I will never get through to one of those culty types, because I can’t even get through to those who will tell you that Trump is full of shit, yet disregard danger, refuse to vote D just this one time. It’s futile. I’m disgusted.

Pray for me!

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This is the supernatural they are attributing to Trump:

Please take the time to read this.

Someone recently asked me why I like Trump. My answer was that I don't like Trump. I don't like the way he speaks. But this election is not about choosing the most likeable person.

We are voting between two vastly different ideologies. We are voting for the country we want to leave our children and grandchildren.

Trump represents that future and has proven that he can deliver. He is a patriot to the core and even served his country for 4 years without pay.

After being asked this question a few times by colleagues and friends, even family members, I thought about actually putting it in writing. Then I came across this....( I'm sure it's been copied and edited and pasted many times, but it's a start.

That moment when someone says,

"I can't believe you're voting for Trump". I simply reply, “I'm NOT voting for Trump.”

I'm voting for the First Amendment and freedom of speech. I'm voting for the right to speak my opinion and not be censored.

I’m voting for secure borders and LEGAL immigration. I am voting for election integrity to include mandatory voter ID. (Why would anyone vote against this?)

I'm voting for the Second Amendment and my right to defend my life and my family.

I'm voting for the police to be respected once again.

I am voting for law & order and an end to allowing protesters to trespass and burn our cities, destroying innocent small business. (Tim Walz)

I am voting for personal responsibility and the end of the revolving door where criminals are being put back on the street. (Kamala Harris)

I'm voting for the next Supreme Court Justice(s) to protect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

I’m voting for a return of our troops from foreign countries and the end to America’s involvement in foreign conflicts.

I'm voting for the Electoral College and for the Republic in which we live.

I’m voting for the continued appointment of Federal Judges who respect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

I’m voting for keeping our jobs to remain in America and not be outsourced all over the world - to China, Mexico and other foreign countries.

I am voting for doing away with all of the freebies given to all of the illegals and not looking after the needs of the American citizens and homeless veterans.

I'm voting for the military & the veterans who fought for this country

I'm voting to keep men out of women's sports.

I’m voting for peace progress in the Middle East.

I’m voting to fight against human/child trafficking.

I'm voting for Freedom of Religion.

I am voting for the return of teaching math, history, and science instead of the indoctrination of our children.

I'm not just voting for one person.

I'm voting for the future of my Country.

I'm voting for my children and my grandchildren to ensure their freedoms

America is the greatest country in the world, hense why everyone wants to immigrate here. So why do you want to change it?

Why do politicians want to enact policies that have failed in other countries throughout history?

I'm not voting for just Trump.

I'm voting for America!!

Copied and pasted, keep it going!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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I think this person, whose post you forwarded to us, is looking thru the wrong end of his/her telescope! They should be voting FORr democracy which gives them the right to speak freely...jus' saying...

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thanks Becky, but I'm guessing that a lot of folks will think this is YOUR rant, rather than the Trump-supporter's rant that you're simply forwarding.

The scary thing is how it is happening on such a large scale!

What does that say about America?

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You are a signal example of the prescience of George Orwell. Every single thing you wrote is a DoubleSpeak inversion of the truth. You don't even know what America _is._ The happiest countries on earth are the Nordic social democracies. They're not "socialist," they're mixed economies with robust social safety nets. The worst countries in the world are the quasi-autarkies that resist immigration and are in long-term decline because their populations are aging out like Japan and Russia. Or would you prefer those Second Amendment paradises of Somalia and El Salvador, which are the only two countries with more guns per capita than the US? You are voting to ensure that your female children and grandchildren don't have the same rights over their own bodies that you did when you were of breeding age.

I could go on, but it's so clear you exist in a world of alternate facts that it's pointless. You are supporting a fascist regime whose entire raison d'etre is to deprive people of their rights.

Throw away your devices, delete your accounts and go touch grass.

