Hopefully Elon gets murdered in Americas version of Night of the long knives.

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That Nazi salute (and yes, Rick, that's what it was), gets F-Elon three years in prison in Germany.

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what if having the ceremony inside the rotunda was not about the cold but about Trump wanting everyone to know that only the "most important" people to him were being allowed to be in his presence? His inner circle of billionaires are, of course, the only people he will listen and cater to.

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Thank the gods and goddesses you didn’t lose your voice in written form, Lord of The Word. This is darkly hilarious. My kind of humor. [Editor’s note: I will heretofore be using the acronym GAG for gods and goddesses because it’s funny and The Universe is making me gag due to the level of stupidity we’re currently experiencing.]

Trifurcate is a good word, but the audio reader said it like “tri-fur-KETT”. Very disturbing.

“… and maybe the entire Book of Revelation tossed in for fun.” You may as well throw in Deuteronomy for good measure, she said grumbling in her tent, “The Lord hates us.” Oy vey.

Once upon a time, I hiked to Pameila Lake in the Mount Jefferson Wilderness. The ground was covered with a gazillion tiny frogs. If we get those little creatures, I’d be fine with that. Instead we’ll get a massive shitstorm of bullfrogs, loudly cheering Mr. Toad’s Wild Administration Ride 🐸

P.S. “Ladies and gentlemen, strap yourselves in.” My dad installed seatbelts in our car in 1964. That’s love.

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"...and anyone else who doesn’t greet him with a 21-gun salute and kneepads."

Looks like the flu is gone. 😌 Just in time.

General Early Cuyler is BACK, babies! I can't help hearing the echoes of The Beverly Hillbillies theme song whenever I see the collection of morons and misfits that surround Early whenever he appears.

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Like vultures they are, waiting for the first tearing of the flesh so they can swoop down and carry off their pounds of flesh from the rotting carcass of the Republic. Venal, cowardly things.

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Much appreciated. Keep the flame going.

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Rick et al… Nothing haas changed since 2017. The only success he had then was to sneak the Tax Cut and Jobs Act (TCJA) into a barrage of executive orders to Congress for a Budget Reconciliation bill. TCJA other wise know as the Rich get Richer and No Jobs Will Be Made Act was the only major legislation passed in his last term. The gist of TCJA was to cut income taxes for the Uber Rich from 35% to 21% and cost taxpayers Trillions of dollars, which Biden had been able to mitigate with his Infrastructure, Chips, etc. bills. (Trump also has a mandate to kill these (reckless spending)

Everyone please recognize that Trump and Friends will throw smoke bombs to hide true intentions. Pressure, I mean a full court, your Congressional delegation to kill TCJA and return the tax for the Uber Rich and Mega-Corps to 35% (Should be 39%).

Please have a look at this Yale University Model to understand how TCJA will increase national debt over the course of a decade:


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Amen brother.

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There are many angels above you Rick. They will never leave you.

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Boy! Did I need a laugh today. Then I came across this! I couldn't stop laughing for 10 minutes.



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Yikes. This is supposed to be funny?

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The way he went on and on and on about the shape of all kinds of mountains in all kinds of places felt to me like he was pulling drumpf's leg. I've been to a lot of Black churches here in the South, and listened to a lot of prayers and sermons by Black preachers, but never have I heard anything even close to this! I couldn't help but think this was (at the least) a tug on dtrumpf's coattails. The faces of the people behind drumpf were fascinating to watch. J.D. kept his fist tightly closed and his eyes down at all times. muskrat, probably unsurprisingly, lasted maybe a minute (?) but that ketamine was kickin' in and he just couldn't stay still any longer. drumpf managed to hold it together -- even though we all know that he can't stand Black people (or migrants), but of course he had to. Anyway, that "winning by a -- MILLIMETER!" was certainly no compliment IMHO!

