My medical records were infiltrated as per official notification from our officials. The information points to a weak immune function and the weekend brought the total number of people deliberately coughing into my personal space to seven. I have somehow landed in the younger pro riversea creatures radar. To have five young men enter The Folly where I was enjoying Irish fare and stand behind me and cough and scurry around to the exit was cowardly enough. The woman at DSW slowly snail trailing with her mask on her wrist stopped long enough to hack on me. And the confused supporter pale as a whale belly hacking at me fist a foot away from his diseased mouth. As a reminder we have laws that are designed to protect and iterate it is a crime to deliberately spread communicable disease. The police wake me up with drones most mornings. The gang stalkers slam glass around and mill about at 6am. The airhorns blast, weirdos threaten me on the trains. For why? Because the idiots collude for our enemies. I chose to support our Constitution. I support Ukraine, Taiwan and Israel. I pray for the civilians in Gaza. I am never going to support Mike Johnson and his corrupt attempts to stop us from helping our allies. I am going to check on my booster. Slava Ukraine

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When I "heart" your Substack picture, it automatically winds up on my FB. Is that your preference or does advertising work best when it's subliminal. (I'm a tad concrete sometimes.)

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We are doing something correct. The RU GangStalkers sent a troll to trip me on my coffee run about an hour ago. One of the neighborhood chefs saw it happen and was pretty shocked. She is really short, stout and bleached. How a 20 year old is jealous of a mature disabled chronically I’ll person is astonishing. As a former swimmer, dancer and athlete adventurer if you want what I have you too will need anemia busted spine and 35 more years. tfg is well loved by magarus. The mental health of his followers is concerning. The mental state of violence and thieves are a terrible look. Vote

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The only acceptable Nazi is Liz Lemon as Ralph in her high school production of The Sound of Music. Or Tony St. Clair as Ralph at my HS. I was a nun. We borrowed real habits from the Benedictine Sisters in Mt. Angel. Support the arts. Climb every mountain 🏔️✨🎭

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I finally got a minute to get to the breakdown. Totally fell out laughing over Trump’s electile dysfunction. Electile dysfunction is destined to become a classic.

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Yeah, I remember saying that. Glad it went somewhere!

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CPAC in 100 seconds is the scariest 100 seconds in American history.

Hitler laid it all out in Mein Kamph, said I'm gonna do all this, and he did all this (tried to).

Trumpism laid it all out at CPAC - and if they get in, they'll do it.

That's what I call a "hate-fest". And they've got their "All American Alpha Man" in Trump.

I've spent a year and a half writing posts about all this in "Neo-Fascism: A Warning"

And they just said it all out loud at CPAC.

Wake up America, before it's too late.

The most insightful (and most frightening) words written in the last few years was Tim Snyder's comment (in On Tyranny) that "any election can be the last."

All you 3rd party and protest voters, think on that, before you open the door to Trump and company.

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All excellent. Watching the wingnuts at CPAC fully creeped me out. They aren’t even vaguely suave evil or clever evil, like TV or movie villains. They are just weird, slimy evil. I don’t understand how they attract support. They are so unbelievably weird.

My favorite is the Heroes video. The juxtaposition of the honorable General Milley with the gutless, draft dodging, election interfering, insurrection fomenting former occupant of the White House was brilliant, as was the choice of closing with Milley’s words.

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I'm not the target demo for the Heroes ad and Reagan was only used in one scene, but I wonder about the Democrats and Independents unenthusiastic about Biden for whom Ronald Reagan triggers the gag reflex. I'm hoping Rick's and his fellow Never Trumpers' boundless affection for The Gipper didn't get in the way of the script. But again, I am no judge here.