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If you read my first sentence you will see that I am forwarding another’s post . I saw this today on Facebook. It just confirms how they are not able to discern the truth

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Oh I'm sorry, Becky. It's not at all clear where you left off and where they begun, but I see it in proper context now. Thanks for posting that; it's painful but educational.

I missed the colon :(

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So I have MANY people in my social network who believe this… and I’m at a loss as to how to approach this nonsense.

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Personally, I'd try a Socratic dialogue. I'd ask them how they know that their premises are true. I'd ask them why they trust the information sources they do. I'd ask them if they're okay with having a 12-year-old bear her stepfather's child. I'd ask them if the police should have been respected on January 6, 2021. I'd ask them if they knew that the First Amendment applies to the government and not private entities and what they thought of banning books that a handful of parents don't like. I'd ask them if they thought that Haitians are eating cats and dogs and if they didn't, why is it okay to accuse them of doing so?

I could go on and on, but you get the general approach.

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I was just engaging one person who had posted about the taxes on unrealized gains- saying how it would affect us- I replied that it only affects those with $100 million or more a year- and I sent a link to a tax site that had a really clear way to explain the law… the answer I received was “I just don’t trust her” - I couldn’t help myself so I answered- “but you’ll trust a felon, philanderer and narcissist “ I expect I’ll be blocked in the future

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Everything you wrote is a bunch of blinded nonsense, however I’m going to address ONLY one - you are not voting for Freedom of Religion, you already have that & no one is trying to take that away. What you are voting for is for the Christian religion to be forced onto everyone else who believes a different religion or chooses no religion at all. You are voting to get rid of the separation of church & state.

People like you love to insist that the USA is a Christian nation, but that is a lie. Our founders were very clear that they did not want government involved in pushing any particular religion.

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I know is ridiculous

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Again the first sentence should tell you I am not writing this but forwarding what a “Trumper”posted

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Amen, PJ.

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I guess my first sentence that said “this is the supernatural they are attributing to Trump, doesn’t show I am just forwarding what I am seeing from Trumpers in my social networks-

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My error; sorry, that completely slid past my reading comprehension at the time I was reading it,🙁 perhaps the product of me being up too late at night reading.

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I know it’s ridiculous

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I think what Trump realizes is that people create a narrative to understand their world, and then believe things that fit the narrative and disbelieve things that do not. What this leads them to do is to even cheerlead things they know to be lies because they can be held up as evidence of some greater truth.

The book "Thinking, Fast and Slow" elucidates other important factors in a scientific way. It describes two "Systems" in the operation of the brain. System 1 is based on emotion and instinct, and processes every input fast. System 2 is analytical but slow and (often) lazy. System 1 makes lots of mistakes. System 2 is needed to avoid fucking things up totally.

Trump has his voters in System 1 all the time. He works at it. Sparking irrational fear helps keep them there. So "Haitians eating pets" or "Mexican rapists" serves his ends with his supporters. Truth or falsehood is irrelevant. Slowly moving caravans are the best.

Like other autocratic personalities, he works to maintain a close, almost personal, relationship with his supporters. Chavez used to give frequent, rambling addresses to Venezuelans (I think he had a Sunday talk show where he would go on for up to 8 hours at a time). Trump does the same thing by constant "Truthing" or "Tweeting". It's all fucking nonsense but he keeps their brains in System 1 and focused on what they believe is his fight for them. Or his vicariously-felt injustices ("They are trying to put me in prison!") and slights ("I know all the best words!").

Hulk Hogan ripping his shirt off at the convention or an utterly unmusical guitar lick from Ted Nugent will keep you in System 1 too.

I don't understand anything about mechanisms of "brain washing" but it was interesting to listen to the podcast all the same. Maybe what I see him doing is basically brain washing. I don't know.

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I think you're onto something, Patrick. It's all about the amygdala at the expense of the frontal cortex.

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NLP as the 'pedia notes is not any more real than homeopathy as a therapy but it does offer communications strategies. It sounds to me like the psychobabble version of New Age creative visualization. We all know the Trump family was close to Norman Vincent Peale and Trump may have gotten his own variety of the schtick from Peale's The Power of Positive Thinking. You can see it operative in the way Trump justifies himself so much more successfully than other political grifters.

