A productive member of society, for starters. He looks great! It does not appear he has future designs on the job of President. It appears this man is prepared to dutifully serve the UNITED States of America, under the future 47th President of the United States of America

Kamala D. Harris!!!

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Excellent Pick. Now let’s just make sure that the whole convention is about bread and butter issues.

Overtime pay is tax fee.

This will be a walk off home run.

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Trae "The Liberal Redneck" Crowder is over the moon at the Walz pick:


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Aug 7·edited Aug 7

I was a Josh Shapiro fan, but I think Tim Walz is also fantastic. I would like the Democrats to spend more time talking about how important it is to flip the HOUSE and keep the SENATE. Too many people don't pay attention and only focus on the Presidential race. We need to be talking a lot more about the HOUSE under Mike Johnson! We will not be able to accomplish much if we have Republicans running Congress! Please push that message out! Thank you Rick for inspiring so many of us to get involved!!

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J.D. Vance is the Blake Masters of Vice President nominees. Strange and weird. Venture capitalists of his ilk are in a self absorbed cocoon of dystopian fantasy of being “correct” about everything— because they have (apparently) too much money.

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Aug 7·edited Aug 7

Rick might be my favorite never trumper. I like his perspective. He doesn’t included the shit that has turned me off from Bulwark. That crew may be Never Trumper but they would rather scold Dems for not following their advice, not too much different than scolding of Dems they did when still trying to promote the GOP in the past. Rick doesn’t ever really turn this liberal off. Thanks for the article.

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Tim Waltz is also a cat dad.

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Love love love

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I feel the happy energy again, like being on solid ground! Let’s just keep it going

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I'm very excited about the Harris/Walz ticket and have every faith they will win the election. What I am worried about is the rigging of state electors and manipulating the votes. MAGA has spent the last 4 years nestling their operatives in place to throw the election to the courts (thank you Rachel Maddow for the heads up).

Project 2025 is alive and well and most Americans are just noticing what it is. MAGA might be denying it but it's already started to operate and we "normies" don't know how to stop it. Just imagine we have another disputed election and the results wind up going to Congress or the Supreme Court. What do you think will happen? It seems people have forgotten about Roger Stone and the Brooks Brothers riot in Florida. He's still around. He's still plotting. He's still a rotten SOB. And he's still going to try to f**k up this election.

Kamala Harris made an excellent choice in Tim Walz and I believe they will win this election. But I'm just worried that the election is already being stolen.

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Now we have the mensch and the coach. Those of us whose dads went part or all MAGA needed this.

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Relieved I can put my Real Estate shopping in Malta on hold

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Relieved I can put my suicide plan on hold.

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Well, the photo you incorporated into the start of you column just locked up the 'childless cat lady' vote for Harris/Walz! 'Get back Chonky Cat'...I can hear Elton singin,,,er, meowing that now....

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I'm hoping for a future where the only time I see Trump is in a courtroom sketch.

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and a very smudged sketch at that....

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As a woman with a belly laugh, I appreciate the most people who let my laugh fill the room!! Kamala can be her enthusiastic, joyful self and they can fill a room with joy!! I'd love to hear the walls of the White House sing!!!

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