He's a sorry-assed piece of shit, not fit to smudge the soles of my shoes. Romney, Bush, et. al. Do the right thing. Your grandchildren will thank you.

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George W. Bush unleashed the greatest foreign policy catastrophe in American history, the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, which nobody to this day can explain how they benefited either the US or the world. They, more than anything else, set the conditions that allowed the GOP to crumble into dust when Trump strode onto the scene. Please, just let the old guy go back to his Bob Ross-grade landscape paintings. An endorsement by him would be the Kiss of Death.

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I think some people might look at Jan 6 and think ‘maybe it’s better to just let him win, if he loses he’s going to unleash violence but if he wins everything will calm down as he focuses on cashing in’

These comments show he’s way more dangerous with power than without power and filled with resentment

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He makes Joe Macarthy look like a liberal extremist

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Here’s a good thought. If TFG calls for violence this time for J6 if he loses, he’s not immune as he’s not the current sitting president. This time Jack smith can go after him for terrorism which hopefully would be an immediate one way trip to Gitmo.

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Thank you for putting out there what has not been a secret for a lot of us. We, who oppose everything this vile traitor and his enablers and supporters do, must destroy the current iteration of the GQP’ and their complicity in destroying our democracy.

Hold them ALL ACCOUNTABLE for their betrayal of America.

Vote Blue No Matter Who

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"The question shook me: I was asked how long I’d stay alive after Trump is sworn in next year. My interlocutor meant well and asked the question with no ill intent." How anyone can fail to see his complete and utter narcissism, his cruelty and sadism, is beyond me. I just returned from seeing "The Apprentice". I am chilled to the bone. This "man" is the essence of Evil.

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We are all becoming witness to (potentially) the most consequential change not only of our lifetimes, but of our grandparent's lifetimes as well. It will be a full reversal of 80 years of progress. It will send an off-the-richter-scale earthquake across the entire planet with unintended consequences that we can't even imagine. No amount of cozying up to world dictators will ensure stability, despite what he claims. They all know he's the GQP's pawn, buffoon. He's a moronic, idiotic, unintelligent, unlearned patsy that is completely impressionable to their insincere compliments and praise, and is completely influenced by very dark horses that exist within the GQP.

He is an existential threat to world order. This is 1933 all over again.

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I’ll be there with you Rick if it happens, but we are going to Win 🦋

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Well written and said Rick. You and others, including myself, will have a lot of “splaining to do”, to paraphrase Lucille Ball. I have alternative plans for getting out of dodge but what can anyone of us do if the likes of Flynn, Bannon and Steve Miller come back inside the Oval Office. Where is Major or Commander when we need them? But those prixxx would probably shoot them. Can anyone turn this MAGA train off the track and derail this train to nowhere. I never heard anything so unpatriotic but was told in my post office today that “he wants to save America”. I laughed hard, wearing my Kamala tee shirt, and said, “I am voting for freedom my way but you do yours.” From the father of a former USN Seal? Made me wonder what the guys fought for because if he’s ever POTUS he’ll slaughter the next team by his foolish hate filled horror show.

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When people have said to me, if Trump wins

We will be moving to a,b, c

you should

come with us!

My first thought is

how do I hold such confidence

that I would even be welcome to enter another country?. With limited resources, and debt, albeit yet serviceable,

I guess we could pick strawberries.

All I can say is I don’t wish to go to Poland. Figuratively or otherwise.

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"I guess we could pick strawberries." Wow! That puts a whole new spin on what immigrants to our country experience. Deeply moving. Thank you for sharing you insight.

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I hope that when Trump's FCC commissioners take the networks' broadcast licenses their employees think about how they treated him like a legitimate candidate instead of what he is.

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Do you really think that the beneficiaries of the corporate media will give a damn? They're only in it for the $$$$$ and they know that the orange-sadist-traitor will cut their taxes. So what do they care?

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Thanks Rick for being the voice of reason, as usual.

Trump has completely ditched any pretense whatsoever (of not outright wanting to be dictator) since a couple of weeks (afaict). That should be immediately disqualifying for anyone who loves this country.

Furthermore, this raises the stakes immensely. If elected, we already know he’s going to try to rule as an authoritarian, that’s a given. But now that he’s actually *saying* what he wants to do, voters will go to the polls *having been warned* about his plans. If they elect him regardless, they would give him a mandate to do all of those things. They would relinquish their own power and terminate the constitution of their own accord.

Authoritarianism was already implicitly on the ballot, but trump just added it in big letters with his dumb, overcompensating sharpie.

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"That should be immediately disqualifying for anyone who loves this country." Absolutely. But I ask you: who's going to bell the cat?

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Rick, you can come stay with me in Canada.

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Ditto. You might have 2 different areas of Canada to stay. If you come to Canada’s capital you’ll need your woolies, hat, mitts and boots. But it is a beautiful city where you will hear French, English and other languages. And of course our beaver tails are de rigueur especially after skating on the world’s longest skating rink, aka the Rideau Canal.

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Rick, I wouldn't be citing Russell Kirk as a beau ideal of your flavor of conservatism. He was the Ur-paleocon who never even mentioned economic issues and the nicest thing he said about you guys is that the classical liberals ought to make common cause with "regular conservatives" like him. Like Ayn Rand, he was a Luddite who despised automobiles, television and "electronic computers" and was close to the top of the horseshoe on your favorite thing, the cold war, as a right-wing peacenik.

So spare us all glowing references to ideologues of social and cultural conservatism, kthxbai.

The only thing he got right was an early warning against the neocons, who I despise but for different reasons (I'm a liberal internationalist, not an isolationist). He was defended by the odious Samuel T. Francis, the racist eminence grise behind Pat Buchanan's campaign.

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Thanks for all you do. And…I’d be interested in the answer to the question. how long will you survive in a second Trump administration?

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In a way this question reminds me of the Ron White joke, about being on a twin-engine plane when the pilot announces they've just lost an engine.

A fellow passenger says, "One engine! How far will that take us?"

White, "All the way to the scene of the crash."

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I’m downright terrified. Trump refers to the “enemy within” but the campaign ads from Trump and Trump endorsed candidates targets me outright. I’m trans. I live in a red state. I just want to live my life without fear of having my healthcare taken away or forced to detransition. I’m also the “enemy within” white family with wealth that opposes everything that he and his party now stands for. I applaud you, Rick, for putting your name and life on the line for the sake of democracy. We certainly don’t agree on all issues but we need to unite against Trump and the fascists

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I feel for you. Never in my 63 years have I ever seen a political ad that actually targets anyone other than the competitor. This is beyond sick. It's reprehensible. If only it was illegal. But in America, it's not. But it may all be too late for that. These are the darkest times I've ever experienced in my lifetime.

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Yes, the darkest.

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