Take, for instance, Mark Robinson's denial of his comically lurid posts on a porn site. He may not be pushed off the ballot, but his candidacy will not survive this scandal. I mean, it's one thing to say that some people need killin'. Quite another to say that you're a black Nazi who'd like to own some slaves ;)

He denied this the way your typical sociopathic politician would deny it. The way George Santos would deny it. He looked straight into the camera, bursting with confidence, and lied to his constituents. He called it an oppo dump by his opponent (it was a carefully researched K-File investigation that sussed out the identity of his nom-de-porn) because Josh Stein is "desperate" and doesn't want to talk about the issues but rather "tabloid trash." When Stein is up in the polls ;)

And he topped it off with an exquisite flourish, likening himself to Clarence Thomas who endured a "high-tech lynching" in his confirmation. Hint to Mark: You ain't gonna win friends and influence people these days by likening yourself to Clarence Thomas for _any_ reason; that ship has sailed, LOL

What Trump does, much differently, is that he implicates his audience. That's the link to what I've gathered to be neuro-linguistic programming (or creative visualization or positive thinking).

If it were Trump instead of Mark, first, he'd launch a broadside attack on the Fake News Media for even reporting it. He'd doubtless personally attack Josh Stein for even imagining he'd have the character to use something like this against Trump. And he might well scoff at the very idea that a mac daddy like himself would ever feel the need to visit a porn site. But what he _wouldn't_ do, unlike Mark Robinson, is to pretend to his audience that he simply doesn't have the character to say such disgusting things.

And _that_ is what his superfans mistake as his "honesty" and his "telling it like it is." He implicates his audience because he knows that these are the things that they wish they could get away with saying.

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Earlier this evening I heard a fellow on the news saying that Trump likes to gaslight? To me, that means he likes to lie. According to Hassan that is what woke him up, that Son Young Moon was a liar. Instead of saying gas light we need to say liar! And we need to quit referring to them as Republicans and start calling them rethuglicans. And quit calling them conservatives when they are fascists. We are lying when we call them phony names. They need to be called what they are now not what they used to be, in my humble opinion? I'm sure that, there are more examples, we have to try to snap these bird brains out of it! We could also ask them if they believe "thou shalt not bear false witness", or"It t is easier to fit through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God", or ask them to paraphrase, "The sermon on the Mount". I'm not religious and abhore religious indoctrination. Good luck all!

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I agree with every word you wrote. We all know it is much easier to bring religious people into a cult because they are already been taught to believe a “leader” & to believe fantastical things that can’t be proven

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Very engaging especially about how to reason with someone

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The MAGA heads are working out the authoritarian playbook. It is precisely what has happened in other countries.

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Steven Hassan sounded a little fringy. He's not wrong that there's a cult-like aspect to MAGA and Trumpism, but the mechanism might not be quite the way he describes it.

Here's a different take on the neurolinguistic programming he claims is the glue that holds Trump's cult together:

"Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is a pseudoscientific approach to communication, personal development and psychotherapy, that first appeared in Richard Bandler and John Grinder's 1975 book The Structure of Magic I. NLP asserts that there is a connection between neurological processes, language and acquired behavioral patterns, and that these can be changed to achieve specific goals in life.[1][2] According to Bandler and Grinder, NLP can treat problems such as phobias, depression, tic disorders, psychosomatic illnesses, near-sightedness,[a] allergy, the common cold,[a] and learning disorders,[3][4] often in a single session. They also say that NLP can model the skills of exceptional people, allowing anyone to acquire them.[5][b]

NLP has been adopted by some hypnotherapists as well as by companies that run seminars marketed as leadership training to businesses and government agencies.[6][7]

There is no scientific evidence supporting the claims made by NLP advocates, and it has been called a pseudoscience.[8][9][10] Scientific reviews have shown that NLP is based on outdated metaphors of the brain's inner workings that are inconsistent with current neurological theory, and that NLP contains numerous factual errors.[7][11] Reviews also found that research that favored NLP contained significant methodological flaws, and that there were three times as many studies of a much higher quality that failed to reproduce the claims made by Bandler, Grinder, and other NLP practitioners.[9][10"


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NLP probably hasn't really been studied thoroughly in scientific, controlled settings, partially because of ethical considerations. It has, however, been demonstrated extensively in "the field," in its very simplest and most effective way, brainwashing.