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I read the millimeter remark as a reference to Trump's assassination attempt. I found nothing ironic in that speech at all. I don't have a lot of personal experience with the black church but I'm an American studies guy and I'm aware of the history; that was the standard cadences and litany of metaphors. The reference to Dr. King's speech was particularly offensive, because that's been conservative code for opposing Affirmative Action for decades. You've gotta appreciate the deep conservatism of most evangelical denominations. There's even a grotesque strain of materialism in the so-called prosperity gospel, creatures like Creflo Dollar thinking it's his god-given right for his mostly poor congregants to tithe to him so he can afford his Gulfstream jet. See, because if you give all your savings to him, then God will somehow get it all back to you with interest.

I saw this kid as a standard-issue black prosperity gospel preacher. Disgusting.

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Oh. I thought he was referring to how close the election was. You're right. Shucks. As for the disgusting anti-Christian "prosperity gospel": a "strain" of materialism? That's ALL it is, as far as I've been able to discern. It is the total opposite of everything Jesus ever taught! I was seeing that "benediction" from a different angle than you are. Thanks for sharing your insights. (I still think it's funny how all of those white people were forced to stand there and listen to a Black preacher "shout". My Goddaughter told me that's what it's called. She says that it means "the Holy Spirit is surely upon you now.")

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The Pentecostal strain in evangelicalism is particularly dangerous. They were pre-millenarian cultural pessimists who never voted because the End Times were upon us until Pat Robertson lit a fire under them. Now Pentecostalism is all over the faith healers and prosperity gospel grifters. It's in Paula White's creepy tongue speaking and "angels dispatched from Africa now." Pentecostals believe in the concrete reality of the spiritual ream, in demon possession and "spiritual warfare." They're knee-deep in the current theocratic movement.

If anyone tells you that the Holy Spirit is upon them ... run.

As an agnostic, I lack standing to tell Christians what they should or shouldn't believe. If enough of them believe it and call it Christian, then it's Christian. The message of Jesus has been in the thralls of distortion ever since Paul the Apostle took his teachings around to the merchant communities of the Levant.

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"If enough of them believe it and call it Christian, then it's Christian." Yup, that's what they want everybody to think. But all that matters are things that Jesus said. Of course, that is in dispute as well. Only Mark lived contemporaneously with Jesus. He reported several -- or more --miracles performed by Jesus. However, what he reports as the verbal part tends to focus on the mystical: Jesus as an avatar of God, and Jesus's reason for being on earth -- including need for belief, crucifixion, and salvation. Mark did, however, also report what I consider to be the most important words (also most important in Buddhism): "Love your neighbor as yourself."

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Thank you so much Rick, I started following many years ago and caught as many live feeds with LP and Tara as the most honest and insightful analyst with humor and the truth. My journalism motto has always been follow the truth and that’s what keeps me sane. I’m in this for democracy and all those who physically and energetically fought so hard for our country and to lift her up and defend her. Let’s all hope we again see her shine and thrive 💯👍🏼💙🤍❤️

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Utopian cyber-hippie this is your world now

Utopian cyber-zombie this is your day in the sun

Utopian cyber-hippie shut the door on the way out

Utopian cyber-zombie get that thing out of my face and run

--Free Salamander Exhibit, The Gift (Nils Frykdahl) 2016

So much of this we have to blame on the Internet. Zuckerberg was a college nerd who coded in his spare time and wrote an app so he could ogle pictures of his female classmates. Musk was a South African trust fund brat with a nine-figure emerald fortune. Bezos bought an online bookstore and wanted to finish the job of destroying downtown retailers begun by Wal-Mart and the big-box stores. None of these cretins were geniuses, visionaries or experts in the fields they were soon to take over. They all saw the main chance and were simply there at the right time.

And as a society we not only enabled this, we celebrated it. "Move fast and break things" became the new mantra. Web 2.0 was going to revolutionize our lives, and it has. It brought us closer together than ever before and gave us access to information on a level never before seen in human history. And we all thought this was going to be a triumph of _human liberty._ It was going to break down barriers of class and status. The first prophets of this were _libertarians._ Utopian cyber-hippies, in Nils' parlance.

Thomas Pynchon writes about this with skin crawling prophecy in his novel Bleeding Edge, about the bursting of the first dot com bubble.

Y2K happened, only it wasn't about old computer code.

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Thank you Rick. We need

more warriors like you to take

it to them every step of the

way. There are more of us

than them!

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