I know just how hard you work and appreciate everything you do. If you need a proofreader just let me know. I’d do it for free of course.

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I donated ! Run that add “HE/HIM”

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Love the new ads too, "Who We Are" and "Their Future".

Weapons Grade.

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Trump is an empty cult

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Thank you Rick. You and your team are always on top of everything. Love your work!

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Lincoln Project… is that those gay assault guys?

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Delusional, CTE or both.

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Wow, the name calling and obscenity reeks of desperation. Let’s see how it goes.

The difference between you and me is that I’m not an ideologue. My interest is in truth, a return to real wage growth, controlled borders and world peace. Trump was significantly better than Biden Harris across the board.

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Veritates ... is it that Trump troll? ;)

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You have trouble with Latin and the Lincoln Project has trouble with 21 former members alleging gay sexual harassment and cover up by its founders.

Not a credible organization. As its desperation grows, so do its lies about Trump.

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I have no problems with Latin. I have contempt for wingnuts who abuse it.

You know ... like Project Veritas? I hope their lawyers are getting paid, LOL

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That is, of course, an absolute disgusting lie. If it were true, the media would be all over LP because nothing sells news like a lurid sex scandal. The truth is that one guy, John Weaver (who everybody at LP knew was gay and didn't care) was grooming interns on the DL and when they found out about it, they cut him loose and freaked out about it.

But Trump trolls exist in an environment that rewards lies and the only question is, are they too stupid to tell the difference between truth and lies or are they just cynical nihilists?

For you, I'd go for what's behind Door Number Two ;)

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Bob, given your condition, you probably don’t remember the lengthy back and forth we had months ago where I destroyed you and your master Rick about his complete dependence on dishonesty.

You know, knowingly Rick lying about Max Cleland in the Georgia Senate race and then admitting that it’s part of his routine?

We went through a little back and forth, you asked for proof, I provided it and you went silent. Let’s not get your ass kicked again old timer.

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Ohh, you have new handle. I guess your old handle was deleted, LOL I wonder who could have done that and I wonder why ;)

You're lying about this as well. You "supported" your argument with out-of-context quotes which I fleshed out. News Flash, Rick Wilson was once a Republican op who cut vicious pro-Republican campaign ads, ROTFL

I _smoked_ you in that exchange, Trollypants.

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Wrong again, Bob. Same handle, same you, same dishonesty from you and your master, Rick.

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Anything Rick has ever said. TRUTH.

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Rick’s truth, It’s truth. Gospel.

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Rick, Hit 'em harder while you and TLP get louder!

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Thank you, Rick. Thank you for my transgender son and all people who are being demonized by tRumPutin and MAGA.

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Always very well written articles..As far as what my take on trump is-he is a very sick inhumane & grotesque waste of a human being who is only here to destroy-in other words - a fallen angel - pure evil & he knows nothing else..I also believe he is r wake up call..We have been so busy being free that we have neglected r duty to country & the blessing of living here..We r certainly not perfect by any means - we have created r own suffering & only we the people can correct it - but will we?

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Love that you guys are on these things. Keep it up.

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This Kelly story is looking potentially game-changing.

What are the odds that Trump goes off on everyone else being fascists and spends the rest of the time trying to smear Kelly. He'll force Kelly into an interview, and maybe Mattis, McMaster, and Milley come out more publicly.

At a minimum spending ~14 days talking about how you are not a Nazi and everyone else is is not how you draw up a winning campaign.

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Very potentially triggering. I like it ;)

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At the risk of being redundant,THANK YOU! That is a powerful ad!

Rick, you and your team are truly gifted.

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Save yourself from the plans

the GOP has for running your life. Stop them the only way you can Vote Blue.

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"[M]any of our Democratic friends don’t understand: there’s a natural inclination to litigate the issue and call on our better angels on this matter, but that’s not the way to win. The way to win is to show that Trump is a lair with contempt for his own base. Inverting the “pronoun attack” is just the start." THANK GOD FOR THE PATRIOTIC "REAL" REPUBLICANS WHO ARE HELPING US FIGHT TOOTH AND NAIL!!! Now what I want to know is: WHERE is this commercial being shown? what channels? on which shows?

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