Stripping people of their defenses and pushing a different set of beliefs is used in numerous interrogation techniques, and religious and pseudo-religious settings, like cults around the world. It takes time and resources, or a gullible audience, such as people who are preprogrammed via fundamental religion or other types of severe authoritarianism.

This isn't an American phenomenon, it's a global one, and well-known in circles with questionable ethics.

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It's pseudoscientific as a therapy, but that's not the context that Rick and Stephen Hassan are referring to. NLP is also a manipulative communications strategy that has directly influenced Anthony Robbins and other so-called motivational speakers and self-help grifters.

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I hear t monster going down with Diddy. Anyone else hear that? Not that it will matter.

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I've already seen 4-5 pictures of them together, at various events & on his plane. Or someone's plane... Was Ditty on Epstein's list? Trump said he's never met him. And later that he doesn't Think he's ever met him.

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🤭 it doesn’t matter what he says, EVER! Even if video or recording. He cannot tell the truth. He doesn’t know the difference between fact and fiction.

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I feel lucky to get 8 minutes worth of real news out of a half hour mainstream media news

half hour nowadays!

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Hello Rick , I sent this text to Reed Galen as well . Are you able to help us get out the word far and wide to promote our

“ Feedom Rally To Save Democracy “

See the information below .

Also Rick on our Facebook Group Page

( on Facebook Search “ Freedom March To Save Democracy “) there is a link to all the Democratic Party Headquarters of every state in the nation.

With that link ,average Democracy Loving Americans , in every major city in the nation can contact their Democratic representatives to ask for help to organize Rallies for Democracy in all their cities on that same Saturday 10/5/24

If we can make that happen it would make a huge impact and statement nationally and internationally.

Are you able to help us get this information out far and wide ?

Thank you Rick

Ron B.

Hello All, a huge Rally To Save Democracy is being planned for Saturday October 5th , 2024 at the Lincoln Memorial in the National Mall from 10AM to 4PM. This date is exactly one month away from the main Presidential Election.

We NEED to protect the rights of our women and LGBTQ communities, and others . At the DNC convention, Michelle Obama gave us the JOB to do "SOMETHING", and organizing a massive Rally For Democracy in DC on 10/5/2024 is us doing “ SOMETHING “.

Our grass roots group to help Save Democracy, has established a Facebook Group Page to help promote a huge Freedom Rally To Save Democracy in Washington DC as stated above .

Our Facebook Group can be found by searching FB :

“ Freedom March To Save Democracy “

We have also created a small website for the freedom and democracy rally as well.There is a bit more information on this website.

www.freedomrallytosavedemocracy.com Where you can leave a message.

They had rallies in the 60s for racial equality and rallies in the 70s for women’s rights and we think saving democracy is just as important and maybe even more important. Trying to save our democracy deserves a rally to show we support and will fight for our democracy, freedoms and rights.

We feel , if this rally for democracy catches on, it will spread like wildfire, and possibly 100,000 to 200,000 democracy loving Americans could attend this event. This would be a huge historic rally at this critical point in our country. We need to keep up the enthusiasm , hope and excitement that is being seen at Kamala and Tim’s rallies, and getting bigger.

It would be great to see 100,000 to 200,000 Democracy Loving Americans at the Lincoln Memorial coming together as a way to show the nation and the world that most Americans will fight to save our democracy and freedoms.

In the 248 years of our Democratic Nation, countless men and women have made the ultimate sacrifice and have died fighting to preserve our democracy. Now it is our turn to save our democracy and our personal freedoms.

This would be a huge effort and we are hoping that President Biden and his administration, and the Harris /Walz Campaign team would be able to help with this historic rally to Save Democracy .

A stage could be set up on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial where motivational , democratic speeches could be made by President Biden, Kamala, Tim , the Obama’s, celebrities and others .

Once we get out the word and advertise this Rally for Democracy widely , I think there would be a huge ground swell of support and enthusiasm from the general public who would love to be part of this historic event.

We have to show Trump , the MAGA Cult , the GOP and especially those people who want to put in place Project 2025 (that would decimate our Democracy and our basic rights), that we are not going back and we are NOT going to stand for this Authoritarian future at all .

Project 2025 will be devastating to women and the rights to their own bodies. Their plan in this manifesto would roll back the rights of our LGBTQ communities, eliminate help to minorities who want to move forward, and negatively impact most Americans.

We are not going back and are not going to accept this dystopian, authoritarian future without a hell of a fight to save our democracy. Their plans to overthrow our current democratic government and change it into an authoritarian dictatorship, where democracy is decimated ,is too horrific to even contemplate.

We have to try to do something to prevent this at all costs. If there is any way you can help us get the word out to promote ( and even attend ) this rally .....Democracy and America will thank you.

If democracy loving people can copy , cut and post this important information in many places, that would be great

It would also be great to have the Democratic Parties in all the major cities and communities in the United States on the same Saturday 10/5/2024 that would make a huge statement and would gain national and international attention.

This could be / and will be one of the most important days in our country. Millions of Americans who Love Democracy and Freedom coming together as one nation would help us Save our Democracy and Freedoms and will help get out the vote . Just think of what it would mean if Kamala , Tim , Pres Biden , Barrack and Michelle Obama , and many other politicians and celebrities could give speeches on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial?

It would absolutely be Historic, memorable and the American thing to do . I only hope President Biden and Kamala and Tim can help us get this together and get it done on Saturday 10/5/2024

If not now ……when would we have a better chance before the November 2024 election to show our absolute love our our country and love of our precious democracy and freedoms?

Thank you.

From the Team at Freedom Rally to Save Democracy.

Ron and Lisa Amin’s on our FB Group Site “ Freedom March To Save Democracy “

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Thank you very much PJ for sharing this information far and wide . You can re- post this ( updated text ) with the Link to all the Democratic Party Headquarters on the sites you have done already and forward it to friends around the country. We have two weeks to get this done. Not everyone can come to DC, but people can step up , contact their State and Local Democratic representatives to ask them for help in organizing Rallies for Democracy on 10/5/24 in all the major cities in their states.

Updated Information:

Our Group is planning a Freedom Rally To Save Our Democracy and Freedom on Saturday 10/5/2024 in Washington DC at the Lincoln Memorial in the National Mall from 10AM-4PM.

There is a lot of interest from Democracy Loving Americans who are planning to attend these rallies.

We have to do “SOMETHING “ to help Save our Democracy. At the DNC convention Michelle Omaha told us to “ DO SOMETHING “ , this is us ,as Americans who want to save our Democracy and Freedom, doing “ SOMETHING “.

We also hope that sister Rallies for Democracy can be planned in all the other major cities and communities on that same

Saturday 10/5/24 as well . This would make a huge statement to the nation and world that MOST Americans will fight to Save their Democracy and Freedom.

There is a link to ALL the Democratic Party Headquarters in every State . More info is at the bottom of this very important information, our Democracy and Freedoms are at real risk. This is actually one of the most important times in our nation’s history and for most Americans.( It should be all Americans , but millions have been brainwashed and lied to since 2015, so they now believe anything Trump says . It’s a cult mentality that will need to be brought back to reality).

Let’s make Saturday 10/5/2024 a historic day that most Americans stood up and said “hell no “ we are NOT GOING BACK. We are NOT going to let our democratic nation turn into a dystopian, dictatorial, authoritarian country…

Is there a way we can forward this text to the Harris /Walz Campaign and to President Biden as well ?

Is there anyone out there that can get this information to the Harris /Walz Campaign or to President Biden ?

We sure can use their help to put on this rally, or we will do it ourselves. There are hundreds of thousands to millions of Americans who would rally on this day if the word got out . There is still time before Sat 10/5/24 to promote this rally and to have Democratic Leaders in all the major cities in the US to plan rallies on that Saturday as well .

We are just moving ahead to get this done , as this is a very critical time in the 248 years of our Democratic History.

In the past 248 years of our Democratic Nation , countless men and women have made the ultimate sacrifice and have died protecting our democracy. Now it’s our turn to stand up and fight for our democracy and freedoms.

Saving our Democracy and Freedoms is too important and most Americans know this .

I would be happy to talk to Kamala , Tim or President Biden as well .

If people knew about these rallies , I KNOW millions of Americans would attend .

Some information will be repeated in the following text , but it’s good to reinforce the message…..

Hello all, a huge Rally To Save Democracy is being planned for Saturday October 5th , 2024 at the Lincoln Memorial in the National Mall from 10AM to 4PM. This date is exactly one month away from the main Presidential Election.

We NEED to protect the rights of our women and LGBTQ communities, and others . At the DNC convention, Michelle Obama gave us the JOB to do "SOMETHING", and organizing a massive Rally For Democracy in DC on 10/5/2024 is us doing “ SOMETHING “.

Our grass roots group to help Save Democracy, has established a Facebook Group Page to help promote a huge Freedom Rally To Save Democracy in Washington DC as stated above .

Our Facebook Group can be found by searching FB :

“ Freedom March To Save Democracy “

We have also created a small website for the freedom and democracy rally as well.There is a bit more information on this website.

www.freedomrallytosavedemocracy.com Where you can leave a message.

They had rallies in the 60s for racial equality and rallies in the 70s for women’s rights and we think saving democracy is just as important and maybe even more important. Trying to save our democracy deserves a rally to show we support and will fight for our democracy, freedoms and rights.

We feel , if this rally for democracy catches on, it will spread like wildfire, and possibly 100,000 to 200,000 democracy loving Americans could attend this event. This would be a huge historic rally at this critical point in our country. We need to keep up the enthusiasm , hope and excitement that is being seen at Kamala and Tim’s rallies, and getting bigger.

It would be great to see 100,000 to 200,000 Democracy Loving Americans at the Lincoln Memorial coming together as a way to show the nation and the world that most Americans will fight to save our democracy and freedoms.

In the 248 years of our Democratic Nation, countless men and women have made the ultimate sacrifice and have died fighting to preserve our democracy. Now it is our turn to save our democracy and our personal freedoms.

This would be a huge effort and we are hoping that President Biden and his administration, and the Harris /Walz Campaign team would be able to help with this historic rally to Save Democracy .

A stage could be set up on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial where motivational , democratic speeches could be made by President Biden, Kamala, Tim , the Obama’s, celebrities and others .

If not , we will rally together as Democracy Loving Americans standing up for our democratic nation …

Once we get out the word and advertise this Rally for Democracy widely , I think there would be a huge ground swell of support and enthusiasm from the general public who would love to be part of this historic event.

We have to show Trump , the MAGA Cult , the GOP and especially those people who want to put in place Project 2025 (that would decimate our Democracy and our basic rights), that we are NOT going back and we are NOT going to stand for Dictatorial , Authoritarian future at all .

Project 2025 will be devastating to women and the rights to their own bodies. Their plan in this manifesto would roll back the rights of our LGBTQ communities, eliminate help to minorities who want to move forward, and negatively impact most Americans.

We are not going back and are not going to accept this dystopian, authoritarian future without a hell of a fight to save our democracy. Their plans to overthrow our current democratic government and change it into an authoritarian dictatorship, where democracy is decimated ,is too horrific to even contemplate.

We have to try to do something to prevent this at all costs. If there is any way everyone can help us get the word out to promote ( and even attend ) these rallies in DC and around the country….Democracy and America will thank you.

If democracy loving people can copy , cut and post this important information in many places, that would be great. Any ideas can be posted on the Rally for Democracy website.


It would also be great to have the Democratic Parties in all the major cities and communities in the United States on the same Saturday 10/5/2024 that would make a huge statement and would gain national and international attention.

This could be / and will be one of the most important days in our country. Millions of Americans who Love Democracy and Freedom coming together as one nation would help us Save our Democracy and Freedoms and will help get out the vote . Just think of what it would mean if Kamala , Tim , Pres Biden , Barrack and Michelle Obama , and many other politicians and celebrities could give speeches on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial?

It would absolutely be Historic, memorable and the American thing to do . I only hope President Biden and Kamala and Tim can help us get this together and get it done on Saturday 10/5/2024, if not we will rally together for Democracy ourselves…

If not now ……when would we have a better chance before the November 2024 election to show our absolute love our country and love of our precious democracy .

Here is the link to all the Democratic Party Headquarters in all the United States.


People can call their state and local Democratic Party representatives to ask them to help you organize a Rally for Democracy in all the states major cities. These rallies need to be on

the same Saturday as the DC Rally on

Saturday 10/5/24 from 10AM-4PM

No one person can do this alone , Americans who want to save our Democracy and Freedom need to take the bull by the horns and make the effort to get these Rallies planned in all the major cities.

OMG what a statement to Save Democracy and Freedom it would be to have a massive country wide rallies on that same day .

It will be historic.

So please get the word out to everyone you knot , we need all the help we can get.

Yuh can tell your grandchildren that you were there to stand up for Democracy and Freedom on Saturday 10/5/2024, and you have the photos and videos to prove it .

Let’s make it happen people ….

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That is wonderful PJ. What I will do is post our update information. It includes a link to ALL the Democratic Party Headquarters in Every State. I think it would be a great idea to have Rallies to Save our Democracy and Freedom in all the major US cities on that Same Saturday 10/5/24. To have millions of Democracy Loving Americans come together on that Saturday across the country would be a huge statement that

MOST Americans will fight to save their Democracy, basic rights and freedoms.

Do join our Facebook Group , search

“ Feedom March To Save Democracy @

Our small website with additional information is at :


I will next copy , cut and paste our updated information next .

And thank you again PJ for wanting to save democracy

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Thank you for the info. I did share your entire comment to Threads, FB, & X or Twitter if you prefer

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Thank you Abraham, much appreciated. Please copy , cut and post elsewhere, American Democracy thanks you …


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thanks for your hard work to save America from Trump's neo-fascist terror.

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Has anybody considered what happens if the Republikkkans shut down the government, don't pass the CR before the election, and coordinate a few dozen Springfields across the US?

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It could make a horrible mess, perhaps delay the election??

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it's the fascist playbook right out loud: stir people up with lies (name your conspiracy theory), give them scapegoats to hate (add Haitians to the list), use fear and intimidation (Springfield Ohio), use violence (Jan.6).

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MAGA is nothing but a CULT. They assign supernatural qualities to Trump.

To them, Trump is INFALLIBLE, all things that he does - and has ever done - are PERFECT.

Just a reminder that if you go to church and your pastor compares Donald Trump to Jesus Christ, you officially belong to a cult. 🤣

Can't wait to celebrate Harris victory wearing this funny t-shirt on November 5th! 👇


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Rick, I wish you could get Project 2025 in front of Union voters and Social Security recipients. Where’s AARP when you need them?

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Biden saved union pensions, and now union members support Trump?

Too many Americans suffers from mental illness.

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Both scary, but I’m grateful for the adults in the rooms.

I wrote about my moron MAGA cousin. I think it’s funny. https://open.substack.com/pub/swardandplume/p/dear-lord-santa?r=2k3qfj&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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