I don't have Reagan heroically calling to tear down the Wall as a cherished memory. I rather recall Reagan bullying Grenada and calling the Nicaraguan Contra death squads "the moral equivalent of our Founding Fathers," then sheepishly and weakly admitting in a press conference that he _did_ trade arms for hostages, clearly suffering in his second term from the onset of Alzheimer's. I think of Jeanne Kirkpatrick's vacuous and immoral distinction between "authoritarian" and "totalitarian" regimes which lends Republicans no credibility in opposing authoritarians. I think of Robert Gates lying to Congress about a massive Soviet military buildup when the Soviets just had their asses handed to them in Afghanistan. I think of Reagan getting credit for the collapse of a rotting system that would have collapsed on its own.

Again, I'm not the target audience; I'm a lifelong Zappa fan. The Reagan clip is only at the beginning of the ad. But Frank Zappa loathed Ronald Reagan with the fire of 1000 suns.

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FWIW, I despise Reagan for all the reasons you listed and more. That’s part of why I feel like the ad works so well. If I can go from a visceral NOPE to considering the ad worthwhile, it hits across political ideologies, which is, I believe, what LP is trying to do.

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Sure, MG, and I also hope the ad will bridge the ideological divide. But here's my fear: Reaganism is no longer a potent force in the body politic, save for the shrinking cadre of conservatives and wistful ex-Republicans who remember the party as it used to be (and who happen to be my favorite commentators and podcasters). It's decayed into zombie Reaganism. I've talked about this here and in my own Substack, but the blame should be lain firmly at the feet of George W. Bush.

His two unnecessary wars and unsuccessful attempts at nation building have given the US a foreign policy black eye we have yet to recover from. The vision of America striding the free world with hard power dominance took a massive hit from Iraq and Afghanistan. If we hadn't invaded Iraq over something it didn't do and tried to occupy Afghanistan for ten years, no one would blink an eye at helping Ukraine.

And that's what galls me to death. Republican hawks made aiding a fledgling democracy in desperate need of our support so difficult for rank-and-file Republicans.

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Such Fun And Scary!

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Has anyone seen those pics of Ivanka as a young teen? The bumpy nose, the regular sized rack and lips? A little gawky, but a totally normal teenager. Trump apparently forced her to have work done as a late teen so she could have a career as a runway model. Which counts, IMO, as child abuse. So Trump's whole "I have the perfectly hot daughter" routine has a sinister Henry Higgins vibe, as if the creepy incest implications weren't bad enough. To be a fly on her therapist's wall ...

Ivanka has disowned herself from the family, having escaped from the fraud lawsuit by the proverbial skin of her teeth in the form of the statute of limitations. She hasn't been seen anywhere near her father in years, not that it's helped her rejoin polite society. Speaking of not being seen anywhere near her father, Melania has been AWOL since last election, with her own separate luxury apartment and an updated prenup. I'll take the under on whether we'll see her at all on the campaign trail this time.

With Trump's distaff side relations in shambles, in a few short months will strut in Stormy Daniels. Her testimony on the stand will be mechanical and not lurid, but Stormy is Stormy and the NY tabloids are the NY tabloids. Trump's Mushroom-Shaped Choad will take center stage once again in all its tiny, imperfectly functioning glory. Rick's Impotence ad is an evil way of saying enjoy the show, Donald ;)

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Love the hero one

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Rick shows us so we don't have to get sick watching on our own.

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So, THAT is what CPAC is like, sheesh...crazy enough for you or what?

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It's like the LP folks have moved to a whole new paradigm of ads: micro-targeted, and Rapid Deployment. And cheap as a result. Compared to all those "Congressman Woolfardisworthy once voted for safety belts. Why does he hate America? Woolfardisworthy: wrong on safety belts and wrong for America" dinosaurs you guys are ahead of the curve. How long before the rest catches up?

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Rick, between you guys at LP and Taylor Swift, I'm feeling some much-needed optimism. Thanks

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Great videos! Thanks, Rick, or should we call you "Grandpa" (congratulations!)

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You and your team are indispensable, Rick. I love that you had the words of General Mark Milley close out the first video.

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