From what I've seen in over 90% of the Alzheimer's patients are Republican men?

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I cannot get over how much media outcry went down after she mastered the Fox News interview, as much as one could, with 38 interruptions in a half hour interview. Ridiculous, Kamala was ready for Brett Baier and some Fox tricks; showed she’s smarter than a Fox. taRump and this campaign are heading downhill but can possibly gain momentum but the cracks in the “armor” are showing. Thanks, Rick and crew for a great SS

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I believe they are BOTH just figureheads, there’s something far more nefarious going on behind the “curtain” . This needs to end with a victory for the American people with Kamala Harris and Tim Walz.

There is something going on here that is no doubt highly illegal, they are trying to play 3 dimensional chess and WE NEED TO CHECKMATE THEM.

The FBI, DOJ, and any other government agency that has any authority over the election needs to step into the game and shut it down.

I believe the Heritage Foundation most likely have their grubby little paws in this somehow. It wouldn’t surprise me 1 little bit if some of our “Supreme” Court justices are in on it too.

They are taking this to the wire, they must be stopped. I understand that I’m beginning to sound like their conspiracy nut bags but seriously think about what’s been happening here and now.


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Here is a look behind that curtain, and it's got a deep (pocket) history:


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Thanks, I also follow Heather Cox Richardson and the Medias Touch Network, Legal AF, etc…

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Why did F&F have him sitting on a black towel on their couch???

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It was a incontinence pad. For real. 😎

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I missed the towel, can't find it on the on the Youtube 5 second search, but probably just as well.

Was too distracted by the enablers laughing like dolts at the clown playing air accordion to the lyric, "there will be no cows, I love cows."

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According to Meidas, that was just his absurd, 80s suit jacket that hangs down like a cape.

"There will be no cows. I love cows." That's freakin' hysterical.

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So he wouldn’t sh;t stain the sofa

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Explosive diarrhea.

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I'm surprised they're not selling little squares of that towel the trumpers can glue under their noses and be "just like Uncle Adolf".

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There's already the "Real Men Wear Diapers" MAGA merch trend.

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It's incredible- yet real. The booking suit.

This must be a banner year for Total Wine.

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Why not a shard of the Holy Relic, a genuine strip of used diaper stained with Trump's very own shit and piss? ;) I mean, during the height of Lisztomania (the 19th-century European cultural outbreak, not the Roger Daltrey movie), a woman fished out one of Franz Liszt's cigar butts from the trash, put it in a locket and was buried with it between her breasts.

Stinky ;)

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I think Kamala has got him on the ropes.

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One thing for sure, she's not gonna pull a Hillary / Robbie Mook and neglect the Blue Wall states in the final stretch. Meanwhile, Trump can't even golf anymore cuz of the assassination threat, so there's gonna be a lot of FOX-generated wall ketchup ;)

Jessica Tarlov's gonna give him a stroke, LOL

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