This is how you deal with fascists, harshly, no mercy.

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What's bad is that I am around these people at the vfw(fellow vets) rattling sociopathic jerk ideas deprived of empathy for women, just as you say. They are vets like me, took the same oath. It sometimes frightens me as they say things at meetings just to intimidate me enough to get me to leave. Seeing as I am the only woman who shows up to the meetings it will take more to get me to leave. Other women have left, I can see their point. Who want to sit in a meeting with a bunch of drunk misogynistic veterans talking stupid shit. Everything is woke to them and we are in a hell scape and trump is being set up. What can I do? The commander of the whole vfw said something publicly but now he is considered an old woke geezer who needs to go. You just can't win. It saddens me so. These are people who fought wars. They hide their pain with alcohol and drugs.

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You are a True Powerhouse Rick Wilson! 💙💙💙

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Thanks Rick. Appreciate everything you’re doing to try and save democracy

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Let's go!!!!! Love the end of this article about checking your voter registration and voting early by mail.

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“It’s ambitious, certainly, but when American forces finally stormed the beaches of Normandy, the goal wasn’t to seize, say, Dusseldorf and give the Nazis a stern talking-to. “

This is why I love reading you, you call it as it is. Although your image suggests the allies also had dragons, which would have put the D into D-day.

I have been reading about the failure of the Weimar newspapers to hold the rising Nazis accountable and it’s like reading a Democratic commentator today - lots of false equivalence, lots of ‘well we know they are crazy so why repeat ourselves’, of taking obvious lies at face value. Just sayin’

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Rick, thanks for another great article. I’m glad you got some R&R! Maybe its just me, but I think I can feel a rejuvenated Rick in your writing. Clear, concise, focussed and loaded with insight as always … it just felt energized somehow. Please take care of yourself. And yes … wishing you well does have a tiny tinge os selfish intent. We need you! But mostly … we care about you. Hope thats okay.

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Please consider donating to Democratic candidates in swing states and your home state. We need Kamala as Pres and Dem majorities in both the Senate and House.

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How to Prevent "GOP MASS PSYCHOSIS - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL"

❤️ Discredit totalitarian propaganda everywhere

🤣 Mock GOP worship of dictators

❤️ Promote moral organizations

❤️ c 1st 📈


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Rick, I love your writing. I'm sarcastic so I really appreciate it. If at the debate, we could get Kamala to say to trump after he doesn't answer a question "I guess he has no answer, let me answer that question" it will stun trump like a deer in headlights.

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Hey Rick…glad you got good rest…we’re going to need every ounce of energy we can muster. This: “The only thing saving Trump is the media’s insistence on the absurd double standard in which he is treated like a normal candidate.” AND it really pisses me off! Why haven’t journalists and newspeople formed a coalition to push back on corporate media normalization of T and their juvenile nitpicking of Harris?

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"Why haven’t journalists and newspeople formed a coalition to push back on corporate media normalization of T and their juvenile nitpicking of Harris?"

They're employed BY corporate media. They'd be fired and wind up like that Faux "News" guy Bill O'-whatever his name was.

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"juvenile nitpicking" well said, Jeff.

there was about 2 weeks of news coverage over 1 word that Tim Walz said (carried automatic weapons "in" war) and where is the coverage of President Bone-spurs' endless and disgraceful demeaning of military? Oh, that's just Trump being Trump. But look at that mistake Tim Walz made. Let's talk about it for 2 weeks.


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"This race won’t be over until Kamala Harris puts her hand on the Bible while standing on the West Front of the Capitol Building and swears the oath."

While Trump watches from his jail cell.

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Damn Rick??! You're so Right On 💯💙🇺🇸

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Right. Must kill democracy in order to protect it. We aren't a democracy, but a republic. This reads 100% communist.

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"100% communist"?

I think you're mistaking 2024 for the 1950s.

what you're demonstrating in your comment is called the "Paranoid Style in American Politics" - I guess you're old enough to remember Senator Joe McCarthy. If not, try learning something:


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What you are displaying is TDS.

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"TDS" is purest gaslighting, the definition as set out by the movie Gaslight. A crazy person accusing someone else of being crazy for pointing out that the crazy person is, you know, crazy ;)

The person with Trump Derangement Syndrome is Trump. Who is deranged.

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if you can read, you'll recognize yourself in this explanation of people who join cults.


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Reads more like FDR. But wingnuts called FDR "Communist," too, LOL. Wingnuts called Social Security and Medicare "Communist." Any attempt by the government to help people is "Communist" according to wingnut idiot-ology.

Oh, and we're _both_ a constitutional republic _and_ a representative democracy, founded on the principle of popular sovereignty / consent of the governed (no taxation without representation). Get better talking points. Oh that's right, wingnuts don't _have_ any better talking points, ROTFL

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Harris message “is resonating with the American people “. Really. Did you write this before the interview on CNN? You didn’t mention the biggest news story since she was appointed. Wonder why?

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the "biggest news story"?

You mean that a sexual pervert, malignant narcissistic psychopathic felon who demeans military personnel and who instigated an violent insurrection against the US government is running for President - how's that for a big news story?

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Trump 2024.

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if you can read, you'll recognize yourself in this explanation of people who join cults.


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Cope harder, wingnut ;)

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And which "news story" is that, "Martin"?

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Harris interview was a dumpster fire. Don’t blame you if you didn’t watch.

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Of course I watched. It was the last thing from a "dumpster fire."

But you Trump humpers need your copium so you can pretend that black is white all you like. Can hardly wait until the debate when Kamala wraps Trump's small intestine around her little finger ;)

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What about the Dept of Justice launching a pre-election investigation into potentially treasonous behavior at the state and local level? Interrogate anyone who can certify the election and find out if they will. Prevaricators are arrested and held until after the election is properly certified. No worries legally; the President is immune from prosecution